Chapter 287

"My lords, you don't need to be too polite!" Mo Han said indifferently, but he held Zijin's hand behind him, not wanting him to get up. No matter what their identities, how could they have the right to ask Zijin to stand up and return the salute!

Zijin had no choice but to smile at the crowd, it's okay if he doesn't smile, but he secretly made many enemies for himself.

This catastrophe looks so good-looking now, no wonder Miss Lin likes it so much, hum!It's just an unlucky money-loser. When Miss Lin knows that he is unlucky, he will look good!

Speaking of which, Liu Xiuzhu's sons are also good-looking, with the delicacy and gentleness of Jiangnan men, fair-skinned girls, petite and lovely.

But now Zijin is the most despised, and the one who is dissatisfied is Liu Xiuzhu's youngest son, Liu Yu'er. Because he is young, beautiful, and the youngest son of his father when his father was old, the older sisters in the family dote on him. Looking at him, plus his eldest brother married Liu Zhifu as a continuation, he can be said to be the most sought after son in this Yunzhou city!
He saw that a beautiful woman like Mo Han was so kind to Zijin, the catastrophe, and he felt unconvinced. He is the son of everyone, and all these good things should be done to him. Why can the catastrophe be treated like this? ?
The more Liu Yu'er thought about it, the more angry she became, so she prepared to find a good time to reveal to Mo Han that Zijin was a disaster star, and see how he would deal with himself then!He couldn't believe that there was no woman in this world who would be willing to marry a disaster star to go home!
"Sit down quickly!" How could Liu Xiuzhu fail to understand the cunning in Liu Yuer's eyes, so she motioned him to sit next to Zijin, closer to Mo Han.

Liu Yu'er nodded slightly, then came to sit down on the stool next to Zijin, and then took Zijin's hand, the elder brother was long and the elder brother was short.Zijin was originally a deserted person, except for Mo Han, he was not very close to anyone.Seeing Liu Yuer's enthusiasm made Zijin a little embarrassed, so he could only listen to him with a light smile, and occasionally return a smile to him.

"Zijin, eat more meat, don't always eat vegetables." Mo Han put a piece of meat in Zijin's bowl, the love in his voice and the tenderness in his eyes can drown people.

Seeing this, Liu Yu'er liked and was jealous at the same time. If Miss Lin could treat him like this, how wonderful it would be!

"Brother Zijin, I heard that you found your biological parents in the capital. I don't know what kind of job your brother's mother does, and how did your brother meet Miss Lin?" Liu Yuer asked with her big innocent eyes blinking. Hearing Zijin call Cousin Mo Han, and asking so loudly in front of everyone, it must be on purpose!
"I..." Zijin looked up at Mo Han, not knowing how to answer, fearing that she might make a mistake and disturb her plan.

But Zijin's hesitation changed in the eyes of others, Liu Xiuzhu even suspected that Zijin was not Miss Lin's cousin at all, but that he had climbed onto Gao Zhi'er, pretending to be a relative in order to deceive others.Besides, the relationship between him and Ms. Lin is not as polite as that of ordinary unmarried men and women, on the contrary, he is too close. Maybe he is already Ms. Lin's person!
It's no wonder that Liu Xiuzhu thinks this way, all young ladies from rich families like young children, and the young and beautiful ones like Zijin are the most popular.

The sons of the Liu family were envious before that Zijin found his biological mother and father, the sparrow turned into a phoenix!Seeing him like this, he couldn't help laughing in his heart, he's just a servant, why pretend to be a master!
(End of this chapter)

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