Chapter 422 Assassin
"Of course, my son has been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child, and he has always been a child who knows the importance. Daddy believes in you, but you have to take care of yourself. Don't be greedy when it's cold." Mu Zhengjun also laughed. nodding.

"Yes, my child has written it down!" Mu Ci responded obediently.

"Then let your sister take you there after lunch!" Mu Zhengjun was finally worried that his son would go out alone, and those servants were still not as reliable as his daughter.

"it is good!"


After Li Zijin was taken back to Li Xiangfu, Mo Han had time to investigate the matter of the assassin. She met the woman in person, and she was indeed from the country of Yun. Yun Yu was there at the time, and she looked at Yun Yu with a shocked look on her face. , Mo Han knew that he was afraid that he was being used by others!
"Who are you? Why did you assassinate me?" Mo Han leaned on the chair behind him and asked the half-dead assassin.

"I...I am the guard of the prince of Yun Kingdom. My prince treats you wholeheartedly, but hurt him deeply. Are you... Are you deceiving me that there is no one in Yun Kingdom?" The woman spat out a mouthful of blood donation. sneered.

"Oh? According to you, you killed me because of your prince?" Mo Han tapped his fingers on the handle of the chair, his eyes turned from the assassin to Yun Yu, and then back again, but his expression didn't change!
"I don't know about this!" Yun Yu looked at Mo Han's profile and said, whether she believed it or not, he never thought of harming her by such a stupid means.

Mo Han didn't say anything, just stared at the assassin who was tied to the rack motionlessly, waiting for her to speak.

"Yes!" The assassin hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded in response.With this nod, she pinned the crime on Yun Yu's head. If there is no sufficient evidence, Yun Yu will not be cleared up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Why do you want to frame this hall? This hall asks itself that you are not mean to me. I think you are far away from home, and the monthly silver is doubled for you every month, but you are going to repay your kindness and betray your master for glory!" Yun Yu threw it to you angrily. He slapped the assassin and said, this slap was also very hard, it made his palms burn, but his body was still trembling uncontrollably with anger.

"Your have traveled thousands of miles to come here to marry, but...but this Qiguo actually deceived you when you were young, and has not proposed a marriage for you so far. This subordinate can't see it!" The assassin was beaten in the face, but Ke said still said.

"Since you are thinking about this hall, you should know how important Mo Han is to this hall, why do you want to assassinate her? Aren't you afraid that this hall will be sad?" Yun Yu asked angrily, how dare she hit him? To kill the person he likes under the guise is really courageous.

"Heh! Didn't your Highness say that if you don't get the eighth princess of Qiguo, then she will be ruined, and you will definitely not take advantage of Mr. Li's family? This subordinate is just sharing the worries of the master!" The assassin looked at Yun Yu asked back.

" hall...when did this hall say such a thing?" Yun Yu was very annoyed, he just muttered a few words in annoyance, how could this person listen to him?
"Your Highness, this subordinate is dedicated to you, and death is not a pity. I just beg your Highness to treat your family members kindly, and don't take your anger out on them. I am grateful!" Seeing that Mo Han's face had become serious, the assassin went Knowing that one's mission has been completed, if one's own life can be used to exchange one's life for the rest of the life of one's family, that would be considered a worthy death!
(End of this chapter)

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