The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 275 The Nobles Who Hit

Chapter 275 The Nobles Who Hit

"The child's body is important, so hurry up and take the child to see a doctor!" Mo Han knew that what he said at this time was false, and only this sentence could make the husband and wife get up.

"Yes, yes, yes, what the benefactor said is, quickly, take the baby to Ji Ren Tang." Bao'er's mother immediately helped Fu Lang who was kneeling on the ground, took the child in his arms, and hurried out run away.

Mo Han and Zijin stayed with Bao'er. Bao'er was young, and he might not have the strength to run after a day. Mo Han was worried about leaving Zijin alone with Bao'er, so he decided to leave Not following their husband and wife, Mo Han raised his eyes and looked at the small courtyard.

Although the yard is dilapidated, it is kept very clean. It can be seen that Bao'er's father is a man who knows how to live. There are many performers in a kitchen without a door. There is no spark in the stove. Daddy even saved his lunch at noon.Mo Han looked again at Zijin's small hands holding Bao'er, which were covered with scars.

"Bao'er, does it hurt?" Zijin asked distressedly.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt a long time ago. Bao'er has learned how to hold a bowl now, and he can perform with his mother to make money, so that his father and sister can have enough to eat!" Little Bao'er shook his head vigorously and said. Before he got sick, he didn't need to perform arts, but later, when their family could no longer afford a full meal, his father allowed him to learn juggling from his mother with tears in his eyes. Later, he could earn some copper coins .

Because of Bao'er's young age, each tipping was more than his mother's, so he went out with his mother to beg for a living!
Zijin took out a piece of paper from the purse at his waist and stuffed it into Bao'er's hand: "Bao'er, after we leave, you will give this to your mother. Don't let others know, and let her do it for you in the future." My younger sister finds a school and studies hard, and when you brothers and sisters are successful, your father and mother will no longer have to suffer and starve!"

Bao'er was young and didn't know what he was holding in his hand, but he knew that this beautiful brother was a good man, and what he gave him must be something useful. Bao'er carefully stuffed the paper into his arms, and pointed it at Zijin After knocking his head three times, Zijin pulled him up and held him in his arms distressedly.

Mo Han took out the pastry that Zijin had been keeping in his bosom, and Bao'er looked at the pastry eagerly but didn't touch it, until Zijin coaxed him to stuff a piece into his mouth, then he blushed and thanked him, and took a small sip stuttered.It was the first time that Bao'er ate such a delicious food since he was a child, and he really wanted to give his father and sister a taste. Thinking like this, Bao'er took what was left in his hand, and was not willing to put it in his mouth anymore. Let it go, Mo Han seemed to see what he was thinking, and stuffed the entire pastry wrapper into Bao'er's hand.

The three of them simply padded their stomachs until they heard the voices of Bao'er's parents outside the door. Mo Han pulled up his zijin and disappeared into the yard of Bao'er's house with a light jump.

When Bao'er turned her head, she found that the beautiful brother and sister had disappeared. Bao'er's mother was happily holding the medicine and pushing the door in. It seemed that her daughter's life was saved.

When Bao'er found that only Bao'er was there, he frowned and asked him where his benefactor was. It was a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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