Chapter 347
This is Mo Han's second visit to the Seventh Prince's Mansion. She seldom interacts with Mo Lin on weekdays, and she has never taken the initiative to come to her mansion. The last time she came was when Mo Lin got married. It was also discovered that Mo Lin was actually a woman with a bit of book flavor.

Mo Han has never had any contact with Zhang Ze, no matter whether he is good or bad, she will not bear it.It was Mo Lin who touched her lap first, so she wanted to return a big gift to Mo Lin, hoping that Zhang Ze would not blame her for being cruel, but if he wanted to blame it, he would blame his own wife for being evil.

"My lord, the dim sum is here. Try it first, it's still hot!" The waiter who had just reprimanded Mo Han and An Ji came in with a food box and placed the small snacks in the food box one by one. At the table, said with a smile.

"Let's put it there first!" Zhang Ze said without raising his head.

"My lord, the writing of this word is getting more and more beautiful, and it is somewhat similar to that of our Seventh Highness!" The waiter smiled flatteringly.

Zhang Zetou didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face, but he continued to bury his head in writing.Mo Han picked up a small stone next to it and threw it at a plum blossom porcelain vase in the window, only to hear a "呲咚...", the two men there shouted in surprise, and after the waiter turned back, At this moment, Anji threw out the silver needle in his hand neatly, and a gust of wind blew by. When the waiter came back to his senses, his family's lord had already disappeared!

"Ah! Come quickly! Help! Wang Jun is gone... Wang Jun is gone... Come here!" The waiter covered his mouth and yelled, he was robbed right under his nose Wang Jun, if the Seventh Highness comes back, he will never be spared. There is no one in the house who does not know that this Wang Jun is the lifeblood of their Seventh Highness, what should I do?woo woo...

The guards in the Seventh Prince's Mansion heard the cry for help, and rushed into Zhang Ze's yard in a swarm. When they were searching for help, Mo Han and An Ji had already led Zhang Ze out of the Seventh Prince's Mansion and came to the back door of Chunfeng Tower place.



When the dark guard saw the ring on Mo Han's finger, he knew that it was the leader of their Anbu, and immediately went forward to salute.

"Get up! Is he okay?" Mo Han asked.

"Very good, because he hasn't woken up after being drugged, the leader Anyi is protecting him personally in the dark." The dark guard said.

"Go down! Inform everyone in Anbu that the task has been completed, close the team!" After Mo Han finished speaking, he flew away, Anji followed behind Mo Han with a man on his back, and the two of them landed in a room the door.

Mo Han pushed the door lightly and went in. As soon as he looked up, he saw the person lying on the bed with his eyes closed but trembling all over. He must have been terrified... To be able to lie here so calmly, he was afraid He mustered up all his courage, Mo Han always knew that Zijin was much calmer than the average man, but seeing him like this with his own eyes, Mo Han's heart still hurts!

She came to the bed gently, and before she could touch Zijin's hand, he opened it with a "snap". Zijin suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the strange woman sitting by his bed, and shrank in fright. On the side, is the thing he least wants to face still about to happen?

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Zijin forced himself to calm down, and he asked in a cold voice.

"Zijin, I'm late..." Mo Han stretched out his hand and tore off the human skin mask on his face, looking at the little man huddled in the corner of the bed and said softly.

 The new article "The Flower of the Empress Blooms on the Other Shore" has been published, please take care of me!

(End of this chapter)

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