The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 270 Prepare to go to Jiangnan

Chapter 270 Prepare to go to Jiangnan

It was broad daylight when Mo Han woke up, and after breakfast time, she was drowsy, and she didn't have a good rest all night, so she fell asleep until the sun was up.

"Are you awake?" Before Mo Han had time to stretch, a soft voice came from beside her, which startled her.

After seeing the blushing little man clearly, Mo Han shyly retracted his raised arm, and smiled apologetically at Zijin. Her smile was good, and Zijin's face became even redder!

"Are you hungry?" Mo Han thought that Zijin was afraid of waking him up, so he just lay there without moving after waking up, but he didn't know that Zijin was ashamed to face her.

"Hmm..." Zijin nodded with a blushing face, Mo Han sat up, Zijin got up neatly, and skillfully helped her change her clothes and comb her hair, Mo Han smiled and touched the head of the little man in front of him , I don't know why the woman in the dream is so blind, such a good child is willing to hurt!

Zijin served Mo Han with a blushing face, and then slowly went to change her clothes. Looking at the clothes on the side of the small house, I don’t know when they were sent in March. Thinking of her own boldness, Zijin endured it again. I couldn't help blushing.

"Zijin, do you want to go to the south of the Yangtze River?" Mo Han suddenly asked.

Zijin thought of the place where he grew up when he was a child, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought. The water town in the south of the Yangtze River, misty and rainy, fishermen's boats, and childhood playmates...all the things he was familiar with came to mind. I miss it a little!

Mo Han looked at Zijin in a daze, and couldn't bear to disturb him, until Zijin pursed his lips and looked back, Mo Han looked at him, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Will the Holy Majesty and the Queen Feng allow us to go?" Zijin looked at Mo Han worriedly. He knew that she came out this time to accompany the Holy Driver and protect the safety of the Holy Majesty and the Phoenix Queen. How could she leave at will?
"It doesn't matter. At that time, someone will pretend to be us and continue to live in this yard. At that time, we will come back without anyone noticing." Mo Han will come from the dark night to pretend to be them For the two of them, at that time, just say that Zijin is not easy to go out because of the wind and cold. As long as the enemy does not find out, there is no danger. Besides, the countries are still at peace now.Mo Han also believed that no matter how much the old six and old seven competed for the position of the princess, they would not make their minds on his own mother.

"Only the two of us?" Zijin's eyes widened in disbelief. Did she mean that they didn't even bring Sanyue and Xinnuanfeng?Just the two of them...

"Yes! Then who else do you want to take with you?" Mo Han smiled lightly, so fascinated that Zijin almost fainted.

"" Zijin waved his hands again and again, he wished that no one would bother them!

Zijin waited expectantly for Mo Han's return, wondering if the Holy One would blame her?Probably not, they dote on Mo Han so much, but what if the Holy Majesty and Queen Feng disagree?

Zijin is now like a small millstone, turning around in the room, and suddenly bumps into a wall, before Zijin has time to look up, he hears the man say: "It's always so reckless, but why? Does it hurt?"

Mo Han supported the body of the little man in front of him, rubbed his forehead and asked.

"It doesn't hurt, what's the matter? Is the sage ready?" Zijin shook his head, then hurriedly grabbed Mo Han's arm and asked.

"Naturally, the Queen Mother and Queen Father won't embarrass us for such a small matter!" Mo Han nodded with a smile.

"Great!" Zijin smiled with squinted eyes. What he cares about is not where he is going, but that the person who accompanies him is the woman he misses so much. He can be with her all the time when he goes out for a few days!

"Go and pack some useful things quietly. Remember, you are only allowed to take commonly used ones, and we will set off at night." Mo Han leaned into Zijin's ear and whispered, but she was afraid that Zijin would act like this time when he went out again. Half wagon stuff.She still needs to arrange things after she leaves. She can ignore others, but she must explain to Lin Shuang and Mu Xi!

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the night wind is cool, a woman in white leads a man in green and a veil, and sneaks out of the summer resort while everyone is asleep. Unknowingly.

When he came to the foot of the mountain, Mo Han put his thumb and index finger half a circle around his lips, and whistled into the distance. After a while, he saw a snow-white horse coming towards him, and Mo Han stretched out his hand. Following the white horse's fur, he jumped onto the horse with his arms around the waist, clamped the horse's belly, and walked away.

The horse ran fast, and the night wind blew on his face like a knife. Mo Han spread out the cloak behind him, wrapped Zijin up, and Zijin buried his head in front of Mo Han. After half an hour, the white horse stopped.

Mo Han grabbed Zijin and jumped off the horse, only then did Zijin realize that they had arrived in front of an inn.The lights inside were weak, and the night guard Xiaoer was nodding his head in a doze. Mo Han walked in with Zijin. Hearing the sound of footsteps, the younger sister immediately cheered up and greeted the guests with a smile on her face. The younger sister saw the two Dressed in extraordinary clothes, with a temperament like orchid, he couldn't help but look twice more, Zijin shrank behind Mo Han with some fear, Mo Han patted his hand lightly, and the words that he wanted to ask for two upper rooms came to his mouth The side was changed into a room.

The second young lady nodded thoughtfully, smiled and took Mo Han and the others upstairs and led them into a guest room.

"Guest officer, I have sent someone to boil hot water for the two of you, do you have anything else to eat?" The second young lady stood at the door and said with a bow.

"No, I'm sorry!" Mo Han just said lightly, the youngest sister is also a perceptive person, seeing that the guest didn't want to talk too much, she immediately backed out with a smile.

Mo Han put the bundle on the table, untied Zijin's cloak, and then went to open the bundle he brought, and took out a small packet of snacks.

"Zijin, if you are hungry, eat less snacks to pad your stomach. It's too late, and it's hard to digest if you eat too much. You will feel uncomfortable tomorrow!" Mo Han explained, she didn't want to do this I still trouble the store to cook dinner at night, and I really don't want to have extra meals in the middle of the night.

"I'm not hungry, just sleepy." Zijin shook his head, he didn't feel like eating, but his eyes were fighting.

"Hehe... No, it's already midnight. After washing up later, I'll take a rest. We'll go on our way tomorrow when we're full of sleep." Mo Han couldn't help laughing as he looked at Zijin's little head bit by bit. road.

Zijin looked at the only bed in the room with a red face, and the scene in the morning appeared before his eyes again, he going to be with her again at night?
"When we're away from home, we don't stick to trifles!"

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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