The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 162 Went to Dali Temple Together

Chapter 162 Went to Dali Temple Together

"Alright." Mo Han nodded, the matter will eventually be confessed to the world, so he simply took Zijin over there to meet the Li family.

Mo Han sent a message that he was coming to Dali Temple in the afternoon. Dali Temple Minister and the Li family sisters were waiting at the door early on. There was a large group of people, and the dignity of the people could be seen from this formation.

Although Mo Han was young, she had never participated in government affairs, but her status was there. Except for the empress and princess, she had the final say on how to start the country.What's more, the empress and the dowager doted on her as their lifeblood. Speaking of which, she could be regarded as the most honorable person in this country.

"The ministers welcome the Eighth Highness for a thousand years."

When everyone saw the carriage from the Eighth Prince's Mansion approaching, they knelt on the ground and waited from a distance. When the people in the carriage got out of the carriage, they all shouted Qiansui.

"My lords, you are welcome, get up!" Mo Han said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Everyone got up and looked up, but they saw that Mo Han didn't look at them, but lifted the curtain of the car, and a handsome young man covered with a veil came down from inside. He was wearing a blue dress and a snow-white cloak. He was also wearing a fine red fox fur collar, only showing a pair of watery eyes looking at Mo Han, which made me feel pitiful.

Li Zichen and Li Zijun stood up, walked to the carriage immediately, looked at Zijin eagerly, eyes full of doting.After Zijin glanced at the two of them, he immediately turned his gaze to Mo Han. He didn't know how to face them, but Mo Han stretched out his hand to help him down, and then came to Dali Siqing.

"My lord, please wait here." Mo Han smiled, with a look of indifference that didn't match his age.

"Don't dare, dare not. Your Highness is polite..." Dali Siqing is a woman in her forties, with a shrewd look in her small triangular eyes. She knows that the person in front of her is something she can't afford to offend. offer.

"Is the criminal still honest?" Mo Han asked, with one hand behind his back, while swinging her fan with the other.

"Returning to Your Highness, that bastard has been crying that he is innocent, and that he was also cheated. Not only did he lose his money, but he was also arrested." Dali Siqing wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, can she still I have never seen such a powerful man!
"Cough!" Mo Han pretended to be nonchalant and coughed. If you hear what he did later, you will be surprised!

"Go and bring the guilty husband, and we will interrogate after Li Xiang's wife and husband come over." Mo Han sat on the first chair at the bottom of the lobby, and Zijin stood beside her. Mo Han raised his eyebrows, Dali Temple Qing immediately called for someone to move a chair for Zijin and put it beside Mo Han. Zijin sat down shyly without saying a word.

"Bring the sinner Hu's father and daughter!" Dali Siqing sat on the main seat, and then said to the guards behind him, who immediately took orders to retreat.

"You are wronged! My slave is wronged! My have to be careful! My lord..." Before the Hu family came up, he heard his shouts. It can be said that you have not seen him, but you have heard his voice first. !
Zijin was shocked by Hu's yelling, Mo Han covered his lips with a fan, suppressed his laughter, and secretly reached out and patted him on the head, signaling him not to be afraid. Never seen such a pungent man!

Mrs. Hu and Li Zimeng were pressed up by the guards. At this time, Mrs. Hu was already in a panic, covered in dirt and beyond recognition. Li Zijun looked at his eldest sister with his mouth curled up. Li Zichen didn't expect that it would take less than a day. How did Mr. Hu torture himself into such a state? He is really capable!
Li Zimeng was better than the Hu family, but she was a bit embarrassed, and her clothes were still tidy, she shrank and didn't dare to raise her head, obviously frightened!
"Zichen, Zichen, help me, I'm wronged, I'm wronged!" Hu looked up and saw Li Zichen who was sitting there first, and immediately crawled over and grabbed Li Zichen's clothes, as if It was the last straw that saved life.

"Brave sinner, don't back down!" Seeing Li Zichen's complexion, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple immediately ordered someone to pull Mrs. Hu down, and Mrs. Hu shouted at Li Zichen and Li Zijun with his arms stretched out.

"Prime Minister Li is here..." Just as the Hu family was making a fuss, a notification came from outside the door.

Accompanied by the announcement, Li Xiang stepped into the hall with his left foot, followed by Li Zhengjun and Li Zijin in formal attire.When Zijin saw the two of them, Li Xiang, he straightened up immediately, and his heart was in his throat.Mo Han patted the back of his hand behind him, and whispered in his ear: "Don't be afraid, I have everything!"

Zijin nodded slightly, and the raised heart fell, as if as long as Mo Han was around, he would not be afraid of anything!

"I have met Master Li." Everyone stood up and saluted.

"I met mother, father." Li Zichen and Li Zijun also got up and said.

Only Mo Han was still leaning on the back of the chair and talking to Zijin in a low voice, as if he hadn't seen anyone coming.When Li Zijin saw Mo Han, her eyes lit up, which showed that she didn't look at herself at all, she curled her lips in frustration, and gave Zijin who was next to Mo Han a look. What's wrong with this little servant?How did you get the favor of Eighth Sister?

"I have seen His Highness the Eighth Prince!" Li Xiang and his wife saluted Mo Han again.

"Eighth sister!" Li Zijin also stepped forward and called.

Mo Han didn't respond, just nodded, and then everyone returned to their respective positions.Li Xiang didn't know why Dali Temple asked her to come, but he heard that her side husband Hu Shi made a mistake and offended the eighth princess, and was arrested by Dali Temple.The eighth princess also asked her to bring her husband and son by name. Li Xiang was also at a loss when he saw the scene in front of him. She knew the temper of the third child very well. She couldn't do anything even if she had a hundred guts. How did you get arrested?

"Wife master, wife master, save the slave family, the slave family has been wronged! Huh..." Seeing Li Xiang approaching, Hu finally stopped spitting, but cried aggrievedly.

"Mother... Mother..." When Li Zimeng saw his own mother, he was so frightened that he trembled all over, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Dali Siqing looked at Li Xiang and Mo Han with some embarrassment. She was unlucky enough. One was the left minister with power over the court, and the other was the most favored eighth princess. She could not offend anyone. Get up!
Mo Han just glanced at her, and then Dali Siqing understood the meaning, as long as he handled it impartially, with so many people testifying, no one would take her for granted, right?
"Since everyone is here, Lord Wang can start." Mo Han said without raising his head.

"Brave criminal, what did you and the criminal Li Zimeng trade with someone at Shili Pavilion outside the city yesterday when you were sons? Don't tell me quickly!" Dali Temple Qingwang Dali immediately restrained his expression and said, without anger.

(End of this chapter)

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