Chapter 210
But the hand that just picked up the brush suddenly turned it, and the pen was written by Lu You's "The Hairpin Head Phoenix". When she came to this time and space, she was glad that she was born in the royal family of the dynasty of women, but she felt sorry for this era A man like a man, a four-sided cage, once imprisoned for a lifetime... If you meet someone you love, like General Mu's wife and husband, you still have nothing to ask for in your life, but if you don't meet your beloved, it will be a lifetime of sorrow. Who cares about tears every day?

Red crisp hands.Huang Teng wine.The walls of the spring palace are full of willows.The east wind is evil.Love is thin.Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow.Wrong wrong wrong.

Spring is as old as ever.Empty and thin.The tear-stained red sharks penetrated through.Peach blossoms.Xianchi Pavilion.Although the mountain league is there, the Jinshu is hard to trust.Momomo.

When his eyes were searching for the familiar handwriting on the full white silk paper, his usually calm eyes suddenly became moist. He gently picked up the poem and said that the words were like the person, although he had never seen it before. Her words, but one can feel that this poem must be made by her.He knew that she must be here!The person who I missed on the street nine years ago, the person who glanced at him on the blue lake three years ago.

Ruyan was dressing up in the room today, and suddenly heard the servants talking about a very handsome young woman who came to the building today, she was three points more beautiful than him, the number one in Yihong Courtyard, Ruyan couldn't help it I keep thinking, is it the woman who passed by me and saved others, that shadow that he has only seen twice but is deeply imprinted in his heart, she should be an adult this year, right?In Qiguo, there are many daughters of aristocratic families who will go to the red building to buy a servant girl to serve them when they grow up, because the young masters in the red building are all trained and know better than the servants raised by themselves. After all, they are women's first. Second, sensual enjoyment is very important.

When he thought of this possibility, his heart, which had always been stable, was beating non-stop, and his hands couldn't help shaking a little. After he calmed down, he decided to take a gamble. , he bet that the girl in white that the little waiters were talking about must be her, he bet that she would be his guest of honor with the wisdom of the most talented woman in Qiguo, he bet that the girl who was so kind at the age of five She will never allow him to be bullied, and with her power and status, she will definitely protect him.

Mo Han, aren't you the one who dislikes the sixth princess the most?Then Ruyan gambles—you won’t just ignore death, you know, in order to get to know you, I bet my innocence...

After Ruyan's two test questions came out, the place became much quieter. Everyone frowned and wrote desperately. They couldn't miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Those with literary talents are grinning their mouths and are bound to win, while some uneducated businessmen and foreigners are rushing to spend money to find someone to help, making a mess.

"The third question is to write a poem for Mr. Ruyan." Bustard shook the handkerchief in his hand and grinned. Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, he seemed to be able to feel the white money beckoning to him. !
Mo Han couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, this Mr. Ruyan would definitely accumulate contacts for him!As long as someone with some skills writes a poem for him, it will be his life-saving talisman in the future.Mo Han sneered in his heart, but it didn't show on his face, but when the waiter brought over the pen and ink again, Mo Han waved his hand and refused.The little waiter stared at Mo Han for a long time in surprise, and the warmth and warm wind sitting beside him were also full of puzzlement, but Zhu'er and Lan'er finally felt relieved, it turned out that it wasn't that they couldn't get into this lady In her eyes, even the famous Mr. Ruyan couldn't get her favor, so it should be because this young lady already has a lover in her heart!
Seeing that Mo Han didn't seem to be joking, the little servant bowed and backed out again.Ruyan nervously searched for the one with the symbol "二" in the lower right corner among the poems of praise. To his disappointment, when everyone urged him to make a quick decision, the poem in his heart didn't come to fruition. come out.He finally raised those eyes full of disappointment, feeling a faint throbbing pain in his heart, did she even want to write a poem for him?Do you think he is in the red building, his status is low, and he is not worthy?Hehe... that's right!Who is she?She is the sixth princess with the most noble status in Qi Kingdom!The eyeballs of the Holy Empress Feng, the lifeblood of His Majesty the Empress Dowager, who am I?How could she put herself in the eyes of a lowly little girl in the Red Chamber...

Ruyan tightly held her trembling hand, and her fingertips dug deep into her palm to force him to calm down. Since she didn't want to write a poem for him, then he took another gamble, betting that she would save him.

Ruyan said something to the bustard, then retreated behind the white gauze, and the women below immediately yelled loudly, not allowing him to leave.

"My lords, my lords, please be quiet, be quiet! Mr. Ruyan has selected today's guests, I hope everyone will listen carefully..." The bustard said in a low voice deliberately, and couldn't help it in his heart Wanting to praise Ruyan's good eyesight, the one he fell in love with was their regular customer here, the most generous Ms. Zhang.

"Father...don't be foolish, hurry up and talk!"

"Yes! Yes! Who did Mr. Ruyan choose?"


Everyone shouted at one another, hoping that they could embrace a beautiful woman today.In fact, they have long forgotten that even if they win, they are just letting Ruyan accompany them with a glass of wine, and they can't do anything. These excited women are probably preparing to fight hard!
"The guest chosen by Mr. Ruyan is the lady from No. [-] Yazi Room. Thank you all for your support to Yihonglou. I hope you all have a good time!" The bustard said after satisfying everyone's appetite.

Afraid that the people sitting below would be dissatisfied, the bustard immediately winked and asked the young masters in the building to come forward to serve him.Although some people complained, they didn't dare to speak out. After all, you can't enter the private room upstairs if you have money, and you have to have certain rights. Those with lower status and rich money can't get in!The people in the private room can't afford to offend them, it's better to have wine tonight and get drunk tonight, let's enjoy it first.

Mo Han is also very curious about who is the person in the No. [-] private room, who can fall into the eyes of this exiled fairy?
", why didn't you answer the last question?" Nuan Feng asked a little puzzled, why did the master give up this opportunity when he could win this opportunity?

"Ahem... this... write poems for men, but you can't do it casually, and I don't know him well." Mo Han coughed awkwardly and said, what she didn't dare to say was that Zijin hadn't even enjoyed it yet. How could he give the treatment he had been given to others first? If he knew about it, he would be very sad!
Because some content is temporarily blocked, the author created a new QQ group 283787162 (one thought is like dust), and left a message to enter the group with the name of any work of the author. The author will post some chapters that everyone cannot read in the group. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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