The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 195 Provoking Discord

Chapter 195 Provoking Discord
"Master is wise, they are going to attack you!" The woman in black stared into Mo Han's eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then said flickeringly.

"Uh..." Mo Han touched his nose in embarrassment, he is not yet an adult, and has not conflicted with their interests, why is he so anxious to get rid of her?
"Do they want to accuse the temple of accepting bribes, or do they want to pervert the law?" Mo Han asked with a serious expression. She has not been involved in the court. Apart from these two charges, it is difficult to put other charges on her head!
"Collude with the courtiers and intend to seize the position of the princess." The woman in black didn't believe it when she said this. If their master could have such ambitions, they wouldn't have to worry so much about being subordinates. The master spent the whole day eating, drinking, having fun, practicing literature and martial arts, and only slept. I don't know what the sixth and seventh emperors were thinking, but they were so accused of being framed by their master!
"Haha... Interesting. Then let them frame it to their heart's content! This hall will give them some more evidence..." Mo Han leaned back in his chair, laughing nonstop, the sixth one was being abused by the seventh one!If she sends this memorial to the Empress, she will never be able to stand up again in this life!
"Master... aren't you worried?" the man in black asked with a frown.

"They just want to provoke the relationship between me and Huangjie! Do you think the throne is more important in Huangjie's heart, or family affection?" Mo Han picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"His Royal Highness attaches great importance to love and righteousness, so His Royal Highness is more important to her!" Others don't know, but she knows that when the eighth princess was misdiagnosed with smallpox, His Royal Highness would risk her life to visit her. , is definitely more important than Jiangshan!

"I also believe in Miss Huang. It's just that the ulterior motives for this matter are probably not drinking! With the wisdom of the old seven, I must be able to think that if I want to take the position of the princess, I might as well think about it." It is easier to believe that it is easier to usurp the throne. The reason why she encouraged Lao Liu to do this is because she wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Lao Liu and drag me and Huangjie into a sister-in-law struggle, so that a fisherman can benefit from it. "Mo Han thought that Mo Bai liked to fight against her since she was a child, but it was Mo Lin who encouraged her, this old seven is really hidden!

"Seventh Princess?" The man in black never expected that the seemingly innocent and harmless Seventh Princess would have such vicious thoughts!
"No matter who wins or loses between us and the sixth child in the end, the queen mother will be extremely sad. Then she will be a filial daughter. What's the use of my father's queen being the queen?" Mo Lin said clearly It was because she wanted them to compete with each other, so she got a big deal in the end.

"The seventh emperor has such a city at such a young age. It is really not to be underestimated. Master must be careful in everything!" The man in black couldn't help but admire the meticulousness of the seventh emperor, but what surprised her even more was that the eighth emperor was able to do so at a young age. Seeing through everything, this is the most intelligent person in the world.If Her Royal Highness knows that her childhood love can be exchanged for such a caring master, she will be very gratified when she thinks about it!
"With the queen mother here, don't worry about anything!" What Mo Han guessed before caused the sisters to kill each other, which was aimed at an ordinary emperor, but her queen mother was not an ordinary emperor-they could still have a relationship. There is a little-known little secret!It is possible for any emperor to frame her, Mo Han, to believe it, but this one is a joke.Maureen, you never thought of that, did you?What you are thinking about is nothing but what I don't want to abandon like a shoe!

Here, the Seventh Princess, who is still trying to encourage the Sixth Princess to "collect" evidence, is desperately trying to create an opportunity for the Sixth Princess to discover the "truth".As everyone knows, the fate of a person is predestined by the sky, and the sky has long predestined your identity.Mo Fan was born as a princess, and no one can change her status as the daughter of heaven.Mo Han was born to enjoy life, the youngest daughter of the royal family, there is no world to fight for, no younger siblings to compete for favor, she has thousands of favors in her body, no one can envy her.And she, Mo Lin, was born as a concubine, no matter her father's status or her natal family's status in the court, she could not compare with Mo Fan and Mo Han.Even if she desperately wants to stand on that high position now, the sky will not allow her.

Some people worked so hard to get under the eaves.And some people are born in the greenhouse.

This is reality.

"Anyi, it's been a long time for Anbu's sisters!" Mo Han said with a long breath.

"This subordinate will never give up!" As soon as An An finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Mo Han.She came without a trace, died without a trace, and she is the only person around her who can compare with Mo Han's martial arts.

Mo Han played with the jade pendant on his waist, his thoughts drifted far away.This jade pendant was a gift for her tenth birthday from Huang Jie. At that time, Huang Jie said that with this jade pendant, she could grant her a wish.

Sister Huang, Sister Huang, if you treat Han'er like this, how can Han'er allow someone to think about your world!
Mo Lin, since you don't have time to wait until I grow up to do it, then this hall will play with you, these days - it is indeed too boring.

"Warmth, prepare the car and go to the East Palace. I haven't seen Yan'er in this hall for a long time, and I miss him very much. By the way, I will bring the plum cake made by Zijin to Yan'er. She likes that flavor the most." Mo Han stood up and rushed out the door Said warmly.

The words in Mo Han's mouth are the daughters of the Crown Prince Mo Fan and the Crown Prince Lin Xue. She is less than two years old and likes to play with Mo Han the most on weekdays. When the two meet in Fengyi Palace, they always play together. Nao, laughed until Empress Feng burst into tears, but she was reluctant to move her eyes away.

"I have seen His Highness the Eighth Prince, a thousand years ago."

"I have seen His Highness the Eighth Prince, a thousand years ago."

The carriage of the Eighth Prince’s Mansion didn’t even stop, and drove directly into the gate of the East Palace. The guards who guarded the gate opened the gate and knelt down to welcome them. There are only two people in this world who can enter the East Palace with such a swagger. The jewel in the palm of Her Royal Highness, Mo Han, the current Eighth Empress.Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince's doting on her younger sister has always been aboveboard, and it is well known to everyone in the country.Therefore, all the ministers in the court knew that during the festivals, it was fine not to visit the Crown Princess, but if they did not go to the Eighth Emperor's Lady, they would completely offend Her Highness the Crown Princess.

"Sister, sister..." Mo Han jumped out of the carriage, and shouted loudly without waiting for the servants to tell him.

Speaking of which, the sisters haven't seen each other for more than two months about the recent busy Zijin, but she really misses her good sister.

"Han'er is here. It's a coincidence today. What a good day it is. As soon as Lao Liu and Lao Qi left, you came here!" Hearing his sister's voice, Mo Fan immediately dropped what he was doing and came out to greet her. But a rare visitor!

"That sister came at the right time!" Mo Han said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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