The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 246 Double Happiness

Chapter 246 Double Happiness
"The student thanked the Tai Tuo for his love, but the student thought that there are many ways to serve the country and the people in this world. Traffickers and soldiers only need to do their own business, farmers only need to plant their own land, and officials and scholars only need to use the common people The most important thing is, Mo Han has no ambitions, but he will do his best." Mo Han bowed deeply to Taifu Lin and said.

"It's just that I'm old-fashioned..." Mrs. Lin suddenly thought of the patriotism that Mo Han talked about when she first entered school. Not as good as a child living a transparent life!
"Teacher is very wise, Mo Han is nothing more than clever!" Mo Han straightened up, came behind Taifu Lin, and helped her gently pinch her shoulders. Taifu Lin, despite his identity, was also Mo Han's grandmother Woolen cloth!

"You!" Mrs. Lin patted those strong hands on his shoulders in relief. Time is not forgiving, and this child has grown up in a flash. "The road ahead is bumpy, I hope you take care of it!"

"Granddaughter understands!" Mo Han nodded slightly, and put his face on Taifu Lin's shoulder.

Taifu Lin was getting old, and Mo Han left her teacher, so Taifu Lin resigned from the position of Taifu. Since then, Mo Han has been regarded as her closed disciple!
The Queen expressed her gratitude to Taifu Lin for her many years of service for the country and the royal family, and her hard work and dedication. Although she was reluctant to give up, she still agreed.Taifu Lin's prostitute's daughter and Queen Feng's sister took over the post of Taifu. Since then, the sun and the moon have changed, and the stars have moved.


The sixth day of June is a good day for everything.

Today's Qiguo capital is also bustling with joy.If you want to say why, it is naturally the royal family's double happiness today - the sixth and seventh princesses got married on the same day.

These two marriages that people talk about are indeed very intriguing. Going around, the sixth emperor married the seventh emperor's father's cousin, and the seventh emperor married the sixth emperor's father's cousin. This is the first time that such a thing happened See you!
Before dawn, Zhuque Street has already been paved with red carpets, extending from the Seventh Prince's Mansion to the gate of Youxiang's Mansion. It is conceivable how much the Seventh Emperor's daughter cares about her husband, and anyone with a discerning eye can see It can be seen that the usually modest and low-key Seventh Emperor's daughter has given enough face.However, there was no news from the sixth princess who should have been more high-profile.

"Master, it's time to change into wedding clothes!" Bai Cai took the jug in the hands of the sixth emperor, and couldn't help sighing. Since the Holy Majesty bestowed her a marriage last month, Her Highness has been devastated, and spends all day drinking to relieve her sorrows. .Pity her Highness for treating Mr. Mu with sincerity, but in the end it ended up like this.

"Happy clothes? Hehe... Bai Cai, how beautiful it would be if Muci wore this wedding dress! Haha..." Mo Bai snatched the jug and poured it with his head up, looking quite a bit miserable.

"Master, the wedding reception team is already waiting at the door, and other matters have been arranged for you by Mr. Xiangui himself. You can just go there to meet the bride. The subordinates will take you to take a bath and change clothes. We must not miss the auspicious time!" Seeing that the sixth princess had no intention of getting up at all, Bai Cai became anxious, if the auspicious time was missed, the Holy One and Xiangui Jun would have to skin her.

"Whoever wants to marry whoever wants to marry, I just want to resign..." Mo Bai now has no expectations for marriage. Husband.Although she is flirtatious, she is full of expectations for the future Zhengjun. Even if she is not beautiful and beautiful, at least she must be as respectful as a guest with him.

"Master, whether you like it or not, you have to go to pick up this marriage today. Let's not say that this is a marriage bestowed by the Holy Majesty. You can't resist the order. If you really have Mr. Mu in your heart, then you should Hurry up and cheer up, when the big thing is done, are you still afraid that Mr. Mu is not yours?" Seeing that she couldn't be persuaded, she could only coerce and lure her, and seeing that her master finally stopped drinking, Bai Cai hurriedly excitedly I took her to the clean room to take a shower.

Mo Bai thought about Bai Cai's words carefully, and felt that it was very reasonable. She really shouldn't give up on herself like this. She must find a way to snatch Mu Ci over. If the world is hers in the future, then Mu Ci will naturally be hers. Thinking about it, Mo Bai seemed to have the fighting spirit again.Forget it, today I will marry the son of the Wen family according to the Queen Mother's request, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.Mu Ci, you are mine, no one can take you away from me.

"Crackling..." Firecrackers sounded one after another, and the Sixth Princess finally appeared in front of everyone in a red wedding dress when the wedding reception team was in a hurry. All of a sudden, the entire capital city was full of gongs, drums and firecrackers.

"Master, His Highness Six has already set off!" Amu trotted to Mo Lin's ear and said.

"Go, go to the Right Prime Minister's Mansion to pick up the lord home!" Mo Lin smiled, jumped up, turned his horse's head and headed towards the Right Prime Minister's Mansion.

After all, the Seventh Emperor's daughter is still a little bit jealous of the virtuous gentleman, so although she has been anxious for a long time, she dare not rush to greet her relatives before the Sixth Emperor's daughter. You still have to give the face to the noble gentleman, after all, your father still has to make a living under the noble gentleman, and when she becomes the lord of a country in the future, she will definitely trample all these people under her feet!

Both waves of welcoming teams headed in the direction of the newlyweds, and the streets were buzzing all of a sudden, everyone was saying that the much-loved Sixth Princess was not as big as the usual unknown Seventh Princess. Gossip after tea and dinner, but when it reaches some people's ears, it changes the taste...

"Master, today the sixth princess and the seventh princess got married on the same day, which one should we go to for a wedding?" Nuan Feng asked after Mo Han, she had enough gloating today, and the sixth princess is still a toad She wants to eat swan meat, and wants to marry Mr. Mu, haha... But the Holy Majesty gave her a vicious male tiger.

"Where is sister going today, let's follow." Mo Han didn't want to go to anyone's house anyway, but her mother was not feeling well, so she asked her to assist the eldest daughter and sister to help the sixth and seventh Daoxi, she was not reluctant I wish I woke up early.

"Then are we going directly to the Tai Nu's Mansion?" Nuan Feng asked with a nod.

Seeing Mo Han nodding, Nuan Feng was puzzled again, why didn't the master even bring a congratulatory gift when he went to someone else's wedding banquet?

"Idiot! Where is the master's monthly pocket money enough to spend? It took a lot of money to find the jade he found for Mr. Zijin and redeem Mr. Ruyan. Naturally, the master is going to get some things from His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager!" After tapping on the warm wind, the warm wind nodded in understanding.

 Thank you book friend Liangbo Youth for your monthly pass!

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  happy teacher's Day!
(End of this chapter)

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