The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 222 She Falls in Love with the Oiran of the Red Chamber

Chapter 222 She Falls in Love with the Oiran of the Red Chamber
And here, Nuan Feng came to Zuo Xiang's mansion with the pastries, and because the guards guarding the gate knew that she was someone close to the eighth princess, they wanted to report to the Patriarch.

"Don't bother me, sister, I'm here to deliver pastries to Mr. Li at the order of His Highness." Nuan Feng said with a smile, she didn't come to see Li Xiang to catch up on the old days.

"Then you go in!" The guard politely gave way to the warm wind.

Holding the cake in her hand, Nuan Feng came to the outside of Zijin's yard familiarly, and saw that there was only one waiter cleaning the yard sweeping the floor there, so she gently went to the small stool in the middle of the yard and sat down, waiting for the waiter. After sweeping the yard, I saw a woman sitting there. She screamed in fright and swung the broom to blow out the warm air.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't be afraid, I'm from the Eighth Emperor, and I was ordered to deliver cakes to your young master, don't get me wrong!" Nuan Feng said anxiously while avoiding the broom that was waving towards him.

"March, there seems to be noise outside, go and have a look..." Zijin, who was eating in the house, heard the noise outside the door, and asked March to go out to see the situation.

"Yes!" Sanyue yelled happily as soon as she opened the door, "Sister Nuanfeng, why are you here?"

The little waiter who swept the floor saw that March called her sister, and realized that he really had called the wrong person, and immediately ran away embarrassedly holding the broom, and said to March after tidying up his clothes with warm wind.

"Your Highness asked me to deliver pastries to your young master."

When Zijin heard Sanyue's "Sister Nuanfeng", she had already dropped her chopsticks and ran out.

"Mo Han, she... is she okay?" Seeing that Nuan Feng was the only person who came here, Zijin couldn't help being a little disappointed, but she still smiled and took the pastry from Nuan Feng's hand. Someone came to bring him some snacks!

"Master, she is very good, but she is very busy these days and has no time to see you. No, I specially bought desserts from Dessert House and let me deliver them, Zijin...Master Zijin, our master likes what you made for her very much." Clothes, she told you to take care of your health, and she will come to see you after she finishes her work for a while." Seeing that Zijin's complexion was not good, Nuanfeng also lost a lot of weight, thinking it must be because the master avoided him and made him worry So I hurriedly said a few more words for Mo Han.

"Then...that clothes fit her well?" Hearing what Nuanfeng said, Zijin felt much better, and her tone was a little more cheerful.

"It fits very well. The master said that Zijin is the one who knows her. Let you rest well, don't tire yourself out." Nuanfeng is the most eloquent, this nonsense can sweeten Zijin to death, see Zijin The mood improved a lot, and then he continued, "The subordinate will retire, young master, take care!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zijin's reaction, he left in a hurry.

"Young master, just tell me! Your Highness loves you so much, why would you hide from you on purpose? You must have been caught up in some major event, no, I even sent you a cake, you should feel relieved now." !" Seeing Zijin's calm face for a while finally put on a smile, Sanyue couldn't help joking with him.

"She still cares about me!" Zijin said happily. Since she was so busy, he could still think of sending him a package of snacks, and he was also satisfied.

Zijin was in a good mood, so he pulled Sanyue, and the two of them sat on a small stone bench in the yard, spread out the pastry, and scrambled to eat it. All of a sudden, the laughter continued, and it all spread to the little waiter who was cleaning outside. During the meeting, they were puzzled that the new young master hadn't eaten or drank for the past two days!Why are you so happy all of a sudden today?

Li Zhengjun just came to Zijin's courtyard, and stopped walking when he heard Zijin's laughter. He also heard some gossip about the eighth princess in the past two days, so he wanted to come over to see Zijin and him. What is the current state, but she never thought that today the eighth emperor would send someone to bring snacks to Zijin, what exactly does she think about that child?

Although Li Zhengjun believed in Mo Han's character in his heart, he couldn't believe the men outside. Isn't Hu's the best example in front of him!Although the Eighth Emperor is intelligent, she doesn't know anything about love and affairs. If the man in the red building who is used to tricks wins her way, his son will already have a rival in love before he gets married. The scheming guy even has a child, so why not let his Zijin be a ready-made father?

Li Zhengjun frowned as he thought about it, he decided it was better not to let Zijin know about it for the time being, it was rare that he didn't think about food and drink for many days in a row, and he was so happy today, he was not willing to spoil his interest.

"Go and call the eldest lady." After Li Zhengjun returned to his room, he felt that he had to ask Li Zichen about this matter, or they could know something in court.No matter how bad it is, they are all women, and perhaps they can guess the intentions of the eighth princess.

"Father." Li Zichen hurried over to salute Li Zhengjun, then sat aside and looked at his frowning father.

"You all go down!" Li Zhengjun waved away all the servants first, and asked when he saw that only his father and daughter were left in the room, "Zichen, have you heard some rumors about the eighth princess?"

"Father is asking this?" Li Zichen immediately relaxed her tense body after hearing what her father said. In her opinion, it is normal for the eighth princess to have these needs as she gets older. Besides, she also heard that After a while, the eighth princess was not looking for anyone else, but the courtesan of the Yihong Courtyard, Mr. Ruyan. Although this Mr. Yan lived in the red building, he was also a man of integrity. He had never received a guest, and his body was also innocent. Yes, she believed that such an intelligent man would definitely not give himself up to others at will.

"It's not serious, is it? She's been fascinated by the fireworks man!" Li Zhengjun became anxious when he saw the disapproval of his parents and daughters. The woman really didn't have a good thing, and neither did his two daughters. Keep the feelings of the man's family in mind, how sad it would be for Zijin to know.

"Father, don't worry, my daughter didn't mean it like that. The eighth emperor's daughter had her own intentions when she did this. My son really believes in her character, and she will never do anything out of the ordinary." Li Zichen saw his father's face full of anger With an angry look, he immediately comforted him softly.

"It's not like Daddy didn't think about it. She did this to deceive others, but what is it worth for her to ruin her good reputation for many years?" Although Li Zhengjun is in the backyard, he also knows that there is no wind without waves. Will change temperament for no reason.

"Recently, the Sixth Queen's Party is fighting with the Crown Princess in full swing. I'm afraid the fire has reached His Highness the Eighth Highness!" Li Zichen shouldn't be discussing things in the court at home, but there are no outsiders here, so she boldly raised it said a few words.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friend W3034453873 for the monthly pass!
  Thank you MM for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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