Chapter 182

On March 23th, the [-]rd year of Daqi, the sun was shining and everything was suitable.

Today is a big day for the Li family. It is said that Li Zhengjun's own son was sent to a distant relative to be raised by his distant relatives because of his poor health when he was young. Li Xiang loved her husband very much and was afraid that Li Zhengjun would miss his son and hurt his body, so he sent his side husband Hu Shi His son was raised under his knees, and Li Zijin's identity was never revealed to the outside world.But now Li Xiang's son-in-law has reached the age of thirteen, and he is in good health, so he was taken back.Today, the Prime Minister's Mansion specially held a flower appreciation banquet. Firstly, it was to welcome Mr. Li, and secondly, to accumulate some contacts for him, so that he could meet the lords and sons of various officials, so that he could make more friends in the future, so that he could marry into the palace. Prepare for the subsequent human relations.

If it is only said that the son of the Li family returned home and held a grand flower viewing banquet, all the officials and family members should be present, not to mention that the son of the Li family who came back is the legitimate fiancee of the eighth emperor's daughter, and there are endless people who love horses .Those who received the invitations happily prepared clothes and jewelry for the flower viewing feast several days in advance, while those who did not receive the invitations had to go to the prime minister's house to entrust relationship, go through the back door, and try to find a way to give it to their husbands. The son got one and let them show their faces in front of the future eight kings.At this moment, all the servants of Li's mansion followed suit, and they were soft-hearted when they received gifts.

No, before dawn, the servants of Li's mansion were already busy, and Zijin was pulled up by Li Zhengjun early, and he specially invited two fathers from the palace to help him dress up. Relying on clothes and Buddha relying on gold, this Zijin usually dresses up in a simple and elegant manner, and looks like a small family jade, but now in the hands of the two fathers, he seems to have changed into a different person, delicate and beautiful, indifferent to the world, What a little beauty!

"My son is really the most beautiful boy in Qiguo!" Li Zhengjun said happily, holding Zijin's hand.

"Daddy..." Zijin was a little shy by Li Zhengjun's praise, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him, but she was thinking in her heart, seeing her dressed like this today, would she like it?

"Good boy, since you've packed everything here, Daddy will go to Jin'er's side to have a look. Your brothers will be one in the future, and Daddy is afraid that he will feel uncomfortable..." Li Zhengjun said hesitantly, rectifying Zijin's name, of course. It's important, but it's also tantamount to revealing Li Zijin's status as a concubine to the public. I don't know, why is that child so sad!
"Father, let's go! There is nothing wrong with my son, and brother Jin'er is indeed poor!" Zijin nodded obediently. It's different, if not, he won't be able to marry into the Eighth Prince's Mansion justifiably in the future, gossip can drown him and Li's Mansion, and the Holy Majesty also acquiesced, after all, it concerns the rest of her beloved daughter's life!

It's just pity for this child, Jin'er. Once the identity of the concubine is spread, if we talk about marriage in the future, we will not be able to find someone with a high status. After all, no one in the family of a high official wants to marry a concubine Zhengjun!
"San Yue, first serve your master the porridge and side dishes prepared in the small kitchen to cushion your stomach." Li Zhengjun patted Zi Jin's hand and stood up, and ordered San Yue to serve Zi Jin breakfast , he went out and went directly to Li Zijin's yard.

"Jin'er, have you cleaned up yet?" Li Zhengjun asked Li Zijin in the inner room as soon as he entered the door.

"Daddy is here..." Li Zijin stood up unexpectedly and went out to greet him. He thought that today was a good day for his brother, and his father would not come to him!

"My Jin'er! You look really nice in your clothes today!" Li Zhengjun looked at Li Zijin with a lot of emotion. It would be impossible to say that he didn't blame the Hu family, but Li Zijin was after all his shit and piss. For the big ones, the relationship is a bit deeper than with sisters Li Zichen and Li Zijun.

Li Zijin's and Zijin's clothes were exactly the same, they were both delivered by the Phoenix Queen in the palace, and it was all thanks to Mo Han.She went to the palace to pay her respects, and told Queen Feng about Zijin's life experience in detail. After being moved with red eyes, Queen Feng wanted to personally reward Zijin with a set of clothes and jewelry, which represented the importance the royal family attached to him. After Mo Han clarified the pros and cons, Queen Feng each prepared two sets and sent them to Li's residence. Because Mo Han didn't like the bright red and green colors the most, he personally chose a light green set for Zijin. , a set of pale pink for Li Zijin, all of which are light and elegant, generous and decent, not kitsch at all.

"This Feng Hou has a good eye. I think he still cares about my Jin'er. Although your marriage with the Eighth Emperor's daughter will not be completed, Dad will definitely find a good family for you in the future. He will definitely not wrong my son. !" Li Zhengjun said softly, stroking the bun on Li Zijin's head.

"En." Li Zijin just responded lightly, then lowered his head, he didn't want his father to see his red eyes, I'm afraid that in this life, without his eighth sister, who he would marry would be difficult for him. What does it matter?

Li Zhengjun sighed softly in his heart. How could he not know the child's feelings for the Eighth Emperor? However, based on his understanding of the eighth princess and her previous attitude towards Jin'er, she would not agree, let alone that they are not willing to let Jin'er be someone else's concubine. It's easy to be a sister and brother to my son, and I'm definitely not willing to wrong him!

Where in the world is there any good thing that has the best of both worlds?Zijin had suffered all kinds of hardships, and they could all see his feelings for the eighth princess, so they couldn't make him sad anymore, so Li Zhengjun only wanted to care more about Li Zijin and make up for it.

"My lord, the guests have arrived quite a bit. The butler has already entered the back garden. The young lord is waiting for you. However, the lords of the Marquis family have brought their young masters here. I'm afraid you have to go there in person." " Li Zhengjun's personal servant came in and conveyed the butler's words to him.

"It's really early today!" Li Zhengjun stood up and said with a smile, aside from other things, he still had to visit the lords of the Marquis family. After all, Rong Yue was young, and he couldn't talk to them. go together.He came so early, it was all for the sake of the Eighth Emperor, as the host, he had to treat him well, and he couldn't lose the face of the Prime Minister and the Eighth Emperor.

"Jin'er, daddy will go there first, son, come over after breakfast!" Li Zhengjun told Li Zijin a few words and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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