The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 243 Mu Ci's Tears

Chapter 243 Mu Ci's Tears

The Wen family were all very happy, but Wen Ge was suffering.

During this period of time, Wen Ge has indeed always come to the palace to look for his uncle, and both inside and outside the words are that he wants to marry the eighth emperor's daughter as a side king. Yajun has also persuaded him many times, instead of asking to be a side king, It's better to marry a young lady from a noble family to be the lord, but the child seems to have given up on the eighth emperor's daughter. Yajun has no choice but to help him raise the premise on the holy one, who knows, the holy one remembered that there is such a thing Alone, making such a fuss again tonight, it became like this by accident.

Although there was a lot of farce this night, at least it led to two marriages, which is not a disappointment. Others can only watch the excitement. Only the parties know whether they are happy or not. A word from the superior can decide others life.

Mu Ci saw that everyone was drinking and chatting, and blessings continued, but he felt that he seemed to be cut off from the world, and all of this had nothing to do with him. Without paying attention, he quietly got up and came outside the hall, he was almost suffocated by the sound of blessings one after another!

Mu Ci was alone, and fled out in a hurry without even taking his servant with him. He has been like this since he was a child, and he likes to keep everything in his heart when he encounters it, and he doesn't want to tell others.

Mu Ci walked like this, he really hoped that this road would have no end, so that he would not have to face those choices he didn't want to make, he looked up at the sky, trying to force back the tears in his eyes, but ignored the On the way, he tilted his body and fell down.

"Be careful!" Mu Ci only felt that he had fallen into a warm embrace. The smell was so familiar, it was the kind of fragrance that had been appearing in his dreams for so many years, he really wanted to just fall into her arms for the rest of his life, Don't get up either.

"Xiao Ci, are you alright? But where does it hurt?" Mo Han checked Mu Ci's clothes up and down, and felt relieved when he saw that there was no damage.

She wanted to see what Zijin was doing, but she happened to see Mu Ci walking out alone. Seeing that he seemed to be in a bad mood, Mo Han was worried, so he followed.

Mu Ci just shook his head, but didn't speak.He didn't dare to speak, he was afraid that what he said would be choked up, and he was even more afraid that what he said would embarrass them both.

"But you don't like this marriage?" Mo Han helped him to a pavilion. After the two sat down, Mo Han asked.

Mu Ci didn't speak, nor nodded, but just lowered his head, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

"Xiao Ci, we have no choice today. You can either marry the Sixth Sister, or you can only choose one of the other ladies to make the marriage. Cousin Lin Shuang—she is the most suitable person!" Mo Han didn't know what was going on in his heart I thought about it, but I still had to explain it to him, "You know, the empress has always doted on me. If I didn't talk about you and cousin Lin Shuang at that time, I'm afraid that the empress would think that there is something wrong between you and me. What... I don't want to ruin your reputation, let alone ruin your future."

"How do you know that promising me to Lin Shuang is what I want? If so, I said——I'm not afraid of being misunderstood by you?" Mu Ci was silent for a long time and finally asked, his hands clenched tightly. The purse at his waist contained something more important than his life, which had accompanied him for many years and spent every long night with him.

"Xiao Ci, know that I already have a fiancé!" Mo Han is so smart, how could he fail to understand Mu Ci's meaning?She was shocked by Mu Ci's thoughts, he probably likes her, right?

"I know..." Mu Ci smiled wryly, it was precisely because he knew that he never said it out to embarrass her.

"Xiaoci, you are so kind, why am I willing to let you be a side king?" Mo Han stretched out his hand to untie his robe, and wrapped it around the trembling man.In Qiguo, no one knows the difference between the main lord and the side lord. To put it bluntly, the side lord is a slave. No, even if you set up a tombstone, you can't engrave your name. After a lifetime of suffering, it finally turned into a handful of loess and an unknown monument...

"But, I am willing!" Mu Ci said with red eyes, he is willing to be her side king, he is not afraid of being wronged, as long as that person is her, anything is fine.

"Fool, are you willing, are your mother and father willing? Are your people willing? Are you willing to embarrass them for yourself?" They are sad and embarrassed, rather than compromise at the end, it is better to look away from the beginning, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!
"But, I'm in hurts here..." Mu Ci covered his heart with his hands, and finally burst into tears uncontrollably.

"Cry! Cry out and everything will be over! Xiao Ci, you deserve better. If I can't give it to you, Cousin Lin Shuang will give it to you!" Lin Shuang once said to Mu Xi that in this life, she only needs Mu Xi. Ci alone, if Mu Ci marries her, she will only marry him in her life, if Mu Ci marries someone else, she will never marry him for the rest of her life, and will only guard him behind her back!
Muci, if you are willing to open your heart and look around, you will find that someone loves you with their lives!

Mu Ci lay in Mo Han's arms and cried loudly. If there is no possibility for them in the future, let him let him go wild this time!

"Mo Han, do you know that I like you so much!" Mu Ci cried a little confusedly, but he also knew who he was holding, "Mo Han, I hate myself so much, why are you late?" ? Why didn't I meet you first? Why couldn't I be with you? Why didn't you want me? What's wrong with me? "

"Xiaoci, it's because of you that I don't want to." She was reluctant...

Seeing Mu Ci so sad, Mo Han felt uncomfortable, but it was precisely because this person was Mu Ci that she was reluctant to let him be her side king. He should be a son of a noble family who is loved by thousands of people, and he will also be in the future. The master of a family is in charge of the backyard of a mansion, how can he be his own side king?How can you be inferior everywhere?How could he not give his future child a title?
Mo Han and Mu Ci grew up together since they were young, and her feelings for him are very complicated, saying that she likes him is not the kind of liking for love, but saying that she doesn't like him has an indescribable emotion in it, which is very strange.

Mo Han likes a man like Mu Ci, who is virtuous, virtuous, and gentle. Perhaps if she hadn't had that marriage and met Zijin, she would have been willing to marry such a man for the rest of her life. She was given a marriage, so when facing other men, Mo Han could only hold an attitude of admiration. She didn't dare to get too close, for fear of missing others, and for fear of losing her heart and betraying her son.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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