Chapter 439
"Change the dressing!" Seeing that Mo Lin didn't speak anymore, Zhang Ze took the empty bowl and put it aside, and took the small porcelain bottle to lift Mo Lin's quilt.

"How can I bother you to do it yourself, let the servants do it!" Mo Lin said with a blushing face. Although they have been married for more than a year, she still has no face to let someone she likes do such a thing.

"I'm your husband, it's most suitable for me to change your medicine, lie down quickly!" Zhang Ze pulled Mo Lin's hand and put it aside, lifted the quilt and began to sprinkle medicine on Mo Lin, with an expressionless face. His face didn't change, but Mo Lin looked shy.

No matter what status a woman is, she will always look like a shy girl in front of the person she likes.

"Ze...Ze''s good to have you!" Mo Lin buried his head in the pillow and murmured softly.

"If you really think this kind of life is good, then stop it!" Zhang Ze said seriously after putting away the small porcelain bottle and covering Mo Lin with the quilt again.

"Ze'er, I..." Mo Lin didn't want to lie to Zhang Ze, but she also didn't want to let go. She had been planning for so many years, but it came to nothing. She was not reconciled!
"The Eighth Prince is a benevolent woman. Today you can save your life because of her intercession, but can you guarantee that you will have such a good fortune in the future? Not everyone can repay grievances with virtue! If you lose your life, have you ever thought about it?" I am full of people?" Zhang Ze wholeheartedly wanted to persuade Mo Lin to stop, but the man obeyed him in everything else, except this matter, he would not waver in the slightest.

"Ze'er, I...I have no choice..." Mo Lin said apologetically, but he was unwilling to let go and give up.

"You..." Zhang Ze sneered in his heart. After all, he expected too much from her. In her heart, she still couldn't resist the temptation of power, that's all!Isn't there no hope at all?
"Ze'er..." Looking at the back of Zhang Ze leaving with an empty medicine bowl, Mo Lin just called his name helplessly and gave up. Since he can't promise anything to him now, he will try his best to get what he wants. If you want, give him the best!

Because the eighth prince's daughter is going to get married in the next year, there is no big annual banquet. The emperor just invites all the officials to bring their daughters to the palace for the banquet. Although everyone is puzzled, they dare not question the holy will.

In fact, the emperor's move was to reduce the burden on Queen Feng, and secondly, it was also for the marriage of the sixth prince of Yunguo. It is not easy for the prince and his son to live in the post all the time!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Chinese New Year, let the prince of Yunguo see the charm of her Yunguo woman, so as to save him from focusing on Mo Han and causing any trouble for Mo Han's marriage. After all, Mo Han was assassinated. At that time, did the assassin ever confide in the words that Prince Yun Liu wanted to destroy Mo Han? For these things about his daughter's life, the emperor would rather believe it than believe it.

"Your Highness, this is our first time celebrating the New Year in Qiguo!" Xiaomi looked around behind Yunyu, extremely curious!

"If you like Qiguo, this hall will grant you a family and let you stay here forever, okay?" Yun Yu looked at Xiaomi amusedly and said.

"Where His Highness is, so is this slave!" Xiaomi hurriedly said after walking a few steps behind Yun Yu.

"Hey! I'm afraid it's impossible for us to go back to Yunguo!" Looking at this strange place, Yun Yu felt as if the days in Yunguo were just yesterday, but he... can never go back !

"As long as your Highness can find a good wife-lord, even in this country of Yun, you can still live a good life!" Seeing that Yun Yu was full of sadness, Xiaomi comforted him from the side.

"Ruyi Wife Master?" Yun Yu laughed at herself, "I'm afraid she won't be able to if I get what she wants, and if she gets what she wants, I'll have to be alone..."

If it wasn't for that first meeting, would the ending between them be different? He had seen her looking back and smiling thousands of times in his dreams, and that memory seemed to have taken root and penetrated deeply into his heart. In my heart, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pull it out.

"Your Highness..." Xiaomi looked at Yun Yu sadly, his master has never been happy since he met the Eighth Prince of Qi Kingdom!
"Let's go..." Yun Yu didn't want to say more, but pursed her lips and said.

"Your Highness, there..." Xiaomi grabbed Yun Yu's arm and motioned him to look at the small pavilion.

And Mo Han, who was bored here, was sitting in the pavilion listening to Mu Xi and Lin Shuang telling anecdotes about Beijing. Seeing Mu Xi and Lin Shuang looking behind him, Mo Han also frowned and turned away.

"The Eighth Prince!" Yun Yu stepped forward with a smile and saluted Mo Han.

"Prince Yun Liu!" Mu Xi and Lin Shuang also stood up and saluted him back.

"Why does the sixth prince Yun also have the pleasure to come to this imperial garden?" Mo Han had a slight smile on his face, he didn't show whether he liked it or disliked it, but just greeted him as if he were a stranger.

"It just happened to be passing by." Yun Yu smiled slightly, and continued, "Could it be that the Eighth Prince is so stingy that she doesn't even want to give Yu'er a cup of tea?"

This is the first time the two have met since the assassination incident last time. The last time was just a hasty farewell. Before Yun Yu had time to ask about the dream, before she had time to ask her why she suddenly became indifferent to him. Why did you change your temper?He believed in his medicine, and what Mo Han told him that night was definitely not a lie, but...why did she suddenly fall in love with Li Zijin so much?Obviously she dotes on him very much, and obviously her eyes are full of her own, why on earth is this?
"Prince Yun Liu, please sit down, it's just a cup of scented tea, please don't dislike it!" Mo Han was not stingy, and generously called Yun Yu to sit down.

"The things belonging to the Eighth Prince are all excellent!" Yun Yu sat down unceremoniously. Seeing this, Lin Shuang and Mu Xi could only stand behind Mo Han like the warmth and warmth, staring closely at Yun Yu Every move, I am afraid that he will play some tricks again.

"I don't know how the sixth prince of Yun thinks that Qiguo's new year is different from your Yunguo?" Mo Han just asked perfunctorily, raising his eyebrows, but he didn't look up.

"Everyone has his or her own age..." Yun Yu didn't say what was good or what was bad, but said ambiguously.

"Prince Yun Liu may be celebrating the New Year in Qiguo for the first time, so it's better to go to the banquet first, so as to take a look at my customs in Qiguo." Mo Han calmly wanted Yun Yu to leave quickly, but Yun Yu was determined to stay, but just pretended not to understand.

"Yun Yu wanted to tell you a lot since the last time she said goodbye to the princess. Why did the princess suddenly distance herself from Yu'er?" Yun Yu complained with tears in her eyes.

"Why did the sixth prince of Yun say that?" Mo Han raised his eyebrows and said displeasedly. She didn't want to mention the fact that he cheated on her last time. , he dared to bring it up?

 Thank you Shuyoujuan for the monthly pass!
  thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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