The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 442 Before Marriage

Chapter 442 Before Marriage
"Yes! Master Nu Dai thanked the princess, and the princess can leave!" Hearing what Mo Han said, Sanyue felt relieved, but fearing that Mo Han would go back on his word, he hurriedly sent her away respectfully.

Mo Han chuckled, and glanced at Nuan Feng, Nuan Feng lowered his head in shame, this silly child in her family is too real, how does this make her face her master!
Seeing Mo Han turning away with the lantern in his hand, Sanyue patted his heart lightly, and pushed the door in with the red lantern as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold in his hand. His son must also want to see the princess. Solve the son's lovesickness!
"My lord, the princess came here just now..." Sanyue pushed the door open, looked at Zijin with some embarrassment and said, the master will definitely blame him for blocking the princess back, he likes her so much!

"What?" Zijin stood up in surprise, her eyes lit up, "Where is she?"

"Slave... Slave stopped the princess back!" Sanyue lowered her head in shame, rubbing her toes on the ground in a low voice.

"Ah..." Zijin sat back in frustration again, yes!Why did he forget his father-in-law's request, they can't meet each other, he misses her so much!
"Young master, don't be sad, aren't you going to marry soon? Then you can stay with His Highness every day, just stick to it for a few days!" Seeing that Zijin didn't look angry in Sanyue, she just Very disappointed, she immediately stepped forward and said, "This is the red lantern that the princess gave you. The princess said that you should take good care of your body. Look, the princess is thinking of you all the time!"

"This is what Mo Han gave me?" Zijin carefully took the lantern in Sanyue's hand and touched it lovingly. She was really thinking of him too.

"Young master is so lucky!" Sanyue covered her mouth and snickered aside, laughing so hard that Zijin's ears turned red with embarrassment.


Mo Han carried another red lantern and came outside Li Zijin's courtyard. Because of the Chinese New Year, Mu Ci returned to General Mu's mansion a few days earlier, and Li Zijin was the only one in the courtyard at this time.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Ah Jiu, someone is knocking on the door, go and see if it's Daddy coming?" Li Zijin was sitting at the table practicing calligraphy, without raising her head, she said to Ah Jiu who was busy collecting the washing water.

"Yes, son..." Ah Jiu put down the things at hand, walked a few steps to open the door, was very surprised when he saw the person standing at the door, but quickly calmed down again, and walked towards the person outside the door He saluted and said, "Slave pays respects to the Eighth Prince!"

"Get up!" Mo Han nodded with a smile, then turned to spare Ah Jiu and walked in.

"Eighth Sister, you are here, come and see how Ajin's handwriting is doing?" Li Zijin was very happy to see Mo Han coming in, and immediately pulled Mo Han to the table to read his handwriting as if offering a treasure.

"A Jin's handwriting has become more and more correct!" Mo Han praised Li Zijin's head with his hand and pampered him.

"Is the eighth sister here to give Ah Jin a New Year's gift?" Li Zijin said coquettishly, holding Mo Han's hand.

"Here, this is for you, would Ah Jin like it?" Mo Han handed the red lantern in his hand to Li Zijin, and asked with a smile.

"I like it, but Ah Jin likes everything that Eighth Sister gave him." Li Zijin took the lantern and said happily. He put all the things that Eighth Sister gave him in the box, and took it out to look at when he missed her in the future Look.

"As long as Ah Jin likes it!" Mo Han took advantage of the situation and sat on a chair beside him, then looked at Li Zijin and asked, "Does the wound still hurt?"

Li Zijin shook his head, then pouted and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, it's just a little itchy, like many bugs are crawling on it!"

"That means Ah Jin's injury has healed, but don't buckle it with your hands, and Ah Jin can go out after a year!" Mo Han instructed carefully, Li Zijin always listened to her, he said One sentence can stand up to a hundred sentences and a thousand sentences of others.

"Well, Ah Jin made a note of it!" Li Zijin nodded obediently, and did not forget to pour tea for Mo Han.

Mo Han asked some more about Li Zijin's recent diet and daily life, and drank two cups of tea with him before leaving. Li Zijin happily sent Mo Han away and stopped writing. Ah Jiu called him many times but never heard.

When Mo Han returned to the Eight Princes' Mansion, the house was full of celebrations. Not only were red couplets pasted on the door, but red silk was hung all over the door. Everyone else was celebrating the new year, but her Eight Princes' Mansion had double happiness.The servants in the mansion arranged the palace happily all day long, preparing to welcome their future king.

There is no servant in the capital who does not envy the people of the Eight Princes' Mansion. Let alone their master, the Eight Princes, who treats others with kindness and amiability, and never disposes of servants casually. Just talking about their future Eight Princes, he is also gentle and virtuous. Yes, I don't have any airs on weekdays, and I treat my servants extremely gently. There is nothing in this world that makes people more happy than working in the Eight Princes' Mansion!
"Master, is your new house located in the main courtyard or find another courtyard for the master?" The housekeeper came to the study and asked respectfully.In fact, Mo Hanrang Wenxin had already explained to them that there is no need for the queen to prepare a separate yard for the lord Rufu, as long as she is in the same room as her, but the housekeeper still has to come and ask in person, because there has never been such a precedent in all dynasties. Where can a man live here? The wife's room?If in the future she marries a side-lord and accepts a servant, won't it cause a fight in the inner house and make the house restless?

"There's no need to make any other preparations, just stay in the main courtyard!" Mo Han raised his eyes and glanced at the butler and said, then continued to read the book in her hand.

The butler just stood there buried in his head, didn't say much and didn't leave, Mo Han glanced at the butler who was still there from the corner of his eye, and frowned puzzledly.

"Is there anything else?" Mo Han asked.

"Master, this is against the rules!" the butler said with his head down, his attitude was extremely respectful, but his tone was very firm.

"It's okay, Zijin is the lord of this king, and the husband and wife are one body, so they must live together!" Mo Han explained a little more, after all, this housekeeper was specially selected by the queen father for her, and he also treated her as a housekeeper. Loyal and loyal, he is also very measured in doing things on weekdays.

"But..." The housekeeper wanted to say something more, she had never seen such rules in her life, but was interrupted by Mo Han.

"I know what you are worried about, and I will talk about it in the future. Zijin has been with me for many years, and you should know what he is like." Mo Han put down the book in his hand and said seriously.

"Yes!" The steward then stepped back. Don't look at their young masters, but their ideas are very upright. However, no one can change the decisions she makes, even the emperor and the empress. Get pissed off by her.

"A group of old antiques!" Mo Han pouted helplessly, muttered something with a smile, and then picked up the book on the table to read.

(End of this chapter)

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