Chapter 216
"It's as bright as light clouds covering the moon, and it's fluttering like the flowing snow of the wind. Mr. Ruyan is unparalleled in appearance, so there is no need to be humble." Mo Han smiled and took the tea that Ruyan personally poured for her, and smelled the tea Fragrance, and my heart is much more peaceful.

If Ruyan had been disappointed because Mo Han hadn't written a poem for him before, now Ruyan would be content. A single compliment from her is better than thousands of people in the world.

"Mr. Ruyan is not only beautiful, but also has such skillful hands. The tea he made is fragrant and elegant, which is just right!" Mo Han praised with a sip.

"As long as His Highness likes it!" Ru Yan said with a faint smile, he had nothing to do in normal life, he just played the piano, composed music, played chess and sipped tea, so he worked hard at the tea ceremony.

"Mr. Ruyan, please sit down. This is your boudoir, there is no need to be so cautious, I would be presumptuous to say it!" Seeing him standing aside uncomfortably, with a blushing little face, Mo Han couldn't help but want to laugh, Is this the same person as the calm and calm young man I just saw playing the piano in front of everyone?
"Your Highness, if you don't mind, call me Ruyan!" Ruyan sat gently beside Mo Han, with only half of her body stretched out on the chair, her body a little tense.

"Ruyan, Ruyan... Ruyan has forgotten the past, and has a selfless heart. It's a good name!" Mo Han was not polite, she was always close to others.

Ruyan lowered her head and wrung the handkerchief in her hand, but her heart tightened with joy. Is she comforting herself?Forget the past and be kind to each day in the future.

"Since I called you Ruyan, you don't have to be so cautious anymore, just be yourself. Does Ruyan think I'm scary?" Mo Han couldn't help touching his face up and down, wondering why the child was so so Afraid of yourself?Do you think you will plot against him?
"No, no, Ruyan is very happy to meet His Highness." Ruyan shook her head hastily and said.

Not long after the two chatted, Mo Han started to yawn, and it was time for her to go to bed, so let's talk about the poaching in the future!This matter is not in a hurry, it needs to be figured out slowly.

"It's getting late, so I'll go back first, you have a good rest, I'll come see you tomorrow!" Mo Han stood up and said goodbye to Ru Yan.

"Okay!" A smile bloomed on Ru Yan's face, she said that she would come over tomorrow...

Without looking back, Mo Han got into the carriage and went back to the palace. Her biological clock was messed up, so sleepy!
"Master, such a beautiful woman, why don't you stay overnight?" Seeing that her master was in a good mood, Nuan Feng teased with raised eyebrows.

"Speaking nonsense! Your master, am I the kind of person who is easily deceived by beauty?" Mo Han squinted his eyes, took the fan in his hand and slapped Nuan Feng's head twice.

"Just talk nonsense! After Mr. Zijin finds out, you will never have the food cooked by him again in your life. I guess you don't even have to stay with the master!" Wen Xin said without raising her head, frightened Nuan Feng immediately opened her eyes wide, how could she have forgotten that there is still a master's fiancé in the prime minister's mansion!

I was joking with my master!

Nuanfeng kept apologizing to Zijin in his heart. Zijin grew up with them, so naturally he was more important than others. Zijin liked Master, so they had to help him and never let him get hurt. Heart to go.

"Hey...Master, this subordinate is joking with you! Don't take it seriously, don't tell Mr. Zijin!" Nuan Feng immediately changed into a flattering face, and said to Mo Han who was leaning in the carriage.

"That depends on the mood of the hall!" Mo Han said without opening his eyes, how could she tell Zijin about this!This warm wind grows more and more stupid!

"Master... If your lord has a lot, please spare your subordinates! At worst, your subordinates will help you copy the books twice more in the future!" Nuan Feng gritted his teeth and stomped his feet cruelly, fighting hard!
"Deal!" Mo Han said with the corners of his lips curled up.What she hates the most is the homework of copying books assigned by the master, how much it takes up her sleep!Since Nuan Feng took the initiative to help her, it's not easy for her to embarrass others, right?Ha ha……

Nuanfeng curled her lips in aggrieved way, telling herself not to talk too much in the future!
The carriage wobbled back home, and the butler came out to greet him in person.

"Master!" The housekeeper bowed to welcome Mo Han into the mansion.

"Today, did Zijin come over?" Mo Han asked as he strode in.

"Returning to Master, Master Zijin did not come to the palace today, but he sent servants from Li's Mansion to bring Xia Yi over for Master, saying that Master Zijin made it himself, and let you try to see if it fits you. Someone take it back and revise it!" The butler conveyed the person's words to Mo Han in detail, but Mo Han just nodded and didn't speak.

"It's getting late today, you all go to rest too! You don't need to serve here!" Mo Han entered the bedroom, ready to wash up and go to bed quickly, so he sent the warm and warm air to rest, and he dragged I took a change of clothes into the clean room.

Mo Han leaned against the bathtub with her eyes closed, thinking about what happened recently. She now wants to avoid being in the limelight, and she has to give the old six and seven some excuses, and she has to find a way to dig Ruyan under the banner of the dark night.Zijin was afraid of the cold, so she sent someone to find Nuanyu long ago, what kind of jade should she carve and give it to him?

Thinking wildly like this, Mo Han washed hastily, then dried himself and returned to the bedroom.

What catches the eye is a set of neatly arranged clothes, with a pair of white socks on it, and a pair of crescent white thin boots next to it. Mo Han reached out to pick up a boot, just looking at the dense and neat stitches, You can see how hard the person who made the boots is.She has always known that Zijin's workmanship is good, she smiled and put the boots on her feet, the size was just right, the soles were padded with something, they were soft and comfortable, much more comfortable than the ones sent by the palace.

This child really has a heart, and this woman of the empress dynasty is really happy, and everything will be fine if she marries a virtuous husband!
Mo Han carefully took off the boots and put them back in place, then stroked the white gown beside him, only to find that the word "Han" was embroidered by him on the inside of the collar, Mo Han couldn't help curling his lips, This child!
He casually touched the collar of the obscene shirt he was wearing, and there was also a protruding place. After a closer look, it turned out to be the word "衿". Mo Han withdrew his hand helplessly, and lay down on his head. A man's reserve is so courageous, he embroiders his boudoir name on a woman's underwear, and he is not afraid of being discovered that her clothes will ruin his reputation.

However, I have to say that Zijin is not only good at craftsmanship, but also has good eyesight.The clothes I put on are just right, as if they were tailor-made for her, but the child has never measured her size!

 Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thanks to book friend W3034453873 for the monthly pass!
  Thank you book lovers for your support!

  happy weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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