The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 433 Set the Wedding Date

Chapter 433 Set the Wedding Date
"Don't be angry, be careful, Han'er is fine! Besides, I have already punished Lao Qi according to Han'er's request, so you don't want to embarrass yourself for nothing!" The emperor persuaded softly.

"Your Majesty...he...his daughter wants to kill the minister's daughter! How can you just let it go like this?" Queen Feng pulled out her hand and stared at the emperor. Can't you reprimand the murderer a few words?Isn't Han'er her daughter?Just know the man who protects her!

"How can it be so? I will punish her severely!" The emperor hurriedly explained.

"The minister knows that Han'er has a kind heart since he was a child, so he doesn't want to kill each other. The minister never thought of taking the lives of their father and daughter. It's just that they are cruel and cruel to kill the minister's daughter. Please give me your advice on this matter." I will give you an explanation!" Everything else can be compromised, but if you want to kill his daughter, you can't do it even if you are the king of heaven!
"Didn't you hear what the Queen said? Why don't you hurry back to your Yazhu Palace and think about the past! Without my will, you can just stay in the bedroom and copy scriptures and pray for the eighth princess to atone for your sins!" The emperor knelt on the ground The Yajun scolded, this Yajun is a smart one, he knows how to take the initiative to plead guilty and let Queen Feng vent her anger, if the emperor waits for him, I am afraid it will not be so easy to let him go!

"Yes! The servant is resigning!" Yajun stepped back. At any rate, his first step of intercession was successful, so he went back and waited. The New Year is coming soon, and the emperor didn't say that he would not be allowed to attend the New Year's banquet. Look for opportunities to intercede for my daughter!

Yajun backed out, and the emperor moved closer to Queen Feng, ready to comfort him, but Queen Feng was unhappy because of Mo Lin's murder of Mo Han. It was because of the reason that Queen Feng was willing to talk to her a few more words.

Due to a lot of things going on recently, the emperor and the empress Feng also wanted to rush to have a happy event. Finally, after discussing with the two, they set Mo Han's wedding date on the second day of February next year, because the time is very short. Immediately, Empress Feng was busy directing the palace to prepare for Mo Han's marriage, and the princess also personally arranged the layout of the Eight Princes' Mansion.

"My lord, the lord wants you to go to the front hall." A servant came to Zijin with a happy face and said, Li Zijin beside him was still pestering Muci to embroider lotus for him, the two just looked up Glancing at the waiter, he went on with his own business.

"Dad, what did you say?" Zijin put down the handkerchief she was embroidering, and raised her eyes and asked.

"Naturally, it's a great event! Empress Qiansui sent someone from the palace to measure your body and make a wedding dress for you, I'm here to congratulate you!" The servant grinned and said, now the entire Qi Kingdom, except Except for the prince who married the prince, the son of his family is the best. Who is the eight princes?But others can't ask for it!

"What? Make a wedding dress for me?" Zijin's eyes widened in disbelief, surprised and delighted. What does it mean to make a wedding dress for him?
"Hiss..." Mu Ci was startled, the embroidery needle in his hand stuck straight into his finger, and blood gushed out immediately, he quickly put his finger away and hid it in his sleeve.A trace of panic flashed in Li Zijin's innocent eyes. He didn't understand why his brother wanted to make a wedding dress. Is his brother going to get married?who to marryIs it his eighth sister?

"Yes, Eldest Son! I heard that the Holy Majesty and the Empress Feng personally set a happy date for you and the Eighth Prince, and it will be in the next year!" The waiter just listened in the front hall, as for the specific time He didn't quite know either.

"Mo Han... She actually agreed?" Zijin murmured, didn't Mo Han say that he would wait until he was 16 years old before he would marry?Why did you agree to marry him after the next year?Could it be because of the sixth prince of Yun Kingdom?

As soon as Zijin rolled his eyes, he thought that it was Mo Han who agreed to get married earlier in order to reject Prince Yun Liu. If not, then Prince Yun Liu would never find a good woman to marry, and it would be difficult for Yu Yunguo to explain.But no matter what, as long as you can marry her, it's fine...

"Okay, I'll come right away." Zijin stood up, his usually expressionless face was full of joy, his greatest wish was to marry Mo Han and become her husband, he couldn't ask for anything !
"Congratulations Zijin!" Mu Ci smiled and stood up to congratulate, isn't this day coming sooner or later?He should be happy for Zijin, isn't that what both Zijin and Mo Han hoped for?Even so, the pain in the palm of his hand was still reminding him that the woman he had loved for more than ten years was about to get married, and the groom was not him...

"Thank you brother Mu Ci, I'll come as soon as I go, please trouble brother Mu Ci to take care of Jin'er." Zijin smiled and stroked Li Zijin's little head, and turned to leave when Mu Ci nodded.

"Brother Mu Ci, does it hurt?" Seeing Zijin leave, Li Zijin took Mu Ci's hand and asked carefully.

Seeing Li Zijin carefully blowing his fingers, Mu Ci touched his little face distressedly, and shook his head, the pain on his fingers is nothing, how can it compare to the pain in his heart?The two of them are poor people who can't love each other, but he is not as lucky as Jin'er, at least if he forgets, he won't be in such pain...

"Daddy..." Zijin hurried over, seeing many people standing in the hall, hurriedly restrained his steps, and bowed to Li Zhengjun.

"Zi Jin, come quickly, this is the prince in the palace, he is ordered by Queen Feng to make a wedding dress for you." Li Zhengjun pointed to the palace servant beside him and said with a smile.

"Zijin has seen Eunuch Wang!" Zijin bowed his knees and bowed, and Eunuch Wang hurriedly stood up from his chair in shock.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, slave first congratulate the son!" How dare the prince let the future Eighth Prince salute him, isn't this killing him!
"Congratulations to the young master!" The other servants also said.

Zijin had to admire the people in the palace, all of them were human beings, even though he had not married into the Eight Princes' Mansion, he had been treated so favorably by them, it seemed that Mo Han's status in Qiguo was self-evident.

"More brothers!" Zijin is not a person who likes to put on airs, so he treats them with courtesy.

"Since this is the case, I will first measure the size of the young master, and ask the young master to straighten his arms..." Wang Gonggong pursed his lips and smiled. In the future, this will be the eight kings of Qiguo who are under one person and above ten thousand. Jun, he dare not offend.

"Wang Gonggong's eyesight is very good. Back then, the princess's wedding dress came from Wang Gonggong's hands!" Li Zhengjun was happy in his heart. The Queen Feng really took care of his son. From this point of view, Even if Zijin marries in the future, he will never be wronged, so he can rest assured!

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