The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 488 It's All Misunderstandings

Chapter 488 It's All Misunderstandings
"No, I want to live forever with you!" Zijin hurriedly tugged on Mo Han's sleeve in a panic, he didn't want to miss her.

"If that's the case, then tell me—why... why did you allow other men to step into our bedroom? Why do you wash your face with tears every day? Why do you suddenly become so sentimental?" Mo Han stared at his son tightly. Jin's eyes forced him to ask.

"Mo" Zijin suddenly cried loudly in Mo Han's arms, as if he wanted to cry out all the grievances and anxieties these days, Mo Han just hugged him like this and let him cry She is very happy, if it is not for the great grievance, he will not be willing to give her up to others.

"Hey, don't cry, I have everything!" Seeing that he was almost crying, Mo Han wiped the tears from his face for him, and then coaxed him softly.

"Mo Han, I...I can't have children..." Zijin murmured with her mouth curled up in grievance. If it wasn't for Mo Han's extraordinary skill, she might not be able to hear the soft voice at all.

"Nonsense! Where did you hear this?" Mo Han thought of what the secret guard had reported to her at the time, and only said that Zijin had gone to Renhetang from the mansion that day, and came out within less than a stick of incense. Didn't take it too seriously, but it wasn't because of this.

"I went to Renhetang, and the old doctor there said it, and... he also told me to adopt one of the servants, so as not to fall out of favor in the future." Zijin's eyes turned red again, and her voice became a little bit more choked up.

"The old doctor said you can't conceive, so I'm going to divorce you?" Mo Han suddenly felt a little funny, but tried not to laugh out loud, she was afraid that the little guy in her arms would misunderstand.

"You...will you?" Zijin suddenly grabbed Mo Han's clothes corner nervously and asked, would she not want him?

"What do you think? Little fool!" Mo Han nodded amusedly at Zijin's nose, and then said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Zijin, I'm to blame for this. When I was a child, the medicine for regulating the body lost a few flavors, and now you are still young, I don't want you to be in danger."

" mean you know about this? You don't want me to be pregnant?" Zijin wiped away his tears with his hands, then glared at Mo Han and asked, he has been out of his mind these days, he would be better off Die, trying to hide it from her all day long, but she already knew it?
"Why would I not want you to be pregnant? I just didn't want you to urinate and bear the pain of giving birth, so I didn't let An Ji take care of you prematurely, but I never thought that you would be sad because of it. It was my fault. I will tell you first, okay?" Mo Han softly coaxed Zi Jin's ear, and kept stroking his lower abdomen with his hands.

"Wuuu..." Zijin was just full of grievances, angry and unwilling to vent to Mo Han, just crying blindly.

"Don't cry any more. If you want a baby, I'll ask Anji to adjust the prescription for you. Drink a few times and you'll be fine! If you still feel wronged, can you hit me a few times to calm down? "Mo Han grabbed Zijin's hand and said.

"Where am I willing to hit you?" Zijin withdrew his hand and said, sniffling.

"Then don't feel wronged. I know what you're thinking. I'll send those servants away later, lest they stay in your eyes and annoy you." Mo Han knew his son Jin's temperament, when it comes to dealing with feelings, he is persistent and domineering, how can he tolerate others coveting his wife?
(End of this chapter)

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