The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 315 Family Love and Power

Chapter 315 Family Love and Power

"Sixth, seventh! Do the two of you know that Han'er was not in the villa some time ago?" The emperor sat on the chair behind him and looked at the three daughters standing in front of him. After a while, he turned his attention to Mo Bai and Mo Lin, wait for the two of them to answer!
"Mother... Queen Mother..." Mo Bai and Mo Lin dared not speak, this behavior enraged the Holy Majesty even more, they slapped the table, and they immediately knelt down in fright.

"I ask you, do you two know that your sister was not in the villa a while ago?" This time the question was obviously mixed with a little disappointment and anger. Of course, the Holy Majesty prefers the eighth emperor's daughter, but the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. !She has never thought about what is wrong with her other daughters. If they really want to harm her sisters, she can't make a choice, because tiger poison is not easy to eat!She couldn't take her daughter's life with her own hands, could she?
"Go back to Queen Mother, my child knows!"

"Go back to the mother, the child doesn't know!"

The two answered at the same time, but the answers were not the same. Mo Bai looked back at Mo Lin who was kneeling there with his head bowed in puzzlement, but he still didn't say anything after all with his lips pursed.

Mo Bai knew the news that Mo Han took Zijin to the south of the Yangtze River from Mo Lin a few days ago, but why didn't she admit it?This is not a big deal, Mo Bai has always felt that sometimes he does not understand Mo Lin, her thoughts are always a little strange!
"Lao Liu, how do you know that Han'er is not in the villa?" The emperor secretly sighed in his heart. She always thought that Lao Qi was simple and honest, without ambition, but she didn't know that she was the most unsightly among the sisters. Transparent.It is obvious that Lao Qi told her the news of Han'er's absence, but Lao Liu is willing to admit it, but Lao Qi denies it. Isn't it clear at a glance who is behind this scene?
"Returning to the Queen Mother, I haven't seen Mu Ci for a long time, and I wanted... to sneak a look, but found that the Eighth Emperor's courtyard was empty, and only heard the little servants in the yard talking about it, so I learned that the Eighth Emperor's sister is not there! "Mo Bai hesitated for a moment, but finally did not say that he learned about it from Mo Lin. Although she didn't understand why Mo Lin didn't admit that he knew about it, she didn't want to implicate her.

Hearing what Mo Bai said, Mo Lin felt relieved.Mo Bai, an idiot, dare to admit such a thing casually?Mo Lin thought that Mo Bai would deny knowing the matter like her, but he didn't expect this fool to admit it.That's fine, it seems that the empress already knew about Mo Han's assassination, since Mo Bai took the initiative to ask for the blame, why would she not grant her?
"Naughty girl! The six princes, how can you learn from those gentlemen on the beam and do such things as climbing walls? How can you say that? Look at the dirty things you have done! Now that you have married Zhengjun, don't do it again!" Other unreasonable thoughts. General Mu only wants to let go of one son, and he will never be wronged to be the side king and continuation string, put away those thoughts you shouldn't have!" The emperor said bitterly, although she was pleased with the Mo Bai's honesty, but also annoyed her for not reporting it. Knowing that someone is going to kill her own sister, she can still be a bystander, and in the end, she will be framed by someone, and she will get a bad name for killing sisters. She really doesn't look like her at all. Father.I think that Mr. Xiangui was also a well-known talent in the capital when he was young, and his intelligence and talent are not inferior to women, so how could he give birth to such a stupid daughter!

"Your mistake! Mother, don't be angry, be careful!" Mo Bai saw that the emperor was so angry that the veins in his hands were bulging, and immediately knelt in front of her, begging repeatedly.

"You! Be smarter when you do things in the future!" Seeing that Mo Bai's eyes were red with anxiety, he would rather take the risk of being beaten than come forward to appease his anger. After all, the Holy One couldn't bear to scold her anymore , can only sighed.

"Yes! My child has written it down!" Seeing that the emperor finally stopped being angry, Mo Bai hurriedly clasped his hands. Such a well-behaved attitude made it difficult for the emperor to punish her any more.

"Lao Qi, hurry up and make friends with Lao Liu. Didn't Lao Liu mention to you about your sister's going out?" Finally, the Holy Majesty cast his eyes on Mo Lin, who had been kneeling there and had never said a word. Nothing came out, but it made Mo Lin feel weak. She never expected that the Empress would let Mo Bai go so easily.

"If you go back to the Queen Mother, I don't know about it. The Sixth Sister...hasn't mentioned this matter to me." Mo Lin lowered her head and said, now that she has admitted that she doesn't know about it, then, no matter what, she can't change her mouth. .

"Lao Qi, do you know the crime of deceiving the emperor, what should you do?" The emperor looked at the daughter kneeling there, full of disappointment. She thought that the most well-behaved and honest daughter was the most scheming person who wanted to murder the lives of her sisters. Make it difficult for her to accept!
"My child must never lie to the Queen Mother, my child really doesn't know about it!" Mo Lin lowered his body a little bit, and his voice was a little more choked up, which made people sound a little sincere.

"That's all! Han'er was assassinated on the way out this time, and someone named her to take her life. Those men in black still have this hidden on them. I am really disappointed in you sisters!" The emperor sighed and moved The small wooden sign in his hand was thrown on the ground, Mo Bai and Mo Lin looked at the wooden sign together, Mo Bai turned pale immediately, and Mo Lin showed a look of shock.

"Mother, please be careful! The Sixth Sister has never done such a thing like killing a sister. Someone must have framed it!" Before Mo Bai could ask for mercy, Mo Lin immediately pleaded for her, making people watch She burst into tears, it really is the rare love of sisters!
"Han'er grew up beside Empress Feng since she was a child, and she suffered from a serious illness when she was young, and almost died. Since then, I and Empress Feng have favored her a little bit. , Protecting her is the one, how can you have such thoughts? What kind of conflict can make you want her life? Power and status?" The emperor smashed the teacup in his hand to the legs of the two, Angrily said.

"Emperor Mother, my son has never thought of killing the Eighth Emperor Sister, my son is wronged!" Mo Bai finally came to his senses, looking at the broken pieces of porcelain at his feet, he realized that he had been framed!
"You have been wronged or not, I don't know! But, you are stupid but true! The majestic princess, who has been used so far, has the face to cry for injustice?" The emperor kicked away Mo Bai who was lying on his lap, "Don't think I don't know, the reason why you want to get rid of Han'er is to deal with the empress dowager, and I will tell you clearly that in this world, you will only belong to the empress dowager in the future, put away those thoughts you shouldn't have!"

"Mother, the child dare not!"

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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(End of this chapter)

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