Chapter 445
"Don't dare dare, thank you for your housekeeper!" Eunuch Wang said hastily, the Eighth Prince and Daughter have given him enough face, and the housekeeper usually welcomes and sends them off to high-ranking officials and dignitaries, so today he treats him with courtesy , How dare he think about it again.

"My lord, please!" The steward led everyone out of the mansion, and stuffed the purses in his arms to them one by one. Everyone was flattered. If the other mansions gave money to please them, but this Eighth Prince's Mansion There is no need at all!

"Since the Eighth Prince gave it to everyone, just accept it!" Seeing everyone's doubts, the housekeeper explained that the prince took everyone to accept it and thanked him for leaving. In fact, the prince knew in his heart that the eight The reward from the princess is probably for the son of the Li family. It seems that this young master is really loved by the prince!


In the 25th year of Daqi, on the second day of February, everything is suitable.

Today is the day of great joy for Qiguo's most beloved daughter of the Eighth Prince, Mo Han, and the eldest son of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Li Zijin. As soon as the sky dawned, the Emperor and Queen Feng were already waiting in the Eighth Prince's Mansion. This is also the only imperial daughter who is willing to come out of the palace to accept the ceremony. From this, it can be seen that it is not a rumor that the eight imperial daughters are the only ones to be favored.

The princess personally prepared a yard for the emperor and Queen Feng to rest in, but Queen Feng couldn't stay idle, she had to go and see if Mo Han was ready, and if there was anything inappropriate or missing, After all, it was the wedding of his beloved youngest daughter, so he was very concerned about it.

The red silk all over the ground stretched for ten miles, from the gate of the Eighth Prince's Mansion to Li Xiang's Mansion. The streets were already full of onlookers, all wanting to see the demeanor of His Highness Xian Wang.

Mo Han rode on the horse all the way, followed by the welcoming team, beating gongs and drums, it was festive, so lively!

The people around are whispering, this eldest son of the Li family is really lucky, to be able to marry such a wife-head, graceful and distinguished, the whole capital will never find another person like this .

And in Li Xiangfu here, all the people are still busy. Before dawn, Zijin was called up, bathed and changed clothes, dressed up, and the servants around him all admired in their hearts, what a delicate woman Pretty little boy!
I have always only known that his young master is good-looking, but I have never seen him dressed up like this. Looking at it now, I am afraid that no one in this world can surpass him. On a small face the size of a palm, his eyebrows are picturesque , his eyes are like stars, and he looks good.

"Young master is so pretty!" Sanyue pursed her lips and said with a smile beside her.

"Just count your sweet mouth!" Li Zhengjun said, nodding Sanyue's forehead. Hearing others praise his son, Li Zhengjun's heart was sweeter than eating honey.

"Master, what Sanyue said is the truth!" Sanyue stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"Look, look, such a young man can talk sweet words!" Li Zhengjun laughed along with the servants in the room, among them San Yue was the youngest, and everyone was willing to tease him play.

"Brother looks really good today!" Accompanied by Ah Jiu, Li Zijin also came to Zijin's yard. He knew that today was a day of great joy for his brother and eighth sister.

"Why is Jin'er here? Come on, sit at Daddy's place." Li Zhengjun patted the seat beside him to signal Li Zijin, and Li Zijin sat down obediently next to him.

"My brother is getting married today, and Jin'er is here to see him off!" Li Zijin said with a smile. Seeing such an innocent smile made Li Zhengjun's heart ache. He knew what the knot in his son's heart was. It was the child who suffered.

"Jin'er has a heart, but it's just spring, the weather is cold, and you are recovering from a serious illness, so you should take care of your own body first!" Li Zhengjun said, holding Li Zijin's slightly cold little hand.

"Jin'er is fine, Daddy doesn't have to worry." Li Zijin said with a red face.

"Thank you, Jin'er!" Zijin also turned around and smiled at Li Zijin, such innocence is probably Li Zijin's nature, right?Back then because of the Hu family, he had some unpleasantness with Li Zijin. Mo Han once said that Li Zijin was pure in nature. What he said was true, Li Zijin was really a good boy who was loved when he was young!

"Brother, you're welcome!" Li Zijin gave Zijin a big smile.

"My lord, the wedding party has arrived at the corner of the street!" A waiter ran into the door with a happy face and said.

Li Zhengjun stood up immediately, walked into Zijin, picked up the red hijab on the tray beside him, looked at Zijin and said, "My son is about to get married, so you must remember your identity, share your worries for your wife, and don't mess with your wife." The Lord is tired of you, and you must learn to be patient on weekdays, and everything should not be the same as in the past, and you must put your wife first in everything."

"Yes, my child will remember Daddy's teachings!" Zijin nodded lightly, wearing this red hijab today, he will be her Mo Han's husband!

"My son, take care!" Li Zhengjun put the red hijab on Zijin's head, and then sighed softly, his voice choked up, and his eyes turned red instantly.

"Daddy, don't be sad, the child will come back to see you often in the future!" Zijin groped and held Li Zhengjun's hand and comforted him softly.

"How can a married man leave the mansion at will as usual, don't mess around and offend the Eighth Prince!" Li Zhengjun hurriedly reprimanded, this child's temperament does not know who he is, and he is too bold .

"Daddy, Mo Han is not that kind of pedantic person, she won't be too obsessed with children!" Zijin believed in Mo Han's character, she was not that kind of person!
"As a husband and wife, it is your good fortune to be favored by the wife-lord. Don't be arrogant because of favors." Li Zhengjun has also heard of the favor of some eight princes and concubines. Even he, the father, couldn't fault it.

"I've written it down, my son!" Zijin hurriedly responded, fearing that Li Zhengjun would be worried.

"Don't be sad, Daddy, Jin'er is still with Daddy!" Li Zijin comforted Li Zhengjun not seeing Li Zhengjun being sad.

"Good boy!" Li Zhengjun held Li Zijin in one hand and Zijin in the other. These two sons were his favorites.

Li Zhengjun personally led Zijin out of the courtyard to the hall. At this time, all the people welcoming relatives had already arrived at the gate, and the gate of Xiangfu was full of excitement.

Li Zijun tried his best to stop the welcoming team, and he didn't have any scruples because of the identity of the other party, but Mu Xi and Lin Shuang were not vegetarians either. broke in.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for the flowers!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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