Chapter 303 Eight Queens

"Bold thief! Don't rush to report your name. What is the purpose of you coming to my Liu's house pretending to be Miss Lin? Zijin, tell me, why do you bring such a counterfeit here?" Liu Huazhi turned his mind around, Before she could say anything, Liu Xiuzhu started yelling, which was exactly what Liu Huazhi wanted.

When Zijin was called out by Liu Xiuzhu, he didn't know how to speak for a moment. He just stood beside Mo Han, waiting for her to make a decision. Such silence seemed to acquiesce to Liu Xiuzhu's words.

Liu Huazhi didn't intend to stop Liu Xiuzhu from speaking, she just stared at Mo Han, seeing that the woman's appearance and demeanor did not seem to come from an ordinary family, and she didn't show any signs of fear after her identity was revealed, could it really be the Lin family? your cronies?

"Since Mr. Liu doesn't believe my identity, why have you seen this before?" Mo Han took out a sign from his sleeve and threw it to Liu Huazhi. Liu Huazhi took it, but saw the word "Lin" written on it, and the sign in the corner It is indeed from the Lin family.

"This..." Liu Huazhi looked at the token in his hand with a pale face, glanced at Mo Han nervously, and then handed the token in his hand to the person behind him. After seeing it, the person said something in Liu Huazhi's ear. Sweat poured down from his forehead like rain, and the arrogance just now no longer existed.

"What? Didn't Mr. Liu ever work in the capital? Don't you know the logo of the Lin family?" Mo Han stretched out his hand and pulled Zijin, protecting him in his arms, looking at Liu Huazhi, and said disdainfully.

"My lord, this token can also be stolen! Cao Min has sent people to the capital to check it. The Lin family only has two daughters who are older than this woman. She must be a liar!" Liu Xiuzhu joined in. He whispered in Liu Huazhi's ear.

What a greedy person Liu Xiuzhu is!When Mo Han said to thank her, she secretly sent people along the road to the capital to inquire, first to see if there was a convoy of gifts from the capital, and second to see if Zijin, the little calamity, really stole it. When she got on the big tree of the Lin family, she didn't want to lose her wife and soldiers, and let two little dolls shit on her head for no reason!

Liu Huazhi glanced at Liu Xiuzhu, saw her nodding firmly, so he became ruthless, gritted his teeth and said, "Who knows if you stole this token! You said you were Miss Lin, why didn't you bring a maid with you when you went out?" Guard? Also, you said that the son next to you is the legitimate son of Li Xiangfu, but I have already sent someone to find out that what Li Xiangfu's legitimate son promised was not Miss Lin at all, but our sage's favorite Your Eighth Highness! Say! Who are you instigated by? Why did you come to my Yunzhou? Is the lost son of my Yunzhou related to you two? Did you abduct my son?"

Liu Huazhi thought about it again, and felt that his reason was very good. Who said that this liar can't be good-looking?By the way, the matter of the flower picker was also blamed on this woman.

"You two dogs and men, who eat and drink in my mansion, and dare to pretend to be relatives of the emperor, do you really think that my Liu manor is a vegetable market? Come and leave whenever you want! I, Liu Xiuzhu, am not a vegetarian either. I want you to pay back the expenses you spent in my residence for the past few days!" Liu Xiuzhu felt wronged when she thought of treating the two of them as honored guests these few days, and she was careful to please her everywhere, and she thought she had climbed a high branch. I didn't expect to meet two liars who were eating and drinking, how unlucky it was!
"Bold Liu Xiuzhu, do you know who you are insulting?" Mo Han didn't say anything, but saw four guards in black coming out from the dark, the leading woman questioned sharply, and gave Liu Xiuzhu the other half of her intact face With one slap, in an instant, Liu Xiuzhu's entire head swelled like a pig's head.

"You... who are you? How dare you hit me?" Liu Xiuzhu let out an "ouch" and covered her swollen face as she was about to rush to the black-clothed woman desperately, but was blown to the ground by a gust of sinister wind. Can't get up.

"Hit you? Hehe... Soon you will have no chance to be beaten! Insulting His Highness the Eighth Prince, the crime should be punished—Jujiu Clan!" The woman in black sneered, raised a golden token in her hand, and said What he said made everyone present drop their jaws in shock.

His Highness the Eighth?This person is saying that the so-called Miss Lin is the Eighth Emperor's Daughter?The Holy Majesty was never willing to scold the youngest daughter, but Liu Xiuzhu actually called her and her fiancé a bitch?
Liu Huazhi's heart skipped a beat, and he stared at the token in the man's hand for a while, trembling all over, and his body couldn't control himself anymore. He just felt that his official career had come to an end, and he blamed himself for not thinking deeply about it. Li Xiangfu's son-in-law is her fiancé, why didn't he think that she would be the eighth princess?
"Your Highness is a thousand years old! The criminal minister is damned, the criminal minister has no eyes and has offended His Highness, please forgive him!" Liu Huazhi no longer doubted it, she could see clearly that the token was the royal token. I saw it at the Seventh Queen.And she can see clearly the strength of the woman in black. If it wasn't for the royal guards, who would have such powerful guards? It's Xiuzhu's involvement with that stupid pig!

The people who were standing there watching the excitement also hurriedly knelt on the ground to salute, not daring to raise their heads again. If this really affects the Nine Clans, I am afraid that none of them present will be able to escape.

"Your Highness? are actually the Eighth Prince?" Liu Yu'er looked at Mo Han with red eyes and asked. He couldn't believe that the woman who had been with him for so long was actually a princess, or the most magnificent Eighth Prince in the world. !That's right, besides the eighth princess, who else is so graceful?Zijin's little calamity turned out to be the fiancé of the Eighth Emperor!No, it's impossible!unfair!Why?Why is he the fiancé of the eighth princess?He is obviously just a disaster star for Kemu!

Mo Han ignored Liu Yu'er, and just stared at Liu Huazhi who was kneeling on the ground: "Master Liu is busy with business affairs, and there are many opportunities to deal with, this hall does not have such a great ability to punish you!"

Mo Han put away his smiling face and changed into his usual desolation. In the eyes of everyone, this is clearly two people from the previous Miss Lin. I am afraid that this is the real eighth princess. People are daunting!
"The guilty minister dare not!" Liu Huazhi bowed and said tremblingly.

"You don't dare? This hall sees you as very daring!" Mo Han sternly said, it's not that she didn't give Liu Huazhi a chance, she didn't want it herself, Liu Huazhi is certainly talented, but if he can't be loyal to the Queen Mother and the Empress Dowager, If she can't serve the common people, then her talent all over her body will be a disaster for the country, and she can't keep it!
 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets and big red beans!Happy National Day to everyone in advance!


(End of this chapter)

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