Chapter 186 Don't Gossip

"Jin'er, stop messing around. Zhang Zhengjun was just joking with your brother!" Li Zhengjun immediately came out to smooth things over, and then said to Zhang Zhengjun, "Little boy, talk nonsense, Zhang Zhengjun should not be as knowledgeable as him."

Zhang Zhengjun could only nod in embarrassment, he just suffered from being dumb.

Li Zhengjun turned to look at Li Zijin with a smile, and finally he was not in vain of his years of education. Although his Jin'er was a bit willful, he still knew the general idea.Thinking about it, Li Zhengjun immediately greeted Zijin and Li Zijin to sit down, and chatted with his husbands again.

"Zijin! This is Rong Zhengjun of the Ronglehou family, and also the biological father of your eldest brother-in-law. Come quickly and meet your Uncle Rong..." A man with a kind face sitting beside Li Zhengjun was looking at him. In the direction of Zijin.

"Zijin met Uncle Rong!" Zijin immediately stood up and greeted Rong Zhengjun.

"Good boy, get up quickly. You really are a little beauty! She looks a bit like you when you were young!" Rong Zhengjun smiled and took Zijin's hand, then said to Li Zhengjun.

"Hey! It's just pity that my son has suffered a lot outside these years, and his body is thinner than mine." Li Zhengjun couldn't help but feel sorry for Zijin's grievances before, his poor son!
"Okay, okay! Isn't this all over? It's good for the children to stay with you well. If you do this, it's just for no reason to make the children sad together." Rong Zhengjun immediately advised Li Zhengjun when he saw that Li Zhengjun's eyes were red.

Hearing what he said, Li Zhengjun immediately opened his mouth. Fortunately, the sky has eyes, and his son is standing in front of him again!
"What brother said is true, but I lost my composure!" Li Zhengjun looked at Rong Zhengjun gratefully and said.

Rong Zhengjun is no longer satisfied with his in-laws. He loves his youngest son Rong Yue the most. After his youngest son married into the Li family, he has always been favored by his wife. This father-in-law is very good-natured and has never made things difficult for him. Now that he has his own little granddaughter Li Yu, Rong Zhengjun has nothing else to ask for in his life. His children are all good, so he is content, so I can't help being a little closer to the Li family.

The masters of the family were sitting together and chatting happily, but the younger sons couldn't sit still, they were not interested at all in what their fathers said about the family's shortcomings.Who is the head of the family who has means and manages the family well; what is the wife who finds a seductive son, and the talent is empty; They are very far away, they have not experienced the hardships of marriage, but this time is the happiest time.

Li Zhengjun had already ordered the housekeeper to prepare snacks for the young masters in the small pavilion in the back garden. Seeing that the young masters couldn't sit still, he smiled at his son-in-law: "Yue'er! You and your two younger brothers Take the young masters to the small pavilion to play for a while! Dad will send someone to call you when you have dinner later, and invited the theater troupe from outside the palace in the afternoon, and we will go to the theater together when the time comes!"

As soon as Li Zhengjun finished speaking, all the young masters got up one after another. This Li family is really good, it treats guests so warmly, and even provides them with a place to play. After all, the young masters all have handkerchiefs, and they also want to Let's find a place to talk about ourselves, see what beautiful and admirable women have appeared in the capital recently, and talk about my sweetheart...

"Brother Muci..." Li Zijin was walking with Zijin, but unexpectedly saw a familiar figure, and hurriedly called out.

"Jin'er, Zijin..." Mu Ci turned around, saw that there were two of them, and immediately put on a slight smile and said.He never thought that the little servant who always stood behind Mo Han turned out to be the eldest son of the Xiangfu, Mo Han her... her legitimate fiancée.

"Master Mu!" Zijin greeted Mu Ci with a smile.

"Zijin doesn't need to be so unfamiliar with me. If you don't dislike me, just call me brother like Jin'er. We are also old acquaintances. If you are so polite, I don't know what to do!" Mu Ci He was not a talkative person, but the Zijin in front of him was not someone else, he was someone close to Mo Han, so Mu Ci couldn't help but want to get closer to him.

"Brother Mu Ci..." Zijin smiled and blessed Mu Ci, and the three chatted as they walked.

March in Yangchun is a good time for flowers to bloom, and the flowers in the back garden of Xiangfu are also competing to bloom, competing for beauty and beauty!
The beautiful flowers coupled with the young masters who are as old as flowers make the normally quiet Xiangfu lively.When Mo Han came over from school, he happened to see the three of Zijin who were chatting happily under the pavilion, so he paced towards them.

The young masters in the back garden couldn't help but blushed when they saw a woman in white clothes fluttering like a banished fairy, and they all looked like they wanted to hide and welcome, which made Mo Han feel a little scared, feeling like It's like being in a wolf's den.Even some of the more courageous ones kept winking at Mo Han, so frightened that Mo Han couldn't help but walk a few steps faster.

Mu Ci was facing Mo Han's direction, and before she approached, Mu Ci was the first to spot her. She was still the same as when she was a child, always with a faint smile on her face, but she had a relationship with others. A bit alienated, he will be 14 years old when he is born this year, I am afraid that Dad will not let him wait any longer, Mo Han, what should I do?
Mu Ci is a little happy and a little sad. He is happy that he can really meet her here. What is sad is that she is not here for himself. I don't know when this fruitless relationship will end, or, in this life, my own It is such a fruitless wait.

"Joy is like nine springs, and the chime is like autumn frost. Zijin, you are so beautiful today!" Mo Han swung his fan and sat directly beside Zijin, leaning into his ear and said.

Zijin was startled by the sudden voice, turned around and saw that the face of the woman he had dreamed of changed from fright to surprise, but no one noticed the ugly and pale faces of the other two.

"Why did your son come here so soon? I thought you would come in the afternoon?" Zijin said overjoyed.

"Can't I come over to see you on such a big day? What's more, today the back garden of your Prime Minister's Mansion is full of flowers, colorful, and I will come over earlier to see the most beautiful beauties in our country, and join in the fun. Mainly, I’m afraid you’ll be disturbed by gossip!” Mo Han rubbed his nose and joked, what she didn’t actually say was that she was a little worried that Zijin would be left out in the cold. What friend.

 Thank you book friends, only have your coffee without sugar lollipops!
  Thank you for your votes and red beans!

  Than heart!

(End of this chapter)

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