The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 430 Han'er has a secret disease

Chapter 430 Han'er has a secret disease
"It's all about the child's fault, which made the empress worry!" Mo Han knew that his words were too violent just now, which really hurt Empress Feng's love for her daughter.

"You know the painstaking efforts of the empress father, the empress father is not all for you!" Hearing what Mo Han said, Empress Feng's heart warmed up a bit, and she said a little aggrieved.

"The child knows that the father loves the child the most, and the child also wants to make the father happy!" Everyone knows that the Queen Feng loves Mo Han. If it is not for his own marriage, Mo Han would not be willing to disobey him. Fortunately, Empress Feng has always been free from Mo Han, and has never forced her to do anything. Although she always said that she would give her a few servants, she disagreed, and Empress Feng never forced her.

The family of three was happily chatting, and when talking about the letter from the tenth prince, Mo You, the emperor couldn't help but think of the sixth prince of Yun Kingdom who hadn't been found yet, and suddenly sighed: "Hey!"

"Why did the empress sigh?" Mo Han looked at the emperor and asked in bewilderment, there is nothing important for the empress to worry about now!
"Now your marriage is settled, but the sixth prince of Yunguo is still living in the posthouse!" The emperor frowned and said worriedly, and this prince of Yunguo didn't hurry to find a woman who looked right to invite her It's not good for her to propose a marriage for him rashly, so the child should still be wholeheartedly thinking of marrying Mo Han, right?

"Mother might as well create some opportunities for him, and get to know more young talents who know Qiguo, so that he can have a chance to get married earlier!" Mo Han said with his lips pursed, the sixth prince of Yunguo is not a cheap lamp. , it is better to marry into someone else's family, but fortunately, their royal family has no suitable women.

"What Han'er said is that it's not easy for him to come to a foreign country alone, so how can he have the opportunity to meet other women? Your Majesty still has to plan for that child, and it's a poor..." Queen Feng thought Mo You, who was far away in a foreign country, began to feel sore again, and couldn't help feeling a little more distressed for the Prince Yun.

"It's just around the corner of the new year, and the mother can just take the opportunity to hold a few more banquets." Seeing the Queen Feng, Mo Han began to feel sad again, and hurriedly said, "It just so happens that the queen father can also find a good day for the child in the early spring of next year. , the child should marry Zijin into the family earlier, and give birth to a few more fat grandchildren for the father!"

"You child, don't be ashamed!" Hearing what Mo Han said, Queen Feng pursed her lips and laughed, and she began to look forward to Mo Han's child in her heart, eh... big fat grandson?Grandson is also good, he also likes it, if he can be as well-behaved and sensible as Mo Han was when he was a child, it will be even more painful!

"Haha..." Laughter kept coming from Fengyi Palace, but the Yazhu Palace here was full of mourning...

"You... what did you say?" Yajun put down the embroidery in his hand, looked at his personal servant and asked.

"I heard that the servants outside are saying that today our Seventh Princess was... punished by the Holy One!" The little servant lowered his head and said in a trembling voice.

"Lin'er...why did she anger the Holy Majesty? She has always been the most well-behaved and sensible among the princesses!" Yajun immediately got up and grabbed the servant's arm and asked hurriedly. He never argued in the palace. Rob, his daughter doesn't want to be that early bird, and the six princesses are responsible for everything, but why does the emperor punish his Lin'er?
"Returning to Yajun, I heard that it's... because... it's because of the assassination of the Eighth Prince's daughter and the killing of Mr. Li's family..." the little servant said in a low voice.

"What?" Yajun was shocked, could it be that the things they did were known by the Holy One?This is the capital crime of beheading, so isn't his daughter in danger at this moment?After hesitating for a moment, Yajun asked tremblingly, "My did she deal with the seventh princess?"

"It seems that the Holy Majesty wanted to execute the Seventh Princess, but because of the Eighth Princess's pleading, he... changed the punishment and fined her salary, and went back to the mansion to think about her mistakes. Without the holy order, she would not be able to leave the mansion for the rest of her life."

"She actually begged for Lin'er?"

Yajun staggered a few steps and retreated to the soft bed behind her. Lin'er was hit by the board, it must be very painful, right?Fortunately, his life was saved, but... there is no holy order not to leave the house for life... His natal family has no power at all, they all rely on Prime Minister Zhang, and his own daughter has no other daughter who can get meritorious service to save Mo Lin. Wouldn't this level be closed for a lifetime?
No, he has to plan for his daughter, since he can't rely on others, then he has to rely on himself.Anyway, he has been with the emperor for more than 20 years, the emperor must care about his relationship with him, right?

"Hurry up, make up for me, I'm going to see the Holy One." Yajun didn't care about other things, just wiped the tears from his face and shouted.

"Yajun, the Holy Majesty is accompanying the Empress Feng and the Eighth Princess at Fengyi Palace at this moment! I'm's inappropriate for you to go there at this moment!" The little servant hurried forward to persuade him that the Holy Majesty must still be giving birth to the Seventh Princess. Angry, Yajun's passing at this moment is just asking for boredom. Everyone knows that the emperor only loves the queen and the eighth princess, disturbing their interest, let alone begging for mercy, it will only add fuel to the fire.

"It's because you're thoughtful, but I've lost my mind... Hurry up, send this wounded person to the Seventh Prince's Mansion to Lin'er, let her take the medicine on time, and take good care of her wounds. I still have everything!" Jun calmed down and said, and then took out a lot of wound medicine and asked his servants to deliver it to Mo Lin. Seeing that there was no one else in the room, he vented his strength and remained silent for a long time.

Mo Han had lunch with the Emperor and Empress Feng in Fengyi Palace before leaving. The Emperor smoothed Empress Feng's frown and asked softly, "Why is Han'er still looking worried? Didn't the child already promise to do so?" Are you married?"

When no one was around, the emperor still liked to call Empress Feng by her boudoir name, which also showed the unusual relationship between the two.

"You don't understand, I'm afraid there may be something wrong with this child Han'er!" Queen Feng sighed heavily.

"I see that she can eat and drink, it's no different from before!" The emperor knew that Mo Han loved to practice martial arts since he was a child, and his body is much stronger than others. Although he is thin, he is not weak at all. If you say so, could it be that caring leads to chaos?
"That's not what the minister said..." Feng Hou blushed and whispered into the emperor's ear, "Does Han'er have a secret illness?"

The emperor turned his eyes to look at his red-faced and hot husband, couldn't recover for a long time, and then laughed loudly: "Han'er, Han'er, what are you thinking nonsense? I look at Han'er But very healthy!"

"Your Majesty...don't laugh, what I said is serious!" Queen Feng turned around in dissatisfaction, the emperor smiled like this, he only felt his face was getting hotter!
(End of this chapter)

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