Chapter 475
"What? The Eighth Prince, she... She said she agreed, didn't she? Didn't she, wife master?" Wen Ge jumped up excitedly and grabbed Mo Bai's hand and asked.

"Yes, your father and grandfather are saved!" Mo Bai nodded emphatically, she believed in Mo Han's ability, no matter from the love of the emperor and the dowager, or Mo Han's own ability, to rescue Wen It's an easy job for everyone in the family, as long as she agrees, it will be done.

"Thank you Eighth Prince... Thank you..." Wen Ge said as he was about to kneel down to Mo Han again, and Zijin hurried over to help him up.

"Since Liu Huangjie and brother-in-law are here, let's go back after eating together!" Zi Jin felt sorry for Wen Ge, but envied him for having a body. He had been married to Mo Han for a while, but his stomach still wasn't there. What's happening.

Mo Bai and Wen Ge didn't respond, but just set their eyes on Mo Han. "Since you're here, let's stay for dinner!" Mo Han touched his nose in embarrassment and said, she was still not used to being so close to them.

"Thank you, the Eighth Prince, thank you, the Eighth Prince..." Knowing that his family was saved, Wen Ge became the same temper as before, and happily took Mo Bai's arm to thank Mo Han and Zijin.

"Brother-in-law of the Six Emperors should call me Zijin! We are all in the same family, how can a brother-in-law call his brother-in-law the Eighth Prince!" Zijin smiled and said as he took Wen Ge's hand and helped him sit down.

"Zijin, you are so kind, no wonder Mo Han likes you so much!" Wen Ge would hold Zijin's hand and said, he always felt unconvinced before, how could this thin Li Zijin be favored by Mo Han, But he can't, just because he looks good?Looking at it now, even I, his former rival in love, can't help but like him, he is really a very good person!

"Aren't you very happy now! Sister Liuhuang treats you so well, and now that you have a body again, who else in this world can be happier than you!" Zi Jin glanced at Mo Han, then smiled Said to Wen Ge.He envied Wen Ge very much, and he really wanted to have a child!

"Mo Bai, she... she is also very good..." Wen Ge suddenly lowered her head shyly. Although she is not as good-looking and capable as Mo Han, she is the person who treats him best in the world.

"Sister Six, please sit down!" Seeing the two men chatting warmly, Mo Han no longer restrained himself, and said to Mo Bai with a smile.

"This is the first time you called me Huangjie when you and I were alone together..." Mo Bai said with a wry smile, looking at Mo Han.

"I used to have a lot of sisters, but from now on, let's start again!" Mo Han also gave Mo Bai a smile, and then said provocatively, "It's just that when my father pampers me again in the future, don't you stand aside Just stare at me secretly!"

"Hehe... so you know all of this. In fact, you can't blame me for the past. The emperor dotes on you, the empress dotes on you, the elder sister dotes on you, and even the father dotes on you. You say, I am the only one who loves you." I'm only two years older than you, but I can only watch you get all the good things, can I swallow this breath?" Mo Bai laughed angrily.

"Then it's because you're jealous of me that you always trouble me and steal my things?" Mo Han asked unconvinced.

"Then when did I beat you in the end? Didn't I just give in to you?" Mo Bai said dissatisfied. In fact, it doesn't matter whether she gave in or Mo Han was really good. Did not get along well.

" did you let me go?" Mo Han asked disapprovingly, and the two sisters chatted and laughed like this, and then settled down.

They are all affectionate and open-minded people, and there is no need to intrigue when getting along with each other. On the contrary, it makes several people feel very relaxed, especially Mo Bai and Mo Han. Without stopping, the meal ended in a fight between the two of them. Mo Bai and Wen Ge, who were about to go back, also stayed in the Eight Princes Mansion because of Mo Bai's drunkenness. This was the first time she lived here. Before I had time to enjoy it, I fell asleep.

"Mo Han, are you drunk?" Zijin asked sullenly while lying in Mo Han's arms.

"No, with Mo Bai's drinking capacity, ten of them are not my opponent." Mo Han tightened his arms and smiled.

"Part of the reason why you said today that you want to help brother-in-law Liuhuang is because of the child in his, do you like children very much?" Zijin continued to ask.

"What he is carrying in his belly is the grandson of the empress. I can't ignore it. Zijin, don't think too much. We just got married not long ago. You will always have it in the future." Mo Han hugged Zijin from behind , and said, gently stroking Zijin's belly with a hand badge.

"Do you think it's because I can't..." Zijin said sadly, but before I could say anything, I was stopped by Mo Han.

"Don't talk nonsense, are you thinking that your wife is not working hard enough? Then I will work harder..." Mo Han began to be dishonest as he spoke, and Zijin begged for mercy after a while.


Since Mo Han had agreed to Mo Bai and his wife, he wanted to keep his promise. Early the next morning, before Zi Jin got up, she packed up and entered the palace. Mo Han did not go to court, but went to There are only two people in this world who dare to lie in the emperor's bedroom, one is the current Queen Feng, and the other is the eighth prince's daughter Mo Han, so when Mo Han entered, there was no palace guard to stop him, and my aunt was still there. He specially ordered the Imperial Dining Room to bring her breakfast.

"Has the mother come down to court?" Mo Han asked after looking at the waiter who was cleaning up the dishes after eating.

"If you go back to the Eighth Prince, Your Majesty has not yet come to court." The servant bowed his head and replied.

"You go to work first!" Mo Han waved his hand.

The little servant bowed and retreated, and Mo Han lay down on the soft bed again bored, touched the book the emperor put aside and began to read...

When the emperor came in, he happened to see his daughter lying soundly asleep on the soft bed, her face was still covered with the book she usually spent time reading, and there was a servant kneeling by her feet, carefully covering her with a blanket , Seeing the sage coming in, he hurriedly turned around to say hello, but was stopped by the emperor stretching out his hand.

The servant retreated quietly, while the emperor sat next to Mo Han, looking at the sleeping face of the little daughter, slowly raised the corners of his mouth, she has always felt guilty for this daughter, and she has paid too much for the sisterhood.Lao Qi killed the man in the Red Mansion she loved, but she couldn't execute Lao Qi for her, but...

The emperor had an idea, and the little attendant who covered Mo Han with the quilt just now flashed in his mind, and thought that there was only Zijin in Mo Han's mansion, so why don't the Queen Feng and the Crown Prince make some more caring things for her? At that time, there will always be someone who can take the place of that little girl in Mo Han's heart!
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