The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 354 Find Another Servant

Chapter 354 Find Another Waiter

Zijin saw the young boys beside him watching eagerly the princess and the others sitting there eating barbecue, swallowing greedily, and couldn't help covering the corners of their mouths with their handkerchiefs to cover their smiles, these children are so cute !

Mo Han saw that Zijin was staring at him, so he brought a plate of barbecue to Wenxin to send to him. Several young men immediately surrounded Zijin, and Zijin distributed them to them one by one, satisfying their little bellies. It seemed that there was too little to eat, and Zijin was not stingy, so he simply ran over to help Mo Han, and made a big pot for those little boys until their stomachs were full.

At this moment, all the little guys in the garden began to surround Zijin and call "Brother Zijin", as if the person who gave them the barbecue was not Mo Han but Zijin.

Zijin was so happy, he had never played around like this before, with so many little guys by his side, he was never idle all day long.It wasn't until the evening when the two princesses left with their families that Zijin came back to his senses. It turned out that children are so cute!He began to fantasize about his future with Mo Han...

I don't know, will their children be so cute in the future?Is it more like her, or more like him?

"Are you tired today?" Mo Han asked after washing and changing, sitting next to Zijin.

"No, I'm not tired, I'm very happy!" Zijin raised her head and said, her face blushed instantly, her dripping hair sticking to her forehead, it was so pretty!
"Go wash and rest earlier!" Mo Han said while wiping his hair with one hand and rubbing Zijin's small head with the other.

"Ah... um!" Zijin ran out as if he was running away, he was so ashamed to think that way just now!
Mo Han chuckled, then threw the towel to dry her hair and leaned against the bed. The haste of the past two days made her forget one very important thing. She had to find another male guard who could kung fu for Zijin. For this matter, I have to go to the palace to find Commander Ji for help.

Now Zijin is in the Eight Princes Mansion, still living in the small cubicle before, Mo Han wants someone to prepare a big yard for him again, but he disagrees desperately, and insists on getting closer to her, Mo Han thinks about him the day before yesterday After being frightened, he didn't force it, and lived wherever he wanted, as long as he was happy.

Zijin came out of the shower, but came to Mo Han again. He was a little too excited during the day, and now he couldn't sleep, and wanted Mo Han to talk to him.

The autumn night was very cold, Mo Han didn't want him to sit outside, so he simply wrapped him in a quilt and pulled him into the bed.Zijin huddled under the quilt, only a small head was exposed, like a big silkworm chrysalis, so cute, its eyes blinked, and Mo Han's heart melted at the sight.

Couldn't help but hug him tighter, and Zijin nestled happily in Mo Han's arms. He became more and more greedy. Before, he only thought that she could see him, but later he hoped that she would have time. It's good to be with her, but now, she expects to be with her day and night like this, never to be separated again.

The two just hug each other like this, even if they don't speak, they still feel very warm. Zijin can feel the heat from Mo Han's body, which burns his face and warms his heart...

"Zijin, do you know what the highest mountain in the world is?" Mo Han asked suddenly, thinking of the way Mo Qing looked at Zijin during the day, Mo Han felt that he should let Zijin understand his current choice.

"Isn't it the Baishan Mountain at the junction of Qiguo and Yunguo?" Zijin raised her eyes and said confidently.

"In our eyes, this Baishan is the highest mountain in the world, but there is a Mount Everest far away, which is much higher than Baishan!" Mo Han sighed.

"Where is the peak of Pearl you mentioned? But I've never heard of it! In the past, Master only said that Baishan is the highest mountain." Zijin asked puzzled.

"Mount is far away. Zijin, many times, what we see in front of our eyes is the best, but it may not be the best. One day, you will find that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are mountains beyond the mountains. Someone." Mo Han hesitated, "You are still young, or you think I am the best at this time, but as you grow older, you may find that maybe I am different from the Mo Han you imagined, you like It's just the perfect Mo Han you thought, and I will also have foot odor, pick my nose, fart and grind my teeth, then, will you regret being with me?"

"Hehe... I don't care what you do. In short, I just like you and only you! Mo Han, no matter how good others are, they are no different from me. If I can't be with you, I will live Thousands of years, what's the use?" Zijin grabbed Mo Han's sleeve nervously, "Mo Han, don't think about leaving me anymore, I am your fiancé, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life people!"

"Fool..." Mo Han rubbed Zijin's little head distressedly, closed his eyes, and slowly thought about their future.future?Or, I can promise him a worry-free future!
The two of them fell asleep like this, and when Zijin woke up, he realized that he was still in that person's arms. He covered the quilt and smiled secretly, like that little mouse who stole rice. How rare it was not to send him back!


"Zijin, I'll go to the palace to get you a servant later, I'm afraid Sanyue alone is not enough to be by your side!" Mo Han said as he put the buns in the small plate in front of Zijin.

Before Zijin could speak, Sanyue, who was standing beside her, immediately turned pale with fright, and then knelt down in front of the two with red eyes.

"Your Highness, Sanyue knew that he was wrong. Sanyue failed to protect the young master. Sanyue accepted the punishment, but please don't drive away Sanyue. Sanyue will take care of the young master for the rest of his life. After March, he will not let the young master die. Please be merciful, Your Highness, for the slightest injury!" Sanyue knelt on the ground and kept begging.

"Get up, Sanyue." Zijin quickly reached out to pull March, who was kneeling on the ground, but Mo Han didn't speak, and Sanyue didn't dare to get up.

"Get up! I can't blame you for this matter, but you don't have much kung fu. If you really encounter any danger, you may die and you won't be able to protect Zijin. This palace wants to find a man with some martial arts background for Zijin to protect him." , not to drive you away, as long as you serve Zijin well, as long as Zijin is satisfied, the hall will definitely not embarrass you!" Seeing Zijin looking at her begging for help, Mo Han finally opened his mouth and said .It's not that she doesn't want to punish Sanyue, but it's because of her after all, so what if a servant is punished?
"Thank you, Your Highness! Thank you, Young Master! San Yue will definitely serve Young Master well, and will never neglect!" San Yue wiped away her tears and hurriedly thanked him. If Young Master does not want him, there will be no room for him in this world!

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for your strong support!

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(End of this chapter)

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