The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 310 Who is the mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 310 Who is the mastermind behind the scenes
Mo Han and Zijin bid farewell to Ah Xing and his wife after breakfast, and walked out along the path they came from yesterday. Zijin looked at the woman who was holding her hand, with a faint smile still on his face, as if yesterday The assassination here was just a game, and it didn't affect her in any way.

Standing at the intersection, Mo Han stopped suddenly. Not long after the whistle blew, the handsome white horse ran towards them with hooves raised. waist, jumped on the horseback, and walked away.

The white horse galloped all the way, and at first Zijin was still worried about whether those killers would appear again, but fortunately all the way was safe and sound.

When he reached a small town, Mo Han stopped, took Zijin to the door of a small courtyard, knocked on the door lightly, and an old lady who was over fifty years old came out from inside. I don't know what Mo Han gave her Seeing something, I saw that after she saw the thing in Mo Han's hand, she immediately became respectful and invited the two inside.

This yard is not very eye-catching in the small town, and the layout inside is no different from other houses, but when Zijin saw the carriage parked in the backyard, he opened his mouth wide in shock. Isn't this the one they were sitting in before? carriage?There are also gifts he brought to relatives and friends in Beijing and China in the car.

"This..." Zijin looked at Mo Han, saw her smile with an unfathomable face, and then realized that the woman driving the car yesterday was not an ordinary person, not only was she able to escape from so many assassins, He also drove out the carriage intact.

"Zijin, this yard is very safe. I still have some things to do. First, find someone to take you down to rest. We will leave tomorrow." Mo Han summoned a servant to take Zijin to the wing , I turned around and went to the study.

Although Zijin had many questions in his heart, he also knew that there were some things he should not ask, so he obediently followed Mo Han's words. He couldn't help her, but he could always bring her less trouble .

"This subordinate has met the master!" In the study, there were three men in black kneeling in front of Mo Han.

"Get up!" Mo Han leaned on the back of the chair behind him, staring up and down at the three men in black in front of him, and couldn't help feeling that the time passed so quickly, the secret guards given to her by the Queen Mother helped her out Collecting young girls, training them, and becoming the mainstay of Anbu seems to be a matter of yesterday.Up to today, each of them is very strong in martial arts, one against a hundred, it feels like a flick of a finger, but... more than ten years have passed.

"Master, this was found on those killers. They caught three people alive, but none of them knew about the mastermind behind the scenes. I'm afraid it's..." The woman in black handed a small wooden sign in her hand to Mo Han, implying something. said.

Mo Han is very familiar with this little thing in his hand. Her good sisters, are you really afraid that she will not die?Thinking about it, since she revealed her identity in Jiangnan, it is no longer a secret that she is not at the Summer Resort. It is not easy for this person to be able to chase her down and kill her so far. After all, it was only the day before yesterday that her identity was exposed. And those killers came to the door yesterday. If it wasn't planned in advance, it must be that the people behind the scenes are too powerful and able to predict the foresight.

"Do you think this is sent by the sixth child?" Mo Han raised his eyebrows and asked the woman in black in the middle. Although she didn't explain clearly, the meaning was probably similar to what he thought!
(End of this chapter)

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