Chapter 450 Li Wei
"Sit down!" Mo Han said suddenly, holding Zijin's shoulders.

Zijin sat obediently in front of the vanity mirror and looked at Mo Han puzzled, not knowing what she was going to do. This person usually looks cold, but he can always come up with many tricks.

"I'll draw eyebrows for you!" Mo Han said with a smile. In this era, it is a great favor for a wife to draw eyebrows for her husband. In fact, Mo Han once painted eyebrows for Zijin before, but at that time The two are not yet married, so there are too many things to do.

"Mo Han, you treat me so well!" Zijin gently grabbed Mo Han's sleeve and said, his face was full of happiness.

"You are my husband, who should I treat if I don't treat you well?" Mo Han said dotingly while carefully drawing Zijin's eyebrows.

After the two had breakfast together, Mo Han took Zijin to the front yard. At this time, all the guards and servants of the palace were waiting there. When they saw the two coming, they hurried forward to salute.

"Greetings to the Eighth Prince's Daughter, and Greetings to the Eighth Prince's Lord!"

"Get up!" Mo Han said loudly.

Everyone got up one after another, Mo Han pulled Zijin to come to the crowd, looked at all the people in the mansion and said: "Today the king brought Wang Jun here, I think everyone knows very well that there has never been a male master in the Eighth Prince's mansion, all trivial matters The housekeeper is working alone. Now that the king has married Wang Jun, Wang Jun will be in charge of all the affairs in the backyard. This king has never been a fussy person, but if anyone dares to bully the Wang Jun , then don’t blame this king for being merciless, at least he will be punished with a stick and driven out of the house, at worst he will be beaten to death with a stick.”

After Mo Han finished speaking, she lowered her head and looked at the crowd. After everyone answered "Yes", she continued: "The king is the husband of the king, and he is also the person in the palm of the hand of the king. Who is it?" If you offend him, don’t blame this king for disregarding the relationship between master and servant for so many years, and return it to you ten times and a hundred times! Naturally, Wang Jun is not a capricious man, he has always been kind, if you can Do your part well, and he won't make things difficult for you!"

After Mo Han finished speaking, he lightly tugged on Zijin's sleeve to signal him to speak. She came here to stand up for him today, so that the people in the house would not neglect him in the future. Han's carefulness was a little moved.

"I am no stranger to you all, and you know a thing or two about my temperament. In the future, you just do what you should do, and I will not embarrass you." Zijin said softly, her tone Although it's not heavy, it's also something that people dare not ignore, "But... don't blame me if I find out that there is someone who cheats on me, takes money from my wife, and does things that hurt my wife. This gentleman is cruel and merciless, and I can't tolerate you anymore!"

Zijin is not afraid of being wronged, he is even more afraid that the people in the mansion will be bribed and do something that hurts Mo Han, then he absolutely cannot tolerate it!Mo Han wholeheartedly protects him, so he must take care of the backyard for her so that she won't have to worry about the future.

Mo Han heard that Zijin's words were all for her, and was moved in his heart, but he just looked at him with a smile. Now the two of them don't need to speak, they just need to look at each other to know what the other is thinking. This kind of tacit understanding seems to have been experienced After thousands of years, this feeling of being accompanied by someone gave Mo Han, a heart wandering in another world, a home...

(End of this chapter)

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