The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 464 Chicken Soup Is Poisonous

Chapter 464 Chicken Soup Is Poisonous
Ruyan reached out and changed the position of the chicken soup in front of Mo Han and her own clear porridge, Xiao Yu looked at Ruyan puzzled, not knowing why the young master was doing this.

"I know you don't like to eat these in the morning, so eat something light, this chicken soup will be cheaper!" Ru Yan said with a smile.

"Alright! You are thin, you should take more supplements." Mo Han also laughed.

"Young Master, I'd better serve you another bowl of porridge! You don't like to eat these..." Xiao Yu hurriedly snatched the chicken soup from Ruyan's hands, and then hurriedly handed it to the waiter behind her.

Mo Han glanced at Xiao Yu as if he didn't know anything, she could see the current situation clearly, maybe Xiao Yu had something to do with Mo Lin, maybe Ru Yan was also kept in the dark!

Ru Yan looked at Xiao Yu in confusion, this child is usually very sensible, why is he so careless today?How dare you snatch the master's things in front of the Eighth Prince's daughter!

"What? Could it be that there is something in the chicken soup?" Mo Han was afraid that the night would be full of dreams, so he simply stopped playing around with him, reached out to take the chicken soup, handed it to Wen Xin, and then sent the waiter behind him out.

Wen Xin took out a silver needle and put it into the chicken soup, and the silver needle immediately turned black.Ruyan covered her mouth in disbelief and looked at the silver needle, and then looked at Xiao Yu who bowed her head and said nothing, he... is he trying to poison Mo Han to death?

"Tell me! Who told you to do this?" Mo Han looked at Xiao Yu and asked, his voice was very flat, but it sounded like thunder in Xiao Yu's ears, making him go limp.

"Slave... Slave didn't... Slave was wronged! Eighth Prince, please spare your life!" Xiao Yu suddenly knelt on the ground, grabbed Mo Han's clothes and cried.

Ru Yan was stunned by the scene in front of him, and after he realized it, he immediately pleaded for Xiao Yu: "There must be something wrong with this matter, please look into it, Xiao Yu, he will not harm you!"

Xiaoyu grew up with Ruyan since she was a child. The two are called master and servant, but they are actually brothers.Xiaoyu knew how much Ruyan liked Mo Han and how much she cared about Mo Han, Ruyan thought, even if it was for him, Xiaoyu would definitely not hurt her!
"Ruyan, I really want to believe that he wasn't the one who poisoned the chicken soup, but the truth is—he did betray me!" Mo Han looked at Ruyan and said calmly.

"No, no! Xiaoyu won't betray you!" Ruyan grabbed Xiaoyu's arm and said hurriedly, "Xiaoyu, you didn't do this, did you?"

"Slave..." Before Xiao Yu could speak, he was interrupted by Mo Han.

"But what did this king do to offend you? Or did you receive orders from someone to murder this king?" Mo Han asked sharply, "What did you sell the business under this king in exchange for that person? What kind of reason made you disregard the master-servant friendship with Ruyan for many years, disregarding the lives of both of you to kill this king? Ruined this king's foundation?"

Xiaoyu should be clear, if something really happened to Mo Han today, Ruyan would not be able to live anymore, not to mention that Mo Han died in Ruyan's room, but that the person who poisoned him was Ruyan's servant, Ruyan cannot escape responsibility.

But just now Xiaoyu clearly prevented Ruyan from drinking the bowl of poisonous chicken soup, which means that he still has some affection for Ruyan and doesn't want Ruyan to die just now, but what reason can make him disregard Ruyan's life Want to kill Mo Han?

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for the flowers!

  Thank you book friend Ke Xinma for the monthly pass!

  Thank you book friend yoyo for your monthly pass!
  Thank you for your recommendation tickets and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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