Chapter 466
Mo Han rescued him from the fire, but he almost killed her!Thinking like this, Ru Yan felt very uncomfortable in her heart, got up and knelt down in front of Mo Han, because even so, he wanted to beg Mo Han to give Xiao Yu another chance, Xiao Yu was someone he cared about, and he believed that Xiao Yu was There are reasons, otherwise he would definitely not choose to hurt her.

"Ruyan, what are you doing? Get up quickly..." Mo Han has always regarded Ruyan as a confidant, and he really can't see him kneel down to himself.

Mo Han was about to bend down to help Ruyan up, but felt a gust of wind blowing behind him, and warmly shouted "Master be careful", but it was too late to stop Xiaoyu, Ruyan opened her eyes wide, and looked at her dearest friend Xiaoyu stabbed his favorite woman with a dagger in his hand.

"No..." Ruyan tore Mo Han off, and flew onto her body, the dagger pierced straight into his heart...

"Young Master..." Xiao Yu was also terrified by the scene in front of him, no, it shouldn't be like this, the person who died should be him, not Young Master!

Wen Xin kicked Xiao Yu away, and was startled when she saw the bleeding man in front of her. Even if she wasn't An Ji, she could see clearly that the knife was right in the heart, even if the Da Luo god came and couldn't save him he came……

"Ruyan, Ruyan..." Mo Han supported Ruyan's body that was slowly softening, and kept calling his name, but the man couldn't answer her anymore.

Ruyan's fingers slowly moved to Mo Han's hand on his face, the blood gushing from his mouth had stained his whole white clothes red, before he could tell her that he liked her very much!what a pity……

But she's fine, it's fine...

Ruyan wanted to tell Mo Han not to be sad, but more bright red spewed out of his opened mouth, but he couldn't utter a single word. It's a pity that he hasn't said goodbye to her properly...

But she's fine, it's great...

In fact, Ruyan wanted to intercede for Xiaoyu!However, he has no strength anymore. He is so tired and just wants to sleep well. He hopes that Xiao Yu in his dream is still the innocent little boy who has been with him all the time, and Mo Han can still listen to him playing a song " Love", by the way, play a game of chess with him...

Ru Yan's pair of beautiful star-like eyes slowly dimmed, and his eyes closed bit by bit, and Mo Han's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. If he knew that taking him away would kill him, he might as well Don't meet her, then, at least, he can still be alive now.

"Ruyan..." Mo Han silently called his name, things shouldn't be like this, even though she knew that Xiao Yu had betrayed her, she never thought of his death, but that child who was always by Ruyan's side He actually killed the person who loved him the most...

"Master...sorry!" Wen Xin stepped forward and said, she had never seen her master so lost, that kind of helplessness towards fate made her feel distressed.

"Go and find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers for Ruyan, he likes freedom and tranquility..." Mo Han stood up holding the man in his arms, and said lightly.

"Yes! That little waiter..." Wen Xin looked at Xiao Yu who had fainted in the corner, and hesitated.

"Let him be buried with Ruyan!" Mo Han hugged Ruyan and went out, leaving only one sentence that could determine the life and death of others.

Ruyan is too lonely, since he couldn't live without Xiaoyu, let him be by his side after death!
Mo Han personally sorted out Ruyan's remains and sent him off for the last time. It's not that she couldn't see Ruyan's feelings for her, but she couldn't respond. What she could do for him was to rescue him from the sea of ​​suffering and recommend him The excellent girls in the dark night, she hoped that he could meet her love, but before he had time, he really disappeared like his name...

Mo Han sat for a long time in the house where Ruyan used to live, as if the jade-like young man was still sitting there smiling sweetly at her, pouring her a cup of scented tea, playing a little song, he was never greedy, never She didn't ask her anything, except to spare that servant, but she couldn't do what he wanted, anyone who hurt him must die...

If no one offends me, I won’t offend others, Mo Lin, you hurt Ah Jin first, then you killed your father, and now you killed Ruyan, it’s time to settle the score between us...

Mo Han's fingers creaked and creaked. She didn't think she was a stingy person, but she couldn't tolerate Mo Lin playing with her again and again. Since you are not benevolent first, don't blame me Injustice...

"Anyue!" Mo Han called softly.

"The subordinate is here!" A woman dressed in black appeared in front of Mo Han.

"Get rid of the servant of the Ministry of Industry—Wen's family!" Mo Han sternly said, Wen's family is Yajun's natal family, since Mo Lin moved the people around her, then she will return her a big gift, let her father change first The son of a guilty minister, let's see what that old woman Zhang Huairen has to do with his extraordinary ability to save the Wen family.

"Yes!" An Yue said before disappearing in front of everyone.

An Yue, known as the "Living Hades".Qinggong is the best in the world, she is the intelligence leader of Anbu, there is nothing in the world that she does not know, and her greatest ability is to have everyone's criminal evidence, if she wants you to die in the third watch, you will not live until the fifth watch .

"Dark Wind, Ruyan is gone, so you should focus more on Yinfeng Pavilion, and I will give you three days to make Yihongyuan disappear from this world." Mo Han said again.

"Yes!" Anfeng took the lead. She has no other skills, but she uses a hidden weapon to kill people invisible. She is powerful in the mall and has ruthless means. Whatever business she wants to do, she can't fail to succeed.

"Anji, pay more attention to the diet around the mother and father these two days, and check the daily meals carefully. Be careful Molin jumps over the wall." Mo Han felt that it was not impossible to force the palace like the TV series in the previous life. It will happen, this Mo Lin is as stupid as a pig, Zhang Huairen is fooling around twice, I am afraid that she will forget her identity!

"Yes, just by the master's side..." An Ji hesitated, there were many things in recent days, An Yi was not around, she was always by her side, if she left again...

"It's okay, An Yi is back!" Mo Han waved his hands, besides, there is Wen Xin and Nuan Feng. Ever since Li Zijin blocked a sword for her last time, Wen Xin and Nuan Feng have been inseparable from her, even When going out to do errands, there must be someone who will stay by her side. If it wasn't for Mo Han helping Ru Yan, how could Xiao Yu take advantage of the loophole and indirectly kill Ru Yan?I still blame her for imagining people's hearts too simply...

"Yes! The subordinates will enter the palace immediately!" Anji replied, she only needs to change her appearance, and she has another identity in the palace. Neither the emperor nor the princess knew about this matter, but her master is actually a relative. It's really a lot to pay.

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