The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 171 Huanjun Mingzhu double tears

Chapter 171 Huanjun Mingzhu double tears

"Father, don't do this!" Li Zijun stepped forward to support Li Zhengjun, and then comforted him softly in his ear.

"Zijin, Zijin, please forgive Daddy!" Li Zhengjun didn't care that the eighth princess was still there, he just begged for Zijin's forgiveness.

"I... I don't blame you..." Zijin said with a handkerchief in his hand. Although he was angry that Li Zhengjun had bullied him, he thought that he was doing it for his own son, so he couldn't bear to blame him. If the person is himself, he must do these things for himself. Mo Han is right, he is a good father.

"You... tell me, you don't blame daddy?" Li Zhengjun wiped away tears, came to Zijin excitedly, and asked while holding his hands tightly.

"Hmm..." Zijin tried to pull his hand, but he didn't pull it out, so he let him go too, and just nodded slightly.

"Thank you... Thank you, Zijin!" Li Zhengjun immediately grinned, but his hand gripped Zijin even tighter.

"Zijin, now that the truth has come to light, you can go home with us and let us make up for you." Seeing that Zijin did not reject Li Zhengjun, Li Zichen couldn't help being happy, and immediately struck the railway while it was hot.

"I...I..." Zijin looked at Mo Han hesitantly. Before Mo Han could speak, Li Xiang spoke first. The relationship between people is unusual.

"Zijin, you can go home with your mother! My mother will enter the palace tomorrow to give you justice. Besides, since you are the fiancé of the Eighth Prince, it is not appropriate to live here until you are married. Go home Then let mother and father prepare some dowry for you, and when you grow up, you can marry into the Eight Princes' Palace in a glorious manner, okay?"

If it is said that Zijin was still reluctant before, then Li Xiang's words now are like a big bait, seducing him so much that he has no choice but to agree.

"Okay." Zijin finally couldn't resist the desire to marry Mo Han, so she complied.He knew that if he wanted to marry Mo Han legitimately, he had to go back to Li's residence.

"That's great, that's great..." Seeing Zijin nodding, Li Zhengjun was so happy that he grabbed Zijin and applauded, but couldn't say anything else. Now, his eyes and heart are all about his son, he Make it up to him.

"Now that the task of this hall has been completed, I will return Zijin to you in good condition. I hope you will treat him well in the future, and don't let him be wronged again." Seeing this, Mo Han couldn't help being happy for Zijin.

"Thank you, Your Highness, from the Li family!" Li Xiang knelt down first, and then Li Zhengjun, Li Zichen, and Li Zijun also knelt down. Mo Han was indeed their Li family's great benefactor.

"Get up! Our hall saved Zijin back then, and it was also the good fortune of your Li family. This hall only hopes that Zijin can live better in the future, after all, he has suffered too much!" Mo Han didn't want to mention her Regarding the marriage with Zijin, she doesn't know what kind of feelings she has for him, so leave everything to time!
Hearing Mo Han say that Zijin had suffered a lot, Li Zhengjun's tears that had just stopped began to flood again. Seeing this, Zijin immediately took out a handkerchief and wiped it for him. Li Zhengjun felt distressed and happy at the same time.

"Zijin, can you call me Daddy?" Li Zhengjun asked with tears in his eyes.

"I... Daddy... Daddy..." Zijin bit her lips, and finally cried out. Li Zhengjun hugged Zijin tightly in his arms, crying so hard that he couldn't make a sound.Li Xiang also turned red eyes, she is not a qualified mother!
"Zijin, Zijin, can you call me Second Sister?" Li Zijun said excitedly, rubbing his hands together.

"Mother, Eldest Sister, Second Sister..." Zijin shouted shyly with a blushing face, and she was so happy that the Li family looked like something.

"Haha...Okay, okay! My son returned home safely after 13 years, God bless my Li family!" Li Xiang said happily.

Seeing the reunion of their family, Mo Han was overjoyed, and raised the corners of his mouth, Zijin, I hope you will have no sorrow for the rest of your life, be safe and happy.

"Wenxin, go and order the big kitchen to hold a banquet. The Li family will stay in the mansion for dinner today." Mo Han thought that Zijin would be leaving tomorrow, so it would be worthwhile to take this opportunity to hold a farewell banquet for him They got to know each other once.

Mo Han ignored the loss in her heart, the little guy who was with her every day was about to leave!However, Zijin was able to return to the prime minister's mansion, and someone loves her, so she should be happy for him.

However, what Mo Han didn't expect was that she was thinking too much. When Zijin came to the palace to report every day in the future, she found that there was no difference between the child leaving and not leaving.

Zijin was also mixed at this time. Although he was happy that he had finally found his biological parents, he was unwilling to leave Mo Han, he was reluctant.

At the dinner, everyone toasted to celebrate, and Li Zijun seemed particularly happy, and kept pushing and changing glasses with Mo Han.Li Zhengjun sat next to Zijin and kept busy, while Zijin's eyes kept falling on Mo Han. He didn't know if Mo Han would remember him after he left, and would he love him as much as before. Watch him, protect him.Because she had no family before, she said that she was her family and would always be by his side, but now that he has found a family, would she still be willing to stay with him?
Mo Han seemed to have something on his mind, and followed Li Zijun's lead, whenever she offered a toast, she never refused.

This night, some people are happy and some are worried...

"Your Highness, why did you drink so much wine?" Zi Jin complained while helping Mo Han wipe the sweat from Mo Han's forehead with a wet handkerchief.

"Hehe... Zijin found his family, I'm so happy for you!" Mo Han replied with a smile.

"Zijin, when will you... go home with daddy?" Seeing that Zijin was still taking care of Mo Han, Li Zhengjun was a little anxious. Seeing this, Zijin had secretly promised the Eighth Emperor's daughter, and he wouldn't do it. If you recognize yourself, you will marry into the Eight Princes' Mansion, right?

"Daddy, don't worry, Zijin always has to pack up before leaving with us!" Li Zichen persuaded Li Zhengjun from the side.

"Then, how about Daddy coming to pick you up tomorrow?" Li Zhengjun asked anxiously again.

"Well..." Zijin nodded lightly, he knew that he would go there sooner or later, so why should he make his father sad?

Seeing Zijin nodding, Li Zhengjun closed his mouth happily, and Li Xiang looked at Zijin dotingly from the side. This child has endured a lot of hardships, but he is still kind and upright. The eighth princess taught him very well. They I'm afraid it will be difficult to repay what the Li family owes her.

"Your Highness, let's take our leave first!" Li Zichen looked at his parents and knew that if he didn't speak, they might not want to leave until tomorrow morning.

 Thank you book friends for waiting for the monthly ticket to bloom!
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(End of this chapter)

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