Chapter 189
"Mr. Wen, if you have nothing to do, it's better to go enjoy the flowers with your companions. After all, there is a woman in this hall who is not familiar with you. It would be bad if it just affects your boudoir name!" Mo Han shook his fan , obviously issued an order to evict guests.

That Wen Ge glared at Zijin in embarrassment, then covered his face and left, Li Zijin, Li Zijin, for the humiliation you two gave me today, I, Wen Ge, will definitely get back twice as much in the future!
"Brother Wen Ge, don't be sad!" The man who spoke was dressed in purple, not tall, and looked small and exquisite.

This person is Zhang Yueer, the son of Zhang Changming, the censor, and also a handkerchief friend who grew up with Wen Ge.This censor, Zhang Changming, is also a member of Zhang Xiang. He has impeached the princesses openly and secretly. In order not to be suspected, he will occasionally participate in the book of the sixth emperor. On the contrary, the seventh emperor and the eighth emperor have never been included in her book. In the memorial, the reason why he did not dare to impeach the Eighth Emperor was because she was young, had not been involved in the court, and was protected by the Holy Majesty.As for why she never participated in the book of the Seventh Emperor's Daughter, it is unknown.

"What do you know? She doesn't give me any favors. After all, my mother is also a servant of the Ministry of Industry!" Wen Ge said angrily. I can't see that I am interested in her!
"Brother Wen Ge, you need to know that the eighth princess is the direct sister of His Royal Highness the Crown Princess, but Minister Wen...she is a member of Prime Minister Zhang, and the Sixth Crown Princess has always been against the Crown Princess. Isn't it just a waste of time for you to go over like this? I’m not happy with her, so make yourself angry!” Zhang Yue’er whispered to Wen Ge’s ear, they were not in the same way, and this Wen Ge seemed to be a shrewd person on weekdays, how could there be such a stupid person? Thoughts, how could the eighth princess marry a deadly rival's son?

"Hmph! My mother is loyal to the emperor. Since the eighth emperor's daughter is the emperor's daughter, how can she treat the family members of officials like this? I am so mad!" Wen Ge didn't think there was anything wrong with his mother taking refuge in Zhang Xiang. Who do you rely on and who are loyal to the emperor?He has always been casual and doesn't understand the twists and turns in the officialdom, but he just felt that he didn't make a good impression in front of Mo Han just now, which made him lose face.

"Okay, okay! Which woman doesn't look like this? Aren't you pretending to be indifferent, isn't it just to look unusual in the hearts of men! What's more, the rightful fiancé is still there! Don't get angry...Look, all the carp in this pond are spitting bubbles at you!" Zhang Yue'er quickly changed the subject, because this Wenge has an uncle who is Yajun and a cousin who is the Seventh Emperor's daughter. He never puts others in his eyes, and probably thinks that he is more noble than the prince in his heart!I don't even think about it, the father of the eighth prince is Queen Feng, so I can treat you as I want, and you can even let me talk about it here?
"That's right, maybe she is just trying to get my attention! Yue'er, you have to help me..." Wen Ge leaned into Zhang Yue'er's ear and whispered something, Zhang Yue'er opened her mouth wide in shock, this Wen Ge was too daring Bigger?
"This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate?" Zhang Yue'er was taught by his mother since she was a child.Now let him take the risk of offending the prime minister's son for the sake of a little servant boy's son, and maybe even offend the eighth emperor's daughter, he is unwilling and dare not.

"Hmph! Coward. You just need to take the opportunity to attract them, and other things have nothing to do with you. I will make them regret insulting me." Wen Ge said through gritted teeth.No one dared to treat him like this since he was a child. The two sons of the Li family were just relying on the support of the eighth princess. A native child from the village, a humble bastard, dared to bully him!
"Brother Wen Ge, let's not do this, right? After all, Prime Minister Li is not something we can offend!" Zhang Yue'er was still trying to persuade her, his mother was just a little censor, he Against Li Xiangfu, isn't that hitting a rock with an egg!

"I didn't intend to offend Li Xiangfu. I just wanted to teach those two arrogant boys a lesson. If you want to help, you can help, and if you don't help, forget it!" Wen Ge waved his hand impatiently. Such a person who is afraid of wolves and tigers, thinks so much about everything, he looks down on him the most, he looks petty!
"Brother Wen Ge, I'm just worried about you..." Zhang Yue'er hurriedly explained.

"Don't worry! I'm just teaching them a lesson, and I won't do anything out of the ordinary!" Wen Ge waved his hands impatiently.

Here, Li Xiang and the two young ladies of the Li family have also returned to the residence, and Mo Han was invited. She couldn't stay with the men all the time, so she left happily after taking her leave. The moment she got up, the eyes of all the men in the garden were fixed on her.

Zijin's eyes were full of Mo Han, and he didn't notice Mu Ci's gaze beside him. The admiration in his eyes was like a bottomless pool of water. The title of Jun, Na Mu Ci entered the dead end named "Mo Han" from the day she accidentally hurt the palm of his hand.

Wen Ge, who had been paying attention to this side, saw that Mo Han had gone far away, so he winked at Zhang Yue'er and asked him to pretend to approach Zijin and the others. He didn't notice the steps under his feet, and the foot he had just lifted got stuck on the steps.

"Ah..." Zhang Yue'er yelled, covering her face and waiting for the pain in her body. The steps are hard and sharp. If she wants to avoid hurting her face, her body must be injured.

"Are you okay?" Zijin grabbed Zhang Yue'er's arm with quick eyes and quick hands. Because Zhang Yue'er was small and light, he saved his life.

"It''s okay, thank you, Mr. Li!" Zhang Yue'er looked at Zijin with a guilty conscience, and then glanced at Li Zijin next to him. Zijin didn't know him, but Li Zijin did. Those who study in the same school, although they don't have any friendship, they are familiar with each other.

"Brother, this is Zhang Yue'er, the son of Zhang Yushi's family. It's the handkerchief of Mr. Wen who just came to say hello to the eighth sister." Li Zijin knew that Zijin didn't know the person in front of him, so she introduced it from the side, deliberately Disclosing the relationship between Zhang Yueer and Wen Ge to Zijin will make him more aware.

Zijin nodded, thinking about it in his heart, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, it's better to be careful when walking, it's the season when spring is blooming and all things are recovering. If you don't pay attention, you will trip over. "

(End of this chapter)

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