The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 283 You Are Not a Catastrophe

Chapter 283 You Are Not a Catastrophe

Mo Han believes that Zijin knows in his heart that everyone in the Li family loves him no less than the Liu family. However, in terms of Zijin's wounded heart when he was young, the Liu family has always healed his pain, so No matter how much the Li family has done, Zijin will feel that he cannot make up for his past injuries.

Zijin sniffed hard, her whole heart was full of her smell, he really wanted to be by her side like this for the rest of his life...

Zijin closed his eyes, trying to be calm and calm, but the trembling in his voice still betrayed his fear at the moment: "They—all call me a disaster star!"

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Zijin's mouth, but he didn't dare to raise his head, nor did he dare to open his eyes. He was afraid of seeing her ridicule and disdain, and he was afraid that she would push him away in disgust. Mo Han didn't respond for a long time, Zijin's My heart sank more and more, and I fell to the bottom...

Tears slid down the corners of his eyes, he thought he couldn't cry, but when he thought that he would never have a chance to be with Mo Han again, he couldn't help it.

"Pfft..." Just when Zijin was falling into despair, the man's sneer sounded in her ear. She... what does this laugh... mean?Zijin couldn't help but look up at the person who laughed...

"I think you should be called a fool!" Mo Han fondly nodded the tip of his nose, with a helpless expression on his face.

"You...don't you believe it? However, my mother was killed for adopting me, and my father and younger brother were kicked out of the house because of me. I..." Zijin murmured, and everyone else said that before At that time, he didn't think much about it, but after thinking about it so carefully today, he also felt that he was a person who would bring misfortune to those around him.

"What does this have to do with you? If your mother didn't meet the guard who rescued you back then, she was killed by thieves as early as the year you were born, so how could she have the chance to live the next eight or nine years! Your father If it weren't for you, he would have been kicked out of the house when your mother died, so where did your younger brother come from? Even if you were kicked out of the house later, wouldn't you have brought them to live a life without worrying about food and clothing? Life?" Mo Han said disapprovingly, "Zijin, in my opinion, you are not only not a disaster, but also a blessing."

"Aren't you afraid that the cinnabar on my forehead will bring you disaster? They all said..." Zijin reached out to touch the ribbon on his forehead, and was about to tear it off, but Mo Han held his hand down.

"Zijin, if I say that the cinnabar on your forehead is not a symbol of a disaster, but for you to meet me, can you believe it?" Mo Han gently held Zijin's raised right hand and put it by his side. Gently untied the forehead with her hands. Since she wanted to bring Zijin into the gate of Liu's mansion, she had to be aboveboard, and there was no need to cover up like this. She simply let the people of Liu's mansion know that Zijin is no longer what they can. Can afford it!

"If it is really because of it that I was able to meet you, then let me suffer ten times and a hundred times more, and I will be happy!" Zijin suddenly laughed, as long as she doesn't dislike it, it doesn't matter what others say.relationship, he only cares about her opinion.

"You're so stupid, what should you do?" Mo Han nodded helplessly on Zijin's forehead, and then walked towards the inn with him. Tomorrow, she will bring Zijin back to Liu's residence to pay homage to her adoptive mother.

Mo Han suspected that there might be some shady business between Liu Xiuzhu and Liu Zhifu, so she just took the opportunity to find out for the elder sister, so as not to be caught off guard in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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