Chapter 285 Shameless

Mo Han looked dotingly at Zijin at the side, Liu Xiuzhu only looked at the man sitting there at this moment, it didn't matter what she saw, she almost fell off the chair in shock, even though the man was wearing a veil, But she recognized the bright red cinnabar mole on her forehead!

"Cousin...cousin?" Liu Xiuzhu pretended to be calm and wiped the sweat from her forehead, swallowed, and asked pretending to be ignorant, "Hehe... Miss Lin's cousin is... ..."

Now Liu Xiuzhu has made up her mind to pretend to be a fool. No one in Qiguo knows the status of the Lin family. It is a family with tens of thousands of people under one person. Who dares to offend?If she could climb this big tree, wouldn't she, Liu Xiuzhu, be honored to her ancestors?
Since Miss Lin has already said that she is here to thank her Liu family, there must be something hidden in it, maybe things are not as bad as I thought.Besides, no matter what she did to Zijin, it couldn't change their Liu family's kindness for raising him for nine years. The Lin family's scholarly family would never repay their kindness.After figuring it out, Liu Xiuzhu put away her guilty conscience and looked calm and composed!

"It seems that Boss Liu is a noble man who forgets things! My cousin has lived in Liu's family for so many years. Hasn't Boss Liu seen him before?" Mo Han said vaguely, but Liu Xiuzhu heard the words It changed. Miss Lin, what does this mean?Did he come to thank her or come to settle accounts with her?Could it be...

Liu Xiuzhu couldn't make up her mind for a while, and didn't dare to speak rashly, but just glanced at Zijin from time to time. Zijin had already understood Mo Han's intentions at this moment, and she brought him back to worship his mother as the Lin family , I'm afraid I'm going to vent my anger on myself!
"Auntie, don't you remember Zijin?" Zijin said softly, her eyes were a little moist, and the veil on her face fell off accordingly.

There was a sound of breathing in the hall, this handsome and unparalleled young man was actually the dead star back then?Seeing that Liu Xiuzhu and Liu Wei's eyes were fixed on Zijin's face, Mo Han coughed displeased immediately, then reached out to put the veil on for him, and gave him a dissatisfied look. The expression is so funny that I can't help but want to laugh. Is she jealous?Thinking of this possibility, Zijin's dull mood suddenly improved.

"Hehe..." Liu Xiuzhu quickly looked away, and smiled awkwardly, "It turned out to be Zijin! This child was indeed raised by our family for a few years. Later, because of the death of his eldest sister, he was taken by his... that The adoptive father left Liu's house with him, hey! It's my fault for saying this. I'm sorry for the dead sister. I sent people to look for them back then, but there has been no news of them. Unexpectedly, this child is a lucky person with a natural appearance , was found by his biological parents, and it was also the luck of this child Zijin!"

Liu Xiuzhu pretended to be helpless, as if she wasn't the one who drove the father and son out. If Mo Han didn't know the inside story, maybe she would have been deceived by Liu Xiuzhu's rhetoric.

"It's a coincidence that Zijin fainted on the side of the street alone, and happened to be rescued by a servant from the mansion who went out to buy. If it weren't for the cinnabar mole on his forehead, we wouldn't be able to recognize him so easily. Pity my cousin who suffered a lot at such a young age and fell ill again. When we found the imperial doctor to treat him, he actually forgot many things about his childhood. The surname has been adopted!" Mo Han pretended to be distressed and caressed the forehead of the other side.

Mo Han's eyes full of pampering changed in Liu Xiuzhu's eyes. It turned out that the disaster star had lost his memory, and God helped me!This little catastrophe seems to be favored by Miss Lin very much. It seems that if you want to maintain the relationship with the Lin family, you have to start with this child.

Listening to Mo Han's tone, Liu Xiuzhu only felt distressed for Zijin, but not dissatisfied with her. She was sure that Zijin didn't tell the Lin family how badly she treated the three of them. The serious illness has forgotten, or he was young at the time and didn't know what happened between himself and his adoptive father.

Speaking of which, after all, how could her brother-in-law have the face to tell the child about such things?Since Ms. Lin said that she just picked up Zijin, thinking that his brother-in-law probably got separated from him, and it is not certain whether he is alive or not, then it is up to herself!

Thinking of this, Liu Xiuzhu had an idea in her heart, with a sad face, as if her child had been abused, and said sadly: "Poor child! It's all because my aunt didn't take good care of you back then! Auntie I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your dead mother, for letting you suffer such a crime at such a young age..."

Liu Xiuzhu was crying, but she actually squeezed out a few tears. Seeing her mother like this, Liu Wei also understood what she should do. She immediately stepped forward to comfort the "distressed" Liu Xiuzhu, and said with a choked voice: "Brother Zijin is good! Mother, don't do this. You should be happy after not seeing you for many years. Now that you are getting older, don't make your brother worry!"

"Yes! Auntie, you should take care of yourself. Zijin is fine now. My mother, father and sisters love me very much!" Zijin, who didn't want to talk to them, was gently pinched by Mo Han. Only then said against his will.

He couldn't see Liu Xiuzhu being so brazen at all. At the beginning, it was obvious that she had thought something she shouldn't have about her father, but when he refused, she used the cinnabar mole on her forehead as an excuse and drove the three of them out. Playing nice here again!

"Yes! Yes! Yes! What Zijin said is that the aunt has lost her composure." Liu Xiuzhu hurried down when she reached the steps, hurriedly touched her face and said to Liu Wei, "Wei'er, hurry up, tell the kitchen Prepare a banquet for Miss Lin and your younger brother Zijin."

"I'm sorry, Boss Liu!" Mo Han sneered in his heart, now seeing that Zijin has a reliance, he takes care of his younger brother. I'm afraid she will forget how she bullied Zijin back then!
"Should be, should be!" Liu Xiuzhu said flatteringly, seeing that Zijin seemed to be not in high spirits and had a faint tendency to fall asleep, she immediately took care of the housekeeper, "Go and tidy up the two guest rooms and come out later. So that Miss Lin and Young Master can go and rest..."

The housekeeper responded and went out, Liu Xiuzhu dragged Mo Han to chat for a while, Mo Han didn't talk much, it was Liu Xiuzhu who was talking and she was listening.Zijin really didn't want to stay with her anymore, so he kept nodding his head from the sidelines. Mo Han smiled apologetically at Liu Xiuzhu, stood up and came to Zijin, picked him up lightly, and turned outside go.

(End of this chapter)

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