Chapter 436
"Jin'er's nose is really powerful, she woke up after smelling the smell of rice!" Mu Ci nodded amusedly at Li Zijin's nose and said with a smile. Had lunch happily.

The news that the Eighth Prince's daughter was going to get married spread throughout the entire capital as if it had grown wings, and it was almost the end of the year again.

"Your Highness...don't drink any more, you have to pay attention to your body!" Xiaomi knelt at Yun Yu's feet and urged her repeatedly.

"Haha... the heart of sorrow has been broken and there is no reason to get drunk. Before the wine comes, tears will come first. The lamp is on and the pillow is on and off, and I know the taste of lonely sleep. The sorrow of parting is gradually endless, and the distance is like spring water. The hall uses wine to relieve sorrow and get drunk. If you don't—then you will forget about those unhappiness!" Yun Yu laughed loudly, he waited for so long, but what he waited for was the news that she was going to get married, he was the prince who came to make a kiss!He obviously already knew her secret, and she had been gentle and considerate to him. Didn't she love the man in her dream very much?Why did he suddenly marry that emaciated son of the Li family?

"Your Highness...there are so many good women in the world, why do you bother to fall in love with her alone? I look at that Xian Wang is also a reckless person, and he is not worthy of you, Your Highness!" Xiaomi stopped Yun Yu and wanted to go The hand pouring the wine said hurriedly.

"In the past, the sea was difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud. Xiaomi, you don't understand, when you grow up, you will understand when you meet the woman who makes you want to stop..." Yun Yu smiled wryly, and continued, "No! Xiaomi , you'd better stay away from women! The word love is the most harmful, it's better not to be contaminated!"

Yun Yu snatched the jug on the table and drank again. In his arms, he still carried the secret medicine of Yunguo that Yun Ming left for him before he left. He said it was a secret medicine, but he could only get one person's body. But if you can't get someone's heart, you're just deceiving yourself!
But deceiving yourself and others is also good, it's better than finding a woman you don't like at all for the rest of your life!Yun Yu tightly held the jug in his hand. Although he was drunk, his mind was extremely sober. From childhood to adulthood, whatever he wanted, he would use all means to get it.

"Xiaomi, go and prepare hot water, we need to take a bath and change clothes!" Yun Yu dropped the flagon in his hand, and ordered to Xiaomi who was still kneeling there with a worried face.

"Yes, Your Highness, I'm going now." Xiaomi got up happily, and hurriedly went out to give orders, as long as it's His Highness who doesn't drink, it's fine!


"Ruyan has not yet congratulated His Highness on being crowned king, and is marrying the son of the prime minister's mansion. It can be said to be a double blessing." Ruyan, who hadn't seen Mo Han for a long time, congratulated her with a smile, and poured her a cup of scented tea by the way.

"Hehe... I never thought that Mr. Ruyan, who has always been as indifferent as water, would listen to the gossip of the world!" Mo Han said with a smile.

"This is your highness's important matter, how can you say it is gossip!" Ru Yan sighed helplessly, these are two important events in life, how can she say so easily?

"Cough cough..." Mo Han half clenched his right hand into a fist and coughed lightly. Is she too unassuming?Ru Yan, who was gentle and virtuous before, dared to disobey her, but this is also a good sign, proving that he is becoming more and more like her friend!

"Then thank you, Mr. Ruyan, for your concern! Should I still say that on my wedding day, I invite you all to have a glass of thin wine at the Mansion? Haha..." Mo Han laughed loudly.

"Don't be fooling around with Ruyan anymore. Ruyan is just a man of fireworks, how can he be qualified to attend your wedding?" Ruyan smiled wryly, and he just waited like this, and he was satisfied with her occasional visit!

"I'm afraid Ruyan has forgotten what I said the day I picked you up, Ruyan is my friend, don't underestimate yourself!" Mo Han said, looking directly into Ruyan's eyes.

Mo Han has always regarded Ruyan as his bosom friend, a person who can say many things that others dare not say in front of others, and a person who can come to listen to Qu'er and talk to her when she is tired. Only Ruyan... never made any demands on her, only sat there quietly to accompany her, listened to her whining, and responded to her rude requests, just like a relative in the previous life.

"Ruyan can get you to treat each other like this, and he will die without regret." Ruyan's nose turned sour, and her eyes turned red.

People in the world look down on these young masters of the Red Chamber, thinking that they make a living by selling their bodies, but who can understand the pain in their hearts?The world is cold and life is impermanent, if it is not forced, who would want to enter this dirty place?But Mo Han was different, she never disliked him, she never looked down on him because of his status, she rescued him from suffering, she found a shelter for him, she made his life worth living.

"Don't live and die all day long, we all have to be good. If Zijin and I have a son in the future, can I invite Ruyan to be his luthier?" Mo Han pushed the cup in front of Ruyan, She didn't want to see his sadness, and she didn't want to see him cry.

"Ruyan is not worthy!" Ruyan hurriedly waved her hands and said, if the eighth princess really has Xiao Diqing in the future, how can she have such an unworthy master as him?This will ruin Xiao Diqing's reputation!
"This king says you can do what you want. Ruyan's piano skills are comparable to Ah Jin's. It would be his honor to worship Ruyan as his teacher in the future." How could Mo Han not know what Ruyan was thinking, "Ruyan, don't do this in the future. You were involuntary in the past, but now you have a new life. Since it is the past, let it go with the wind!"

"What the princess said is that this is Ruyan's wedding gift to the princess and Mr. Li. Ruyan has nothing to offer, so I hope the princess will not dislike it." Ruyan pushed a small box to Mo Han , Pursing his lips softly.

This box is filled with sandalwood that he has treasured for many years. Just burning a small piece of it can make people calm down and sleep well overnight.This is what he obtained unintentionally many years ago, but he is not willing to use it at all.

"The so-called courtesy is light and affection is heavy, I accept Ruyan's heart!" Mo Han took the wooden box, and an elegant fragrance wafted out of his nostrils.

"It's good that the princess doesn't dislike it!" Ru Yan smiled faintly, her eyebrows and eyes brightened, she walked to the side of the piano a few steps, raised her fingers, and the elegant sound of the piano flowed out, which also soothed the restlessness in Mo Han's heart.

Since entering the court, Mo Han has been busy all day long, and has never had such a leisurely moment. Thinking about it now, being able to drink a cup of tea and listen to music in such a quiet way is already a rare tranquility in the world .

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for the flowers!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  I have been away for the past few days, if there is a typo in the post, please point it out, and the author will correct it immediately! ~(^з^)-

(End of this chapter)

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