Chapter 306
After Afu was kicked out of Liu's house, her family went bankrupt and her leg disease was cured. Afterwards, she has been working at the dock and has never married a husband for so many years. She has been waiting for Liu Ronger. It just passed by, but I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would see him again.

"Brother Rong'er, I will leave the Liu Mansion to you and Sister Afu. If Dad wants to bring his brother back in the future, Zijin will not stop him. If they want to stay in the capital, they will all be handed over here." Give it to brother!" Zijin was also moved by the scene in front of him, as long as he can be with the one he loves, no matter how much suffering he experiences, it will be worth it!

"Okay, we will take good care of Liu's mansion for my uncle, and wait for him and my brother to go home!" Finally, Liu Rong'er no longer shied away, and he was content to see Afu.

He was no longer good enough for her, so he just looked at her like this, Liu Rong'er didn't think at all at this time that even if he was so unbearable, he would still be regarded as a treasure in the palm of Afu's hands in the future!

Liu Huazhi has been secretly sent back to the capital by the secret guards and handed over to the crown lady, and the new prefect of Yunzhou will be taken over by the crown lady's person. When these news reach Mo Lin's ears, it is already a certainty. Can't change it!

On the way back, Mo Han was afraid that Zijin would be wronged, and together with the small gifts of this pile of carts, he simply bought a carriage. Although it was a bit slower, it was comfortable!
The skin of the woman driving the carriage is not as dark as that of the people who have been doing rough work all year round. Her sharp eagle-like eyes are squinting vigilantly. The thick calluses in the palm of the hand holding the rein seem to say that this is not a pampered woman. , holding the reins tightly with his strong arms, the carriage was still moving steadily even on the rugged mountain road.

"Zijin, if you're tired, lie down on this couch for a while. You're weak and can't bear tiredness. Don't wrong yourself." Mo Han said, looking at the little man sitting across from him who never complained about being tired.

"I'm not tired!" Zijin said, shaking his head lightly.How could he be tired of being alone with her like this?It's too late to be happy!

"Is that Zijin willing to play a game with me?" Mo Han asked as he took out a chess piece from the drawer under the small table.

"Okay!" Zijin pursed her lips, nodded and smiled.

Such a quiet and warm moment was really gratifying, but it was interrupted by the wind on both sides of the road. Mo Han didn't care about other things, just grabbed a handful of chess pieces with one hand, and grabbed Zijin's arm with the other and pulled him into his arms. Then came the reminder from the car woman: "Master, be careful, there is an ambush!"

"Don't be afraid, hold on to me!" Mo Han's voice rang in Zijin's ear. Seeing that Mo Han's expression was wrong, Zijin didn't dare to ask the reason. He just grabbed Mo Han's arm and looked at her nervously!
Mo Han flew out of the carriage with his zijin in his arms, but he saw many men in black flying out from all directions. Mo Han threw the chess pieces in his hand, and many men in black fell to the ground in response, rolled a few times and stood on the ground .Seeing Mo Han's eyes, the horsewoman driving the carriage nodded slightly, then lashed three whips at the horse in front of her, and drove the carriage out of the crowd.

But Mo Han hugged his waistband and turned twice before falling back to the ground. The man in black looked at the two people in front of him, and then at the carriage that was being driven away, and immediately sent half of his people to chase the carriage. The rest surrounded Mo Han and Zijin.

"Child Mo Han, die! Kill..." Those men in black didn't give Mo Han a chance to speak, and quickly swung their knives forward.Or, they were not sure whether the person in front of them was really Mo Han, or that the person they were really looking for was in the carriage that was driven away, but they would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, they knew this People can't stay even if they are not Mo Han.Mo Han took a few steps back with his waist in his arms, then jumped up, and landed on a thick tree trunk beside him, looking down at the crowd, giving people the illusion of looking down on the common people.

"Zi Jin, hold me tight!" After Mo Han said, he dodged the men in black who were flying towards him, and the intertwined white and blue figures shuttled among the men in black. Those killers never missed him. Thinking that the Eighth Emperor's daughter, who is less than 14 years old, has such high martial arts.

Seeing that they had no chance of hurting Mo Han, the leading woman in black stabbed Zijin instead. Seeing Mo Han protecting the man in her arms, the rest of the men in black also understood the leader's intention. The shining swords all stabbed at the person in Mo Han's arms...

Because Zijin was there, Mo Han didn't want to see blood, and just wanted to chat with them first, delaying some time, waiting for her white horse to find her, and she took Zijin and left.But these killers pointed their swords at Zijin, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Zijin, close your eyes!" After Mo Han finished speaking, Zijin obediently closed his eyes tightly, and wrapped his hands around Mo Han's waist.

Mo Han took out a fan from his waist, twirled it, threw it out, and then took it back, only to see that the throats of the row of four men in black were cut, and the rest of the men in black were shocked, and they attacked even more quickly and ruthlessly. .

If Mo Han was the only one, she would have been able to get away long ago, but it would not be so easy if she had only one person with her. Not only did she have to defend against the attack of the man in black, but she also had to protect the waistband in her arms. He couldn't do what he wanted, not to mention that there were so many people in black, and they were all killers. Their moves were ruthless, and they were murderous at every step, which didn't leave Mo Han with a way out.

Mo Han didn't want to waste his energy with them anymore, so he blew a whistle, and flew forward with his Zijin performing lightness kung fu. The man in black followed closely behind, leaving no chance for Mo Han to escape.While the men in black were chasing Mo Han closely, Mo Han's hidden guards also quietly appeared behind them. The men in black with their backs to the hidden guards only cared about chasing Mo Han in front, but they didn't know that the men behind them The sisters had already fallen one by one, and the hidden guard who rushed out halfway caught them by surprise!
When the last man in black fell down, the hidden guards disappeared without a sound. From the beginning to the end, Zi Jin didn't know about the appearance of those dark guards. This was Mo Han's last life-saving talisman. The hidden guards will not be allowed to show up, and there are very few people in this world who know of their existence.

Mo Han took Zijin all the way to the golden wheat field, and didn't stop until he could no longer see the bodies of the men in black.

Looking down at the little man in his arms whose eyes were still tightly closed, and whose hands were already white due to exertion, Mo Han couldn't help chuckling. She didn't say to open her eyes, but the little man kept them closed. , It wasn't until Mo Han had seen enough that he opened his mouth.

"Are you injured? Are you bleeding?" The first thing Zijin did after opening his eyes was to check Mo Han's front, back, left, and right sides.

(End of this chapter)

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