The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 457 Undercurrent

Chapter 457 Undercurrent
"Master, are you lazy again?" Wenxin asked, looking at Mo Han with disapproval. Her master has no ambitions at all. She stands in the hall and dozes off every day, but anyone who can find a way to sleep If she is lazy, she will never get up early.

Mo Han just smiled and didn't make a sound. She really didn't like to participate in the affairs of the court, and more importantly, the emperor was already old at this time, and it was only a matter of time before he was passed on to the empress. She didn't want to disturb the situation because of her appearance. According to the emperor's plan, many ministers in the court are useless, and it's not that no one has encouraged her, it's just that she is not interested in it!

In Mo Han's heart, power and status are nothing compared to her relatives. She loves her family and is willing to do anything for them. Therefore, the best way is to turn herself into a lazy idle king. In order to dispel the thoughts that those people shouldn't have.

"Master, there is movement from that old woman Zhang Huairen..." As soon as the warm wind came in, he poured a large glass of water for himself, and then said with bright eyes.

"What? Could it be that you want to compete with General Mu for the position of Minister of the Ministry of War?" Mo Han asked curiously. Zhang Huairen has always been at odds with Li Shan, and he always confronted each other in court. She should not offend Gao Gao for the position of Minister of the Ministry of War. Let's go to General Mu, who holds a heavy army in his hand!
"No, I'm afraid that Chu Jie has something to do with Zhang Huairen. She actually took the initiative to go to Dali Temple to intercede for Chu Jie. Fortunately, Her Royal Highness and Mrs. Lin arrived in time, otherwise we would have been busy today. Nuan Feng waved his hands and said, Zhang Huairen has always been a person who has nothing to do with himself, but today he came forward to rescue Chu Jie, and Chu Jie must have evidence about Zhang Huairen's crimes in his hands.

"Don't worry, my sister has been a concubine for more than 20 years, and she is not a vegetarian. She can handle this kind of thing well. The most important thing now is to ask someone reliable in An Ye to find out how the restaurants and cloth houses under his banner were killed by Lao Qi. The people found out, is there a traitor in Anbu? This king can allow people to make mistakes, but never allow people to betray." This is what Mo Han has been thinking about all the time. Now, why didn't Ruyan discover these?Or did he find out that he just had time to tell himself in the future?

Mo Han has always adhered to the principle of not being suspicious of people who are employed, and not being used when people are suspected. If it weren't for this strange incident, she would not suspect that her own people had betrayed her.

"Yes, this subordinate will go down and make arrangements!" Seeing that Nuan Feng hadn't slowed down, Wen Xin took the initiative to retreat, leaving only Mo Han and Nuan Feng in the study.

"Master, the people in the dark night are all children who grew up there since they were young. The subordinates thought that they would not have betrayed us, only..." Nuan Feng looked at Mo Han hesitantly, she wondered who she was talking about , the master should be clear in his heart.

"It can't be him, I believe in him, a person's eyes can't lie!" Mo Han shook his head and said, although Ru Yan hadn't been with her for long, she still believed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her in that man's eyes. Maybe it was Maureen who made a mess of this matter, just to make her mess up, maybe she doubted her own people first.

"The subordinates are willing to believe in Mr. Ruyan, but from this point of view, Zhang Huairen's power cannot be underestimated!" Nuanfeng nodded and said, the feelings for her master in the eyes of Mr. Ruyan are fools. It can be seen, how could he be willing to harm her?But no matter whether they used the people around the master or they found out something secretly, the situation was not good for the master. It never expected that a princess who was grounded would preemptively put them together.

"If you want to know the details of Lao Qi and Zhang Huairen, there is someone who can help..." The corner of Mo Han's mouth curled up. She still has a secret that no one else knows. If you want to know the power behind Zhang Huairen and Mo Lin, I'm afraid No one knows better than her Sixth Sister!

It's just that this matter is not in a hurry. We have to see what Mo Lin wants to do next. It's not too late for them to act. Now Mo Han's urgent task is to recuperate.

Even if there was an undercurrent in the court, it could not stop Mo Han's determination to rest. The Eighth Prince's daughter was slightly ill and had not been to court for three days. Some people were happy and some were worried.Zhang Huairen's faction had just lost a general, and they were now acting like her cowards!It was rumored that the minister of the Ministry of War not only colluded with the enemy and treasoned the country, but also colluded with the remnants of the East China Sea and was also suspected of murdering the Eighth Prince's daughter. The Holy One was so furious. Who would dare to say anything at this time?

And the Eighth Prince who was murdered by the crowd is currently sleeping in her arms, sleeping soundly!
"Mo Han, it's time to get up!" Zijin blushed and pushed Mo Han aside and said, it's already high in the sun and he's still sleeping, what does it look like when word spreads!
"Well... It's rare for me to sleep late, so Zijin can lie down with me for a while longer!" Mo Han pulled Zijin back under the quilt when he just got up, what's the point of sleeping late by himself?It's fun to be with people you like!
"Why did I never know that you are such a big slacker!" Zijin murmured in a low voice, but after all, she still felt sorry for her, and couldn't bear to disturb her, so she lay obediently in her arms.

"Gululu..." Mo Han was woken up by the gurgling sound in his stomach, and what caught his eyes was Zijin's sad eyes. It turned out that the stomach growling came from him.

"But are you hungry?" Mo Han's voice was a little hoarse just after waking up, but he still couldn't hide the indulgence in that tone.

"Well, if you don't wake up, I'm going to faint from hunger!" Zijin murmured, pouting.

"Hehe... I have wronged my husband, so I will wait for my husband to change clothes for my wife." Mo Han sat up neatly, pulled the clothes on the side and put them on Zijin.

"I... I will do it myself..." Zijin said with a blushing face, there is no reason for the wife to serve her husband, he knows that she always dotes on him, but he also knows what can and cannot be done, as a husband Zijin mastered it very well.

Seeing his shy appearance, Mo Han no longer persisted, but put on his own clothes. As the weather got warmer, people's mood improved a lot, especially for Mo Han who had slept enough, and his whole body was full of joy. with joy.

The two of them had just had this belated "breakfast" when they saw Wen Xin rushing in from outside with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Why are you so flustered?" Mo Han frowned and asked Wen Wen. She knew that Wen Wen had always been a steady character, and she would never be like this if there were no important matters, so her heart was raised.

"Master, it's bad! Empress Qiansui has been poisoned..." Wen Xin said pantingly, her eyes were full of worry, she knew clearly that Empress Feng was the master's untouchable reverse scale.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for the flowers!

  Thank you for the ice cream from my CC!
  Thank you for your recommendation tickets and Dahongdou!

  I love you guys~(^з^)-


(End of this chapter)

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