Chapter 461
"At that time, I was still curious about when the fathers-in-law of Fengyi Palace were so rude, so I took a few more glances at him. I saw that the jade plaque hanging on his waist was not the yellow one in Fengyi Palace. It's a green piece with this engraved on it..." Dou Zi couldn't read, but he could remember the shape, so he squatted down and drew the character "Yuan" on the ground beside him.

"A green waist card with a 'Yuan' written on it?" Mo Han looked into Dou Zi's eyes and asked, Dou Zi nodded vigorously, Mo Han smiled lightly and rubbed his little head, then led him to After leaving Fengyi Palace, he handed him over to Jiahe, and went directly into the inner hall.

At this time, Empress Feng had already woken up, and Zijin was serving him to drink the medicine. Seeing Mo Han coming in, Empress Feng's pale face turned blood.

"Father, do you still feel any discomfort?" Mo Han walked a few steps forward and half knelt down to Queen Feng's bedside and asked softly.

"It's all right now, you don't need to worry, but you, your health is not good, why did you bring your Zijin into the palace?" Feng Hou stretched out her hand to smooth the broken hair on Mo Han's cheek, and looked at Mo Han tenderly. asked.

"The baby is fine, but the father will not do this in the future, but it really scared the baby and Zijin..." Mo Han held Fenghou's hand tightly and said, if her father really has something Three ups and downs, she will definitely turn the world upside down and have no peace.

"You child, you have become a relative, and you are always so impatient. It's a joke for your lord!" Queen Feng gave Mo Han an angry look. When I came here, I heard about Mo Han's tantrum in the morning. Although I was surprised, I was more relieved, and it was not in vain for him to love this child.

"After they didn't take good care of their father, they should have been punished. The boy just reprimanded them for a few words..." Mo Han suddenly remembered something, and then explained all the questions he had to go to the imperial dining room. After telling Fenghou, he even told him about bringing a child to relieve his boredom.

"You are so filial, what do you want such a young child to come here?" Queen Feng nodded Mo Han's head amusedly and said, but she had no strength in her arm, so she quickly put it down after lifting it up.

"Boy, look at that child is also very clever, so it would be good to have a chat with you here." Mo Han thought of the child's observation skills, and felt that she would be at ease with such a person by Queen Feng's side .

"Forget it! It's all up to you..." Empress Feng smiled helplessly, and then pulled Zijin's hand to let him take the medicine bowl back, while she looked at Mo Han and frowned, "Then...the green waist card It's in Xianfu Palace..."

"What? Xianfu Palace? Empress Do you think this matter will be done by the virtuous father?" Mo Han asked, staring straight into Empress Feng's eyes. Anyway, she didn't believe it. Opening up her heart and saying that she had opened up about this matter, she felt that Mr. Xiangui was a smart man and would never do such a stupid thing.

Queen Feng just shook her head slightly: "Although Mr. Xiangui is Zhang Huairen's younger brother, he doesn't have the ambitions of the Zhang family at all. He never likes to fight, and he has no interest in that power. He will definitely not use him and the Liu family. The life of the princess was risked to harm my palace! What's more, according to the wisdom of the virtuous gentleman, if he really wanted to harm this palace, how could the palace people brazenly hang their palace badges?"

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for the flowers!

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  The finished article "My Prince's Royal Highness", a one-on-one female pampering article, a series of loyal little milk dogs, a love affair between the sweet and cute prince and the unparalleled handsome regent, book lovers who like female statues can read oh!

(End of this chapter)

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