The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 392 Provocation

Chapter 392 Provocation
Li Zijun looked around and saw that his mother and sister were all buried in their meals, pretending not to hear, while the men in the family were all staring at her, so they could only bite the bullet and nodded.

That Yunyu was indeed beautiful, they couldn't just call her unattractive just because they didn't like it, seeing Li Zijun nodding, Zijin's face turned pale again, why did the scene in front of him give him a feeling of deja vu?
Could it be that everything in that nightmare is about to come true?Thinking of that nightmare, Zijin couldn't help but tremble all over. If it was true, Mo Han would abandon him, and he would die with hatred...

"Zijin, don't think too much, mother is here for everything!" Li Shan finally said, she owes her son too much, even if she fights this old face, she can't let the woman her son likes be snatched away by others .

"Thank you, mother!" Zijin nodded lightly. No matter what, he wanted to meet the prince. For Mo Han, he was not afraid of anything!
Li Zhengjun looked at Zijin distressedly, but he didn't say anything in the end. He owed his son a lot and always wanted to give him the best, but after all, he missed it for more than ten years, and some things can't be made up for!
After Zijin had breakfast, he asked Sanyue and Memorial to accompany him out of the mansion, and arrived at the private room of the teahouse according to the time written in Prince Yun's worship post. When he arrived, Yun Yu had already been waiting there.

"Mr. Li..." Yun Yu saw the person coming, got up and called out.

"I've met the sixth prince of Yunguo!" Zijin nodded, and only slightly blessed him. Although he was a prince, he was not from Qiguo after all, and Zijin would not salute him.

Yun Yu looked at the elegant man in front of him, and Mo Han's appearance appeared in his mind. Although Li Zijin covered his face with a veil, he could feel the same aura from the two of them. They have such a tacit understanding, even the feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away is exactly the same, Yun Yu suddenly felt that he had lost, lost to this clean man in front of him, although neither of them spoke, he still felt that he I am afraid that I will never be able to compare with this man...

Zijin also looked carefully at the sixth prince of Yunguo who was dressed in red in front of him. His seductive eyes were very shrewd, his facial features were exquisite, and he was indeed a beauty. I am afraid that even a woman could not escape from such a man. !
"Mr. Li, please sit down!" After Yun Yu lost his mind, he immediately stopped thinking and greeted with a smile.No matter how capable this Li Zijin is, he will snatch Mo Han over. He has never been unable to get what Yun Yu likes!
"I don't know what the sixth prince Yun asked Zijin to come here?" Facing a man who had robbed his wife and head in public, Zijin really didn't want to make false claims with him, so he simply asked straight to the point.

"Since Mr. Li is quick to speak, our hall will stop making detours. This hall invited Mr. Li to come here because of Mo Han!" Yun Yu said with a smile, pursing her lips.

"Mo Han? I don't know why the sixth prince of Yun came to Qiguo for the first time, why did he have something to do with Mo Han?" Zijin was annoyed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, with a magnanimous and tolerant look.

"I didn't have anything to do with it in the past, but fate made me look for a wife thousands of miles away. I met her from Yunguo to Qiguo. In the future... we will be inseparable!" Yun Yu leaned in front of Zijin and said with raised eyebrows, he Instead, I want to see what kind of fight this young master will have against himself!
 Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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