The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 324 Named Cherish

Chapter 324 Named Cherish
"I'm afraid those little servants won't be able to take care of them well." Mu Ci Nuonuo said, she gave it to him, how could he be willing to let others take care of it?

"These two rabbits are lucky to find you as their master. You are always careful!" Mo Han stretched out his hand and gently stroked the rabbit's head, then looked up at Mu Ci, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "No If only we could name these two little rabbits!"

"Hehe...Then please give the name to His Highness the Eighth Prince!" Mu Ci was overjoyed, and couldn't help but joked with Mo Han.

"Well... such an honorable matter has been entrusted to me, so I have to think about it..." Mo Han pretended to touch his chin, rolled his eyes and said, "How about calling Xiaomu and Xiaoci? Haha ..."

Seeing Mu Ci's staring eyes, Mo Han immediately avoided with a smile, she just didn't want to see him sad, and it's a rare opportunity to make him happy.

"How old are you, and you still make fun of me like this!" Mu Ci gave Mo Han an angry look, but the curved corner of his mouth told others that he was happy at this moment!

"Since Xiaoci loves these two rabbits so much, why not call them Zhenzhen and Xixi! I hope they grow up healthy and happy, and cherish every day they spend together in the future!" Mo Han gave Mu Ci a meaningful look. , I hope he can understand her heart, can see that cousin who has been silently watching him behind him, and learn to cherish it!
"Zhenzhen and Xixi? Cherish?" Mu Ci lowered his head to look at the two soft little rabbits, and his heart softened, cherish?He will cherish every moment with her!
"Xiaoci, I hope you will always be so happy in the future! Don't wrong yourself, you deserve the best in the world!" Mo Hanben, who was habitually rubbing his head, took it back silently. Growing up together, but after all, men and women are different, she has to learn to avoid suspicion.

"But in my heart, you are the best!" Mu Ci pursed his lips and said, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and even Mo Han's heart became bitter.

"Xiao Ci..." Mo Han was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Mu Ci.

"Didn't you say you would give me time?" Mu Ci blinked vigorously, then smiled and said to Mo Han.

"Yes! But regardless of the past, present or future, I hope you will be happy!" Mo Han nodded and said softly.

Mu Ci just looked at her and slowly smiled, isn't my happiness just you?But he didn't dare to say this again. After he agreed, he wouldn't bring up this matter again to embarrass her. Why did he have to force it? Isn't it good to get along like this?

"Look, the little rabbit can stand up!" Mu Ci suddenly exclaimed happily. Mo Han looked in the direction of his finger, and he really saw the two rabbits standing up tremblingly. When he got up, he was never discouraged, which made Mo Han feel very novel.

"Yes! This little rabbit is really strong!" Mo Han also nodded and said.

"How can you know the joy of running if you don't fall a few somersaults?" Mu Ci looked at the little rabbit without blinking, feeling that his attachment to Mo Han at this time was just like the little rabbit's attachment to standing.But the rabbit will stand up one day after hard work, and no matter what I do, I am afraid that I will never have the chance to stand with her!
"Yeah! How can you see a beautiful rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?" Mo Han also sighed silently, thinking of Lin Shuang who always hides in the dark, he is also very helpless, emotional matters are really difficult Understand, no matter right or wrong, it is hard to let go!

The two of them seemed to consciously avoid the topic of feelings, and started chatting about the little rabbit again, and also talked about some interesting things when they were young. Mo Han didn't know that Mu Ci's eyes were always shining when he looked at her, wasn't it? Mu Ci doesn't know how to be flexible, but, the woman in front of him has been living in his heart for too long... so long that she has merged into his flesh and blood, and it's hard to extricate herself!
"The smell of meat is everywhere outside, but I don't want the two of you to squat here to feed the rabbit instead of eating meat?" Mu Xi, who had been looking for Mu Ci, couldn't help laughing when he saw the two squatting there feeding the rabbit. road.

In fact, Mu Xi never thought that Mo Han would be here at all. She knew that Mo Han didn't have that kind of thought about Mu Ci, and thought that Mo Han would deliberately alienate him because he knew Mu Ci's intentions. Unexpectedly, she was still willing to accompany him Come to think of it, it's not like she has no feelings for Muci at all!It's just that this kind of feeling has nothing to do with love. I'm afraid it's the affection that I grew up with for many years!

"If you say that, I'm really hungry!" Mo Han stood up and straightened his clothes, preparing to leave with Mu Xi.

Mu Ci knew that his sister was looking for him to eat, so he hurriedly lifted the rabbit cage, but he never thought, either because he was weak, or because he had been squatting for too long, he couldn't stand firmly for a while, his head became dizzy, and he fell to the side .

Mu Xi was too far away, and it was too late to catch him, but Mo Han turned around and pulled Mu Ci back. After Mu Ci stood still, before he had time to soothe his frightened heart, he went After checking the situation of the little rabbit, seeing that the two little things were still sleeping with their eyes squinted, they didn't know what happened just now, so they were relieved.

Mo Han noticed red blood drops on the ground sharply, and when he looked up, he realized that the hook protruding from the rabbit cage had scratched Mu Ci's palm, but the silly boy didn't seem to notice it yet!

Just when Mu Ci was carrying the cage and was about to go out with the two of them, Mo Han grabbed his wrist and couldn't move. Mu Ci looked at Mo Han puzzled, but saw her take out a small porcelain bottle from her arms , gently poured the medicine powder inside on his hand, a sharp pain came, and Mu Ci realized that he was injured.

"Why are you so careless? Don't you know if your hand was scratched by the cage?" Mo Han complained, pulling out a handkerchief from his sleeve, and gently tied it on his hand.

Mu Xi stood aside, watching the actions of the two, always felt that this scene seemed familiar, as if he had experienced it before.Frowning and thinking about it carefully, isn't it!Wasn't the scene in front of them the day they met?

Mu Ci stared blankly at the woman who was bandaging him with her head down, and felt an unbearable pain in her heart. His feelings for her started from this scene, and now when the scene reappeared, he was telling him that his The secret love that ended without a cause will come to an end before it blooms...

"Does it hurt?" Seeing that Mu Ci didn't make a sound, Mo Han looked up at him, and found that his eyes were moist, as if he was about to cry, thinking that the wound was too painful.

(End of this chapter)

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