Chapter 364 A hundred schools of thought contend
The emperor is riding a tiger right now!I have already made a golden promise to others. If Mo Han favors her, she will be rewarded heavily. Now that Mo Han has brought it up, she can't embarrass her daughter in public, right?Today is her birthday, she is the biggest!
Queen Feng was so angry that she gritted her teeth, wishing to drive the mother and daughter out of the palace, he fell in love with the son of An Guohou's family, if he could be a side king for Mo Han in the future, he would be a good child, Look how wide those hipbones are!It's cheaper than others...

Mo Han flattered Queen Feng and poured her a cup of tea. Queen Feng glanced at her but didn't say a word, which made Zijin feel better, but he also knew that such a refusal was not a long-term solution?Could it be that Mo Han could marry all the men in the hall?

"I am not talented, I want to sing a song for His Highness, I wish His Highness peace and joy!" A man in Tsing Yi stood up boldly and said, Mo Han looked at his family members behind him who were blushing, and nodded with a smile. The man in Tsing Yi immediately blushed and sat by the piano, ready to play and sing by himself.

The slender fingers were lifted up, and the sound of the piano was curled up and poured out, but it could not resist the clear singing voice of this young man. The singing came out smoothly, and it was indeed touching. The son actually has such a good voice!
Mo Han couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if this was in his previous life, he must be a powerful singer!What a pity, what a pity, born at the wrong time!
At the end of the song, the emperor took the lead in applauding. This time, Empress Feng didn't dare to say anything, she just waited for Mo Han to speak, so as not to say something wrong and let Mo Han take advantage of the loopholes and join him in the army.

"Listening to a song of the king tonight is like listening to fairy music. This song should only exist in the sky, and you can hear it several times in the world. You are so talented, and the singing is melodious and melodious. It is like the sound of nature. Mo Han admires it!" Mo Han admired He smiled and said, this is not an exaggeration, Mo Han really admired this little man's singing voice in his heart!

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your compliment, as long as your Highness likes it!" The young son of the Shangshu family of the household department is usually a spoiled child, and he let go of his nervous heart when he heard Mo Han's praise. It seems that His Highness seems to like it very much. Her own singing voice, she, wouldn't she... treat him a little differently...

"It doesn't matter whether I like it or not. The so-called high mountains and flowing water meet a bosom friend. Your singing voice still needs to be appreciated by a bosom friend. If you meet someone like this hall who doesn't understand the rhythm, wouldn't it be a waste of your talent?" Hong, said without a beat, who here doesn’t know that the eighth emperor’s daughter is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She said that she has no rhythm, so she may have other intentions. Lyrics and music, looking at it this way, it seems that the son and son are a match made in heaven, a man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance, a natural match, if not, the hall will be a matchmaker again, and I will draw a red line for you two..."

As soon as Mo Han's words fell, the little boy's face turned pale. She didn't like him at all, but wanted to be a matchmaker for him!Could it be that the son of his majestic household minister's family can't even be her side lord?

Seeing that the young master's eyes had turned red, the emperor immediately came out to rescue him: "Han'er is really thinking about others today, but the third lady of Ningguo's family is also very talented and beautiful, and the son of the Shangshu family of the household department is also very good-looking." It’s a good match.”

(End of this chapter)

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