Chapter 297
"Brother Zijin, Yu'er heard that the noble girl in the capital will find a bed warmer at home when she was very young. I don't know how many servants there are in Sister Lin's house?" Liu Yu'er looked innocent. Looking at Zijin, there was a bit of gloating in his tone.

"Hehe... It's strange to say that my cousin doesn't like to be in contact with men since she was a child. When I met her, she only had two maids by her side, and there were no servants. I heard that she didn't like men around her. Serve, so up to now, there is not a single servant around, and even the servants who serve are women!" How could Zijin not hear the provocation in his tone, so he didn't want to make him feel better, when he said this Full of pride.But in fact, Mo Han is indeed like this, there is no servant around, only he has been with her for nearly four years.

"What?" Liu Yuer's face was full of disbelief, but she was gnashing her teeth with hatred in her heart, and she was also mad with jealousy. Why should such a good woman belong to this little disaster?He must snatch her here to make this little disaster star look good!

"It's true, everyone in the capital knows it. She... is clean and self-loving, she is different from ordinary women!" The shyness on Zijin's face when she said this hurt Liu Yuer's eyes, let alone Liu Yuer I'm afraid that any man would not be able to stand Zijin's happiness exposed at this time.

"Brother Zijin is really lucky!" Liu Yu'er clenched her fists and said enviously after calming down.

Zijin just smiled and didn't talk to him.If Mo Han could keep treating him like this, he would not be satisfied anymore.But he was afraid that after returning to the capital, she would become the Eighth Prince who hid from him again, leaving him sad and sad.

"Zijin, get out of the car!" Mo Han's voice sounded from outside the car, Zijin came back to his senses, stood up and opened the curtain, only to see a slender hand stretched out, Zijin looked up To that person, the deep eyes were full of him, so he couldn't help but want to reach out and touch him, but he didn't dare to get too close.

Zijin put his hand into that big hand, and she just pulled it lightly, and fell into a familiar and warm embrace.

"Why are your hands so cold? Are they cold?" Mo Han gently rubbed his cold little hands, then pulled him into his arms and walked inward.

Only Liu Yuer, who was left in the carriage and was waiting for Mo Han to give him a hand, looked angrily at the two who left.This Miss Lin really didn't know how to be sympathetic to women, and she left with only that little calamity. Didn't she know that there was another person in the carriage?
"My lord, let me help you down!" The waiter came to the carriage and whispered.

"Hmph!" Liu Yu'er supported the servant's hand down, snorted softly, but scolded Zijin all over her stomach.

"Go and boil hot water!" Mo Han hurriedly ordered as soon as he stepped into the yard.

"Yes!" The waiter was also clever, and hurried away after saying yes.

"Is it still cold?" Mo Han asked softly, pouring Zijin a cup of hot tea and putting it in his hand.

Zijin shook his head lightly, and said, "It's not cold, but my hands and feet are always cold all year round, so don't worry!"

"It's hot during the day, and it's still a little cold in the morning and evening. You still have to pay attention to your body. You're already afraid of the cold, so don't make anything wrong with it." Mo Han just felt that his hands were frighteningly cold , I couldn't help but want to say a few words.

"Okay! I've made a note..." Zijin had no choice but to respond with a smile, and then said, "The forbidden place that Liu Zhifu said today is the yard of her lost son..."

Mo Han listened carefully to Zijin's narration of the news from Liu Rong'er, and couldn't help feeling skeptical, so he decided to send someone to investigate at night, maybe he could find out some news about the flower picker.

Sure enough, as Mo Han expected, there was news that secretly brought back, not only were there no ghosts in the so-called forbidden area, but there was a little boy waiting to be married, who was staying up all night embroidering a wedding dress!
Looking at the joy on the young man's face and listening to the conversation between him and the servant around him, it seems that he was promised to a nobleman in the capital, and the reason why his mother claimed that he was taken away by the flower pickers was just It's just to cover up people's eyes and prevent people from coming to her and asking her to catch the flower picker!
"What a Liu Huazhi, he is so courageous. He deceived others and wanted to marry his son to the capital! Capital? Send someone to find out which family in the capital he is going to marry..." Mo Han thought angrily Those common people are still pitying her that Liu Huazhi also lost her son, but she has long been prepared to secretly hide her and send her son to the capital to pave the way for her official career!
"Yes!" An Yi was about to step back when Mo Han called him back.

"Wait, since she said that her son was snatched by the flower picker, why don't we help her!" Mo Han's mouth curled into a smirk, but An Yi's expressionless face rarely broke down. Well, her master is asking her to be that flower picker!

"Cough, yes!" An Yi would only obey orders whether he wanted to or not.

"At that time, find a safe place outside the city to hide, and remember to ask who he is going to marry!" Mo Han whispered, she always felt that this matter was not that simple.

After breakfast, Liu Yu'er happily came to Mo Han, saying that she had promised to take her and Zijin out for a stroll, and taking advantage of the fine weather today, she came to invite them.

I thought that Mo Han was going to shirk, but I didn't expect that she agreed without hesitation. The few of them didn't take a carriage, but just went out on foot, walking on this bustling street.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way. Officers and soldiers are arresting people, don't get in the way!" Just as the three of them came to a jewelry store, they heard the sound of neat footsteps coming from outside. Liu Yu'er stretched her head to look out, but only saw a group Army officers and soldiers are looking for something from house to house.

"What's the matter?" Mo Han pretended to be puzzled and asked, but he knew in his heart that Liu Huazhi's young master who wanted to cling to the powerful was probably taken away secretly and was discovered by others!
"I don't know, maybe whose son was captured by the flower picker!" Liu Yu'er shook her head and said casually.

"That's right! How long has this flower picker been running rampant, and the government has never caught anyone, so many good people's children have been ruined!" A passerby nearby sighed.

"If you say that this flower picker is quite capable, he was able to take away so many living people. The government could neither catch them nor find any clues. Could it be that those children disappeared out of thin air?"

"Isn't that right! Anyway, if you want to see people, you want to see dead bodies! This is good, people just disappear around us, but we still don't know where the flower pickers have taken those young masters..."

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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