The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 381 Li Zijin's Sorrow

Chapter 381 Li Zijin's Sorrow
"It will pass soon..." Mo Han comforted in a soft voice, and he was speaking to Zijin as well as himself.

"But I want to be with you all the time..." Zijin mumbled softly, but she knew in her heart that most of the decisions Mo Han made could not be changed.

"Yes..." Will it?Mo Han was not sure in her heart. She was afraid that the dream would reappear, but she was also afraid that the dream would not reappear. She wanted to know what happened to the man in the dream. She wanted to tell him and let him live well. The person she loves will always come back, and she still wants to say sorry to him personally...

Even though he knew it was a dream, Mo Han still felt that it was real. The man's sadness couldn't deceive anyone. The man who had been waiting for her for thousands of years as Hades said should be the man who appeared in the dream, but he Is it Zijin?She doesn't know either...

Mo Han was serious about liking Zijin, but if that man appeared, she felt that she should not bear him for the rest of her life, but she couldn't bear Zijin, so she was afraid of that man's appearance, but also hoped that he would appear... …

Li Zhengjun knew that Mo Han was there, so he went to Li Zijin first.Seeing that it was getting late, Mo Han came in a hurry. Seeing this, Mo Han didn't stay any longer, so he said goodbye and left.

After leaving Zijin's courtyard, Mo Han walked in another direction. She still had the birthday gift she had prepared for Li Zijin in her sleeve. It had been 14 years, and this was the first time she had personally prepared a birthday gift for the child. And she still has something to say to him face to face.

The so-called untie the bell has to tie the bell, Mo Han knew in his heart that if Li Zijin didn't untie the knot by himself, it would be difficult for the child to get out.

"Young master, why are you so pale, I will put on some rouge for you to make sure you look good." Ah Jiu's voice came from inside, and Mo Han stood at the door and didn't move again.

"No need..." What does it matter if you paint it or not?The people he likes don't even look at him more.

"My lord, today is your big day, why are you unhappy? Look, how many good things the lord and the ladies have sent you." Ah Jiu was still trying to find a way to make Li Zijin happy. Since Hu's death, When the eldest son returned to the mansion, his son was never happy again.

Ah Jiu served Li Zijin since he was a child, so he knows his heart disease. His son doesn't care whether he is a concubine or a concubine, he only cares about that high-ranking eighth princess, because he is no longer qualified to stand with that person , Young Master doesn't say anything, but Ah Jiu can also tell that his Young Master's heart disease is probably hard to heal...

"Ah Jiu, put it there! You know I don't care about these things!" Li Zijin shook her head and asked hesitantly, "Eighth Sister...she should have come, right?"

"Yes, the Eighth Prince will be here early in the morning, and you will be able to watch her later!" Ah Jiu thought, maybe seeing that the Eighth Prince could make the Young Master happy, so she hurriedly replied.

"Eighth Sister treats my brother so well! In previous years, she has never come so early on my birthday!" Li Zijin smiled wryly, after all, she didn't like him.

In the past, when he celebrated his birthday, he hoped that she would come to accompany him early, even if it was just to visit him secretly, but he was eager to see through, but there was still no sign of that person...

But the elder brother is different, she can come and wait for him early in the morning, this is the kind of pampering that she has never experienced before.

(End of this chapter)

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