The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 201 Muci's thoughts

Chapter 201 Muci's thoughts

"Xiaoci, the sixth prince sent someone to bring things over again!" After school, Mu Xi parted ways with Mo Han and Lin Shuang, and went back to their respective homes. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the mansion, they saw that the sixth prince was carrying another big cabbage. He piled things up and stood in the mansion, talking to the butler, then hurriedly came directly to Mu Ci's yard.

The Sixth Princess has always had a good impression of Mu Ci. In the academy, she just liked to hang out with Mu Ci. She was rejected many times, and she was afraid of the protection of the Eighth Princess. She didn't dare to be too arrogant.Now that Xiaoci no longer goes to the academy, she is even more blatant and sends things directly to the general's mansion.

In fact, Mr. Xiangui also mentioned the matter of the two children to Mu Zhengjun intentionally or unintentionally several times before, but he was politely rejected by Mu Zhengjun. Now that Mu Ci is getting older, if Mr. After a while, it's hard for their Mu family to refuse.

"Just let the housekeeper refuse, I don't want it." Mu Ci embroidered the handkerchief in his hand and said without raising his head. What he hates the most is the sixth and seventh emperors. Whether it is a man or the world wants it all, there is no self-knowledge at all.I really don't know how the wise and wise Queen could have such two disasters, dress like a dog all day long, but do things that are not as good as pigs and dogs.

"Xiaoci, it's not a solution for us to always refuse like this. As you get older, you should hurry up and settle the marriage. If the Sixth Queen's heart is broken, she won't come to harass you again." Mu Xi sat Mu Ci said softly to her face, although she was dull, she could still see that her brother was abnormal, which boy at this age didn't care about his marriage, but Xiao Ci didn't care at all.

"I still don't want to leave the Mu family, and I don't want to leave you, does my sister want to marry me that much?" Mu Ci raised his eyes and looked at his sister dissatisfied.

"Xiao Ci, you know that my sister doesn't mean that. My sister is just worried about you. The sixth imperial daughter has nothing to do all day, is idle, and has bad thoughts. I'm afraid that someday she will hurt you when she has bad thoughts." Mu Xi hurriedly explained , "Xiaoci, if you really want to reject the sixth princess, you have to find someone who can compete with her and make a marriage. Now that the emperor's daughters have promised Zhengjun, the whole Qiguo dares to fight with the six princes." Only the Lin family is the one who robs the princess. I just look at Lin Shuang. She is a good-looking talent, full of knowledge, and clean and self-respecting. She never goes to those messy places. If you agree, I will talk to my father about it earlier. Things settled."

Mu Ci stopped the handkerchief embroidered in his hand, and his eyes inadvertently fell on the palm of the hand that was always hot, and his eyes were full of tenderness.If there is already one person in your heart, how can you accommodate others?No matter how good Lin Shuang is, she is not the one he wants...

Seeing that his younger brother was just staring at the palm of his hand in a daze, Mu Xi couldn't help becoming anxious, what was this Xiaoci thinking in his heart?He is not in a hurry, but their family is in a hurry!

"Sister, I don't want to marry into the Lin family!" Mu Ci finally raised his head, but said something that Mu Xi couldn't understand.

"Xiaoci, tell my sister, do you have a sweetheart?" Mu Xi finally found out that something was wrong with his younger brother. The only explanation for his refusal was that he already had a sweetheart. It's hard to find a lantern!How many princes in the capital are staring at Lin Shuang's position as the righteous monarch. If the Eighth Emperor's daughter hadn't revealed Lin Shuang's interest in Xiao Ci intentionally or unintentionally, she wouldn't have directly mentioned it to him like this!

"I..." Mu Ci wanted to shake his head, but he was not good at lying, especially to his family members. He couldn't lie to them. Mu Ci lowered his head in embarrassment. He couldn't lie to his sister, but He also didn't want to tell his secret, he didn't want that person to be embarrassed, and he didn't want his family to worry.

"Xiaoci, tell my sister, who is that person... If, if you are of the same family, my sister will go to discuss with your mother and father, and propose marriage for you." Seeing that his brother's expression was not right, Mu Xi didn't dare to go deep Asked, just said cautiously.

Mu Ci didn't speak, just shook his head, propose marriage?She already has a man she loves, so why would she want herself?Maybe he won't even have the chance to see her again in the future!
If it is destined not to be with her, then let him watch her from the sidelines, but don't let him become a stranger to her!

"Could it be that person... whose family background is too low?" Seeing Mu Ci shaking his head, Mu Xi panicked, but then continued politely, "If... if the character is excellent and the talent is not bad, then... the family background is also good. It's not a big problem, our Mu family is not that overly pedantic."

Mu Ci just lowered his head and didn't respond.She is more than just a good character and talented.She is the best woman in the world, no one can compare to her!It's not that that person is not good enough for me, it's that I am not good enough for her...

"Could it be that person has a family background? Xiao Ci, you..." Mu Xi thought that the worst outcome would be that her precious brother would be cheated by a married woman. You can't make people small!
"Sister, everything is just wishful thinking! That person...she doesn't know, and I don't want her to know. Sister, give me a little more time, let me seal up this feeling, and then talk about other things." ?” Seeing that her sister was frowning tightly, sweating all over her own affairs, Mu Ci couldn't bear it, so she finally spoke.

"Xiao Ci..." Hearing what Mu Ci said, Mu Xi couldn't say anything more, and just looked at him for a long time.

This child has such a temper since he was a child, he likes to keep everything in his heart, he doesn't want to cause trouble to others, and he doesn't want to tell others about his troubles.He behaved like this today, it is obvious that he has a deep affection for that person, Xiaoci, he has not been in contact with other women in normal times, except for the Eighth Emperor and Lin Shuang, could it be that person is...

Mu Xi couldn't help but think of that peerless face. She had never thought about that person. Now it seems that Xiaoci doesn't like Lin Shuang, so that person can only be the Eighth Prince... ...If it is the eighth princess, what should she do?
On one side is her favorite younger brother, on the other side is her best friend, Mu Xi knows that Mo Han is indeed an excellent choice for wife and master, but she has appointed the son of the Li family as the king since she was a child, If Xiaoci is with her, he can only be a side king. Even if he agrees, his mother and father probably don't want it!Xiao Ci is his father's order!Father, he will definitely not be willing to part with it...

(End of this chapter)

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