Chapter 238
Empress Feng first looked at the empress dowager, the empress dowager, and the little granddaughter who was lying in the empress' arms. Seeing that their family was having a good time, she turned around with a satisfied smile.Frowning again, he looked at Mo Han, who was on the lower part of his head. Seeing her smiling at him, he pursed his lips and turned back, but the joy in his eyes could not be restrained!

Empress Feng doted on her little girl, even if she knew what absurd things she had done outside, she couldn't bear to scold her, but what made him feel sad was that this child hadn't paid his respects to him for many days because of that little girl. Well, the Holy Majesty didn't allow himself to send someone to call her to question her. Fortunately, the Li family didn't say anything, otherwise he didn't know where to put his old face!

While drinking and drinking, Mo Han only felt that there was a gaze looking at him all the time, and when he raised his eyes to look over, there was nothing, as if he was being overwhelmed.Although she didn't know who that person was, she seemed to be able to feel the deep affection of that person. She looked in Zijin's direction and saw that he was sitting there eating obediently without raising his head.The corners of his lips curled up involuntarily, he had gained a little weight after not seeing her for a few days.

"Brother Mu Ci, although this is fruit wine, it can also be intoxicating. You should drink less!" Li Zijin saw Mu Ci sitting next to him pouring wine non-stop, and was busy snatching the jug from his table. past.

"Hehe... I lost my temper!" Mu Ci looked at Li Zijin with some embarrassment. Isn't this child more pitiful than himself?Can't ask for it...haha...Jin'er, we are all poor people!

Mu Ci suddenly remembered the sentence his father said to him after he came out of Fengyi Palace, "Look at those young ladies at night, you should settle down with someone else!", Dad never insisted on him, but he I can't bear to let my father worry about his affairs anymore!

He has always known that even if he doesn't expect to be with that person, just guarding her here like this is an extravagant wish.

Zijin poured a cup of hot tea from the side and put it in front of Mu Ci, without saying anything, just looked at him with a faint smile, Mu Ci smiled back at him, took the cup of tea, but felt mixed feelings in his heart, he was envious Zijin was born to belong to her, and he felt guilty again, that he shouldn't like other people's wife, but he couldn't control it!
"Grandmother, my granddaughter has learned a new poem and wants to recite it to you." Xiao Moyan broke out of the empress's embrace, ran to the queen's side and said coquettishly.

"My little Yan'er has learned some new poems, come and recite it to the imperial grandmother." The emperor happily hugged little Mo Yan, nodded her little nose and said.

"Tomorrow after tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows. I live for tomorrow, and everything is in vain. If people in the world are tired of tomorrow, spring and autumn will come and old men will come. Watch the water flow eastward in the morning, and the sun fall in the west at dusk. How much can a hundred years tomorrow be? Please sir Listen to my song of tomorrow. Tomorrow after tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows! Every day waits for tomorrow, and everything is in vain. Everyone in the world is tired of tomorrow, and tomorrow will be infinitely old. The morning and evening are rolling eastward, the present and the past are lingering, and the sun is falling to the west. How many years can tomorrow be Please listen to my tomorrow song." Nuo Nuo's childish voice is not very clear, but she can recite this ancient poem fluently, and the Sacred Heart is delighted, and everyone can't help but applaud her.

"His Royal Highness is intelligent, as expected of the blood of the Tian family!" Taifu Lin said, but she was more interested in the person who taught the young lady to recite poems, "I don't know where the young lady's teacher comes from?"

 Push a wave of the author's own finished article "My Royal Highness", one-on-one female queen.

  He, the first prince of Fengguo, lost his mother and father at the age of six and was adopted by his cousin. Since then, he has been by her side.

  She, His Royal Highness the Regent of Feng Kingdom, loved the country and served the people all her life, but she was emotionally ignorant. She killed her fiancé for the people of the country, and hurt her blue-faced confidant. By his side, he can't live without her in this life!
  She said, "Ling'er, you're getting old, it's time to sleep by yourself!"

  He is seriously ill.

  She said: "Ling'er, when you grow up, you will eventually get married!"

  He is seriously ill.

  She said: "Live well, for me!"

  He wants to go to hell with her!

  She wanted to pamper him for a lifetime without any worries, but she also hurt him many times invisibly. After going around and around, they finally got married as lovers!

(End of this chapter)

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