The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 313 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 313 Ginger is still old and spicy

Just when Zijin was excitedly distributing all the gifts he had brought back to everyone, the aunt beside the Holy One came to invite Mo Han to have dinner in person, and specially reminded her to bring Zijin.

"Greetings, baby, mother and queen!"

"Greetings, Zijin to the Holy Lord!"

The two hurriedly changed their clothes and rushed over. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the emperor and queen sitting there, and immediately knelt down to salute and greet them.

"Come on, Zijin, let me see how you lost so much weight these days! But Han'er, didn't she take good care of you?" Empress Feng took Zijin's hand distressedly, touching it up and down , I always feel that the face with little flesh has become thinner and darker. Thinking like this, Queen Feng hurriedly glanced at Mo Han again. Seeing that she hadn't changed much, she couldn't help but glance at her , Xin said, this child who only cares about himself and ignores others will not feel sorry for others at all!

"After returning to the king, Your Highness, she treated Zijin very well. It was because Zijin didn't live up to her expectations. She was in a hurry because she came back, so she didn't eat much." Zijin immediately replied obediently, and Mo Han treated him very well. Careful, he wouldn't want her to be misunderstood.

"It's nothing serious, so what's the rush? We still need to tighten our body first." Feng Hou called Mo Han over again, looked her up and down, and stopped when she saw that she was no different from before.

"Emperor Mother, is your body feeling better these days?" Seeing Queen Feng and Zijin whispering there, Mo Han came to the emperor and asked with a smile.

"Well, I am refreshed! I would like to thank Han'er for the genius doctor that the mother invited!" The emperor pursed his lips and said with a smile, his eyes were full of sarcasm. Among the daughters, this old eighth is the most filial. It's not in vain to hurt her.

"How did the Queen Mother know? Hehe..." Mo Han touched her nose embarrassedly. She felt that with Anji's ability, she shouldn't be discovered so easily!
"Are you blind when you are the empress?" The emperor nodded Mo Han's head funnyly and said, she has been on the throne for so many years, and there are many talented people under her, what is there that she doesn't know?
"Ginger is still old and hot, and the child is willing to bow down!" Mo Han immediately went to the emperor's side, pinched her arms and beat her legs. He thought that the establishment of the dark night by himself was already a big deal, but he did not expect that the emperor's mother cultivated it. The power is even bigger, and I'm afraid that none of the things I did escaped from her nose.

"You! The empress only wants you to be happy!" The emperor patted Mo Han's head lovingly, sighed and continued, "What trouble did you encounter on the way?"

"How did the empress know about it?" Mo Han didn't intend to hide it from the emperor at all, it's not easy for her to solve this matter, but she can't suffer from being dumb for nothing, she has never been the one who is willing to suffer.What's more, before the matter has reached the point of no return, it's better to solve it earlier!
"You are my daughter!" The emperor didn't answer, but his expression was a little lost. Before she died, her daughters could not wait to pave the way for themselves, even at the expense of sisters killing each other. No mother in the world could do that. accepted!

"Your Majesty, the sixth and seventh princesses are here with their lords!" Just as Mo Han was about to comfort the emperor, Mo Bai and Mo Lin had already walked in with their respective husbands.

(End of this chapter)

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