Chapter 484
"It turned out to be like this! Under the circumstances at that time, it was indeed what it should be..." Mo Han nodded in agreement. I am afraid that not only the emperor was grateful to her Zhang family, but even the Lin family, who had never cared about world affairs, was also grateful to Zhang Huai. Ren should be a little more grateful!
"After your father had you, it happened that Zhang Huairen made great contributions to water control. I was so relieved, so I appointed her as the right minister." The emperor smiled bitterly, "It's all because of lack of human heart, and Zhang Huairen sits on her own. After becoming a phase, the whole person has changed, and he has become what he is now."

"I'm afraid I'm arrogant because I'm favored, and I've forgotten my true heart!" Mo Han held the emperor's hand and said, "Empress, there is no need to be sad, Zhang Huairen did a great job in saving his father that day, and the empress has already rewarded her with great honor. Now that she is plotting to rebel, the Empress should punish her to be imprisoned. Rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and no one can tell what is wrong with the Empress."

"My son is benevolent, but, do you know that the crime of treason is to punish the nine clans, and even the emperor mother will protect her! I am afraid that your virtuous father and your sixth sister will also be implicated by her..." The emperor looked at Looking into Mo Han's innocent eyes, he said, the pain of prison?How can there be such a simple matter, even if she wants to save Zhang Huairen's life, it is not up to her to decide!

"Since that's the case, if we don't capture her alive when the Sixth Sister introduces her to the palace gate, then we don't have to worry about implicating my father and Sixth Sister, and I don't have to violate the mother's debt to her," Mo Han said. She finally understood why Zhang Huairen always encouraged the sixth child to fight against her, and let the seventh assassinate her many times. It turned out that Zhang Huairen lost her fertility because of herself. Thinking about it this way, she would think of physical problems every time she saw her. Pain!
"Now it depends on how the sixth child chooses!" The emperor sighed, Zhang Huairen should have been executed, but he really couldn't bear to hurt others, because the emperor knew in his heart that Zhang Huairen was the only one who wanted to make trouble in the entire Zhang family. I don't see her anymore, and my husband is also copying scriptures in the Buddhist hall all day long. Only one daughter hangs around the flowers all day because of emotional matters, and refuses to go home.

"Even though Sixth Sister is not very wise, she also understands righteousness. Empress Dowager can rest assured! From this point of view, Zhang Huairen can be regarded as the child's savior. Otherwise, the Empress will leave this matter to the child. Let's do it!" Mo Han thought for a while, and felt that the relationship between the emperor and Zhang Huairen was very delicate, and the emperor could neither let her go, nor did he want her to die.This villain might as well have been done by Mo Han, after all, what she has for Zhang Huairen is not hatred, but pity...

"That old fox Zhang Huairen is very scheming, my mother is afraid that you will be in danger..." The emperor looked at Mo Han worriedly. She has been fighting with Zhang Huairen for 15 years, and the bond between the two is too deep. If Zhang Huairen is ambitious It's so big, if you stop it earlier, the matter won't get to the point where it is today. Zhang Huairen shouldn't use her daughter!

"No matter how cunning and calculating she is, isn't it all under the control of the empress?" Mo Han smiled indifferently, if it is said that the most sophisticated person in the world is her empress!She asked herself that a soul that has lived for two lifetimes is not her opponent, the queen mother. Fortunately, she is her own mother!
Everyone in the world knows that the sage knows the affairs of the world, and what he said is true.Before, Mo Han only knew about the outside affairs because the emperor read the memorials on weekdays, but after getting in touch with her for a long time, she realized that the emperor wanted to know all the big and small things in the capital, and he couldn't escape. I thought she had An Ye when she was only 15 years old, and the royal guards were passed down from generation to generation. This information network may be pervasive. Fortunately, I didn't have other thoughts, otherwise her An Ye would probably be like that. Lao Qi is as weak as a feather, and has long since disappeared into this world unknowingly!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has arrived..." Just as the mother and daughter were talking happily, the sound of my aunt's announcement came from outside the door.

"Didn't your sister just return to the mansion? Why did she abduct her again?" The emperor said casually.

"It was the baby who informed my sister to come, and this matter cannot be kept from her." Mo Han then explained.

"Let the princess come in!" The emperor said to the outside, and then heard the sound of pushing the door. The princess was very surprised when she came in and saw Mo Han. Her younger sister has always been lazy, and she is still in the imperial study. Miracle.

"Fan'er, your sister specially called you here because she has something to tell you, so sit down and listen!" The emperor stopped the princess from kneeling down to salute and said, and then signaled Mo Han to tell the princess what happened. .

"This old woman Zhang Huairen is really courageous!" After hearing this, the princess scolded angrily.

"Sister, the most important thing now is not to be afraid of her taking the throne, but to be afraid of what kind of twisted thoughts she has on her father and the queen!" Mo Han said, pointing to the small bottle of poison.

"Tomorrow morning, I will announce that the choice of a day will be passed on to the princess, and she will definitely find the sixth son to murder me. Then you just have to use your tricks. She just wants to find a puppet to be the emperor! As long as I am poisoned, she will be the emperor." I will not harm others for the time being." The emperor said after careful consideration.

"No, empress, you can't put yourself in danger!" The empress refused hastily, she just killed Zhang Huairen directly, why let empress take the risk for her.

"Emperor sister, don't worry, it's fine that the empress just leaked the poison to the outside world, and there's no need to really drink the poison!" Mo Han squinted his eyes and said to the empress, and then gave the emperor a meaningful smile .

"Then mother mother will go to your father's harem tomorrow night, and the poisoned emperor will be handed over to your sisters!" The emperor gave Mo Han a helpless look, the child was clearly saying that she was the old fox. !

"Mother, just protect you and the empress father, the child will help the emperor to capture that Zhang Huairen alive." Mo Han nodded solemnly, and the empress finally understood the meaning of the two.

Mo Han stayed in the palace that night, and kept the dormitory she lived in when she was a child, and sent someone to clean it every day, so she said that if her little granddaughter stayed in the palace overnight, she would be safe. a place to go.

Mo Han was lying in that familiar room, looking at the arrangement on the top of the bed, and suddenly felt a little dazed. Before she knew it, she had been here for almost 16 years. The lover who has been with her for a lifetime, it stands to reason that her life in this life should be considered complete, but she always feels empty in her heart, as if her wandering soul has no place to rest, and she still lacks a sense of belonging.

Belonging?Thinking of Zijin, Mo Han couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Such a stubborn child put all his heart on her, how could she be willing to abandon him and leave?I'm afraid that one day if she is really let go, she will not be willing!

(End of this chapter)

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