The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 231 In trouble like smoke, the heroine saves the beauty

Chapter 231 In trouble like smoke, the heroine saves the beauty

Mu Ci looked down at the food box in his hand, feeling a bit disappointed.This is the snack he specially made for her after he heard that she had come to the mansion, but before he could give it to her, she left.

"Xiao Ci is here?" Mu Xi saw Mu Ci who was holding a food box with a blank expression on his face, and immediately stepped forward to take the things in his hands, and invited him to sit down.

"Your Highness, why did she leave in such a hurry?" Mu Ci looked at his sister and asked in a low voice.

"It should be something important. Your Highness doesn't want to talk about it, so you can solve it yourself. Come on, sister, let's see what delicious food Xiaoci has made. Lin Shuang, come and taste Xiaoci's." Craftsmanship." How could Mu Xi not understand his younger brother's intentions, but the son has a dream and the goddess has no heart, although Mu Xi feels distressed, there is really nothing he can do to help.

"Xiaoci's craftsmanship is really excellent!" Lin Shuang picked up a piece of pastry and put it in his mouth, it melted in the mouth, sweet but not greasy.What's more, the dim sum has different shapes, and it looks like it was made with care.

As clever as Lin Shuang, how could he not feel Mu Ci's intentions?Since he is willing to guard that person, then guard him himself!If he can get what he wants, she will wish him a happy life.If he can't be with her as he wished, he is willing to be the person he can see when he turns around...

Mo Han hurried to the Yihong Courtyard in a carriage, and the bustard was anxiously walking up and down the door.

Just before lunch was useless, the sixth princess came to the building, insisting on seeing Ruyan.How could the bustard not know that the eighth emperor's daughter has a much higher status than the sixth emperor's daughter, so he would rather offend the person in front of him than offend the eighth emperor's daughter.So he thought about sending away the sixth princess, and saving the trouble of the eighth princess looking for him.But who would have thought that the sixth princess who was always easy to deal with, did not know what was wrong this time, she must have given up her mind to see Ruyan, otherwise they would have closed the Yihong Courtyard, and the six princes had made a big fuss. There was no other way, so I went to look for Ruyan. Although Mo Han had ordered her before, Ruyan didn't want to disturb the other people in the building, so she went out to meet the sixth princess. Yan snatched it away, and Xiao Yu also cried and chased after her.

Bustard saw that the matter was serious, so he went to the Eighth Prince's Mansion to find Mo Han. Now she is the only one who can save Ruyan!

"Miss! You are finally here, Ruyan...he was snatched away by the sixth princess!" Bustard saw Mo Han's carriage parked at the door, and hurried over and said.Mo Han didn't get out of the carriage after hearing this, and the carriage turned around and drove towards the Sixth Emperor's Mansion.

"I have seen His Highness the Eighth Prince!" The guards of the Sixth Prince's Mansion saw the jade pendant on the waist of the visitor, and immediately knelt down to salute, but they couldn't help being very surprised. This little ancestor came to their palace for the first time!Could it be because of the son brought back by the master?

"Humph!" Mo Han snorted softly, rushed directly into the Six Princes' Mansion, grabbed a few servants to ask for directions, and then came straight to Mo Bai's bedroom.

Mo Han heard Ru Yan's cry for help from a distance, Xiao Yu lay on the door and kept beating and crying, Mo Han didn't have time to think, kicked open the door of Mo Bai's bedroom, at this time Ru Yan Being pressed on the table by Mo Bai, he kept tearing his clothes.The veil covering Ruyan's face has been ripped off to the ground, and the clothes on her body have been torn horribly, and Mo Bai seems to be red-eyed, he doesn't care who it looks like, he just wants to get Ruyan first. The body is so angry that Mo Han will say it again.

Ru Yan waved his legs, feet and arms, slapping Mo Bai's body non-stop, but he didn't have any strength, hitting people was just like scratching an itch.Ruyan's screams seemed to only irritate Mo Bai, who was already insane. He finally closed his eyes in despair and let the tears flow. The only clean body now is also dirty, and he will never have the right to stand beside her in the future. aside...

Mo Hanfei stepped forward, kicked Mo Bai out, turned around and took off his coat to cover Ruyan, picked him up and walked out.

Ru Yan had the determination to die, if the Sixth Princess got her way, she would die here.But when he felt that familiar breath, Ruyan was still like a dream, knowing that she was here to save him, he couldn't help crying in her arms, this was the first time he lost his composure, was so desperate...

Mo Bai's internal organs were crushed by Mo Han's kick, and blood continued to flow down the corner of his mouth. Mo Han put [-]% of his strength into this kick. If he hadn't worried about the relationship between the emperor, Mo Han would have solved it long ago. she.

"Mo Han, you... how dare you break into my palace privately and even hurt me, you... really think you have the Queen Mother protecting you, so you can do whatever you want?" Mo Bai lay on the ground, stretched out his hand to wipe He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but felt that the more he wiped, the more his internal organs hurt, but he still refused to admit defeat.

"Oh! This hall does whatever it wants? You robbed the people in broad daylight, and wanted to do something wrong, let alone sue the queen mother. It was the king of heaven who came, and you were the first to make mistakes. This hall didn't kill you, just read a few times. Sisterhood, don't you think you're justified?" Mo Han sneered and didn't turn his head.Ruyan's cry sounded like a catalyst of anger in her ears, and she became angry with Mo Bai again.

"Snatching people by force? Hehe...It's ridiculous, he is the little girl in the Red Mansion, how can he be innocent? Why? Only allow you, Mo Han, to be happy? Why don't you let me have a taste of beauty?" Mo Bai poohed disdainfully, but spit out a mouth full of blood, he couldn't help being angry and angry, this Mo Han's attack was really ruthless, she didn't know that this little girl's martial arts were so high!
"No matter what his status is, if he doesn't want to, no one can touch him! Mo Bai, today's ledger has been written down. If you dare to touch anyone in this hall in the future, you will wait to disappear in this hall together with your poor feather." Let's go to the world!" Mo Han hugged the person in his arms and went straight out of the Six Princes' Mansion, while Mo Bai was still pale and absorbed in Mo Han's last words before he left.

How did she know that she was the master behind Xiao Yu?Only Lao Qi knows about this matter, could it be that Lao Qi betrayed himself?Impossible, she has been attached to herself since she was a child, so how could she disclose such life-saving news to Lao Ba!

Mo Han, are you a human or a ghost?Why can't I hide anything from you?

Mo Han carried Ru Yan into the carriage and put him on the soft couch. At this time, he was still crying sadly, his body twitching, Mo Han comforted him softly.

Xiao Yu followed behind with red eyes. He was of low status, so he didn't dare to get into His Highness's carriage, but knowing that the young master was rescued, he was relieved!

Xiaoyu just found out about Mo Han's identity just now, no wonder the young master calls her Miss Ba, no wonder the young master treats her carefully, she has such a noble status!

(End of this chapter)

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