The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 376 Matchmaking

Chapter 376 Matchmaking
Wen Xin listened silently, but the boss in her heart was not happy, that unruly and self-willed boy should not be allowed to stay in the palace for free.

Time flies, and it is near the year.It was too cold and it was always snowing, so Mo Han hid in the bedroom and refused to go out. The doorway was as usual a scene of you coming and me blocking.The child Yu'er came to report every day without getting discouraged, and Wen Xin took the trouble to stop at the door. Over time, watching the two bicker became Mo Han's entertainment in his spare time.

Every time Wen Xin, who is not good at words, is always blushed by the outspoken Yu'er, but because of Yu'er's identity, she dares not speak out.Mo Han sometimes has the illusion that betrotting Yu'er to Wenxin is also good, or it can enrich Wenxin's expressionless face.

"Yu'er, come in!" Mo Han thought and shouted out.

The two who were fighting on equal footing immediately quieted down, and His Highness let him in?Could it be his perseverance that moved His Highness?Yu'er thought in this way, but his long-awaited wish became a reality, but he was a little nervous and lost. Could it be that he will never have the chance to bicker with this big wood in the future?
Yu'er bit her lip and gave Wen Xin an aggrieved look, her warm eyes flickered, her since childhood loyalty made her focus on the eighth princess, and she walked away without saying anything.

"Hmph!" Yu'er stomped her foot lightly, pushed open the door and entered the inner hall sideways.

Mo Han closed his eyes and imagined the various expressions between the two in this quiet moment, and couldn't help laughing out loud. It's time for him, the master, to be a matchmaker for the two subordinates. Anyway, they are also older than him. How many years older, it's not easy to wait for her to get married, and let the two of them be single!
"Your Majesty, send my regards!" Yu'er came in and saluted Mo Han, then stood there without speaking, and did not rub against Mo Han as usual.

"What's the matter? But someone bullied you?" Mo Han asked with narrowed eyes.

"No..." Yu'er shook her head.

"Are you still used to being in the palace these few days?" Mo Han asked again.

"Well. Everyone treats Yu'er very well!" Yu'er's words are true. The servants of the Eight Princes' Mansion thought that Yu'er would be Mo Han's hungry man in the future, so they respected him very much. Wen Xin protects each other secretly, who will bully him?
"Since that's the case, would you like to stay in the Eighth Prince's Mansion in the future?" Mo Han straightened up and stared into Yu'er's eyes and asked.

"My family is willing!" Yu'er nodded heavily, now he has nowhere to go except the Eight Princes' Mansion!
"Then the hall will tell you a marriage, so you can stay here forever, are you willing?" Mo Han asked, pursing his lips.

"I don't want to, my family is here to serve His Highness the Eighth Highness, how can Your Highness give away my family at will?" When Yu'er heard that Mo Han was going to promise him out, she became anxious, thinking that she might be given to those who lost her. Seeing the old lady with bad teeth, Yu'er was terrified.

"Hehe... Don't you just listen to who this hall wants to betroth you to, and just refuse in such a hurry?" Looking at Yu'er's appearance as if he was facing a big enemy, Mo Han thought it was fun, he wouldn't Did he think that he was going to give him to Lao Wu who poured Yexiang in the mansion?
"I don't want anyone in my family, I just want to follow His Highness." Yu'er ran through all the women in the mansion in her mind, and felt that His Highness Eighth was the most beautiful and gentle. He didn't want to be with others, unless...

"Oh? That's it..." Mo Han deliberately elongated his voice, and then pretended to sigh, "This hall is still planning to make a marriage for Wen Xin. Since you don't want to, then this hall can only make another marriage for her. Looking for another man, alas!"

"Warm?" Yu'er's face appeared in Yu'er's mind again. If she married another man, wouldn't she stop taking care of him?
"Yes! This hall has always wanted to find a beautiful husband for Wen Xin!" Mo Han put his hand on his forehead, secretly raised his eyes to look at Yu'er's tangled face, and couldn't help but curl his mouth. This child is really innocent. , Fortunately, it was delivered to him, otherwise, if it was sold, I would have to count the money for it!
"Well... if it was that big piece of wood, my family... my family can also reluctantly agree to His Highness." Yu'er thought for a long time before saying with a blushing face.Then the two little hands kept clasping together, as if they wanted to clasp all the tension away.

"Okay! Since Yu'er agrees, then this matter is settled!" Mo Han nodded with a smile, and then shouted to the door, "Wenxin, take your husband back soon!"

Wen Xin blushed and opened the door and came in. In fact, she had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two of them. She thought that the master was asking Yu'er to come in to serve her, but she never thought it was to tell her about marriage.If there must be someone who will accompany her till old age in the future, maybe this little fool is not bad.

"Thank you, master, for the marriage!" Wen Xin bowed to Mo Han with a blushing face, and then quickly pulled Yu'er away, she was afraid to hear the master's snarky laughter, but despite this, She still didn't dodge it, she is still clear about the high internal strength of the master!
" Royal Highness promised the slave family to you, you have to treat the slave family well!" Yu'er said to Wen Xin with a blushing face.

"Okay!" Wen Xin nodded.

"In the future, don't use this piece of ice to face my slave, be gentle." Yu'er made another request.

"Uh... good!" Wen Xin hesitated for a moment, then nodded in response.

"Then you still have a straight face?" Yu'er was sweet in her heart, and seeing that Wen Xin was still serious, she couldn't help muttering.

Wen Xin tried to grin her mouth and smiled, Yu'er was so scared that she immediately stretched out her small hand to cover her eyes and said, "It's better to make a piece of wood with that ice face..."

The warm face immediately stepped down. Could it be that this man is so difficult to serve?Master, can this subordinate retire him?
"Wu Mu, can you carry your slave back home?" Yu'er stepped forward lightly, standing beside Wen Xin and said coquettishly.

"Okay!" Wen Xin nodded, then squatted down.

Yu'er slowly lay on Wen Xin's back, and then said in a sticky voice: "When I was young, my family saw that all the children around me were carried by their mothers, and my family was so envious! I thought that one day my wife and master would also carry them. When you carry yourself, the person who is carried must be very happy!"

The warm and upright figure paused for a moment, then the strength in his hands increased a bit, and he said in a muffled voice, "Wherever you want to go in the future, I can carry you on my back!"

"Mu Mu, you're so kind!" Yu'er gently lay on Wen Xin's back, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Don't call yourself a slave anymore, I will make you happy!" Wen Xin said suddenly.

 Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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