Chapter 491
"Since my body is fine, why haven't I..." Zijin's eyes turned red suddenly, how could he not be in a hurry?If he is not in a hurry, his wife will be snatched away by another man...

"There will be! There will always be..." Mo Han gently patted Zijin's back to comfort him, all she can do now is to comfort him, she knows this child's stubbornness!

Time passed day by day in Zijin's anticipation and Mo Han's gentle coaxing, and finally on Mo Han's 16th birthday, Queen Feng couldn't wait any longer.

After the banquet, Queen Feng still couldn't help calling Mo Han into the palace. Although Mo Han was a little surprised, he thought it might be because of his birthday. Queen Feng had something to say to her, so she didn't dare to delay. After telling Zijin, he entered the palace with the father-in-law who came from the palace.

In Fengyi Palace, Empress Feng was frowning, Jiahe only accompanied her and didn't say much.

"Greetings to Queen Father, baby!" Mo Han opened the door and came in and bowed to Queen Feng first, until Queen Feng called her to sit down, and she stood up with a smile.

"Are you happy for your birthday?" Queen Feng asked lovingly along Mo Han's hair.

"Well, the host and guest have a good time!" Mo Han nodded with a smile.

"My Han'er has grown up..." Empress Feng sighed, with a bit of joy, a bit of relief, a bit of reluctance, and a bit of unwillingness in her tone.

"The child will always be the daughter of the empress father, and the empress father will always be the most important person in the child's heart." Mo Han leaned on Fenghou's shoulder and said coquettishly.

"Stupid child... the empress father is old... I can't even go out of the palace for Han'er's birthday banquet, for fear of causing trouble to my son..." Queen Feng smiled bitterly. If he was young a few years ago, he would be No matter what, she wanted to go out of the palace to the Eighth Prince's Mansion to celebrate Mo Han's birthday, but now, she has more energy than she wants!
"Father is in his prime, and in the eyes of the child, the father is always young and beautiful. If we go out together, people who don't know will think you are the brother of the child!" Mo Han held Fenghou's hand behind his back, joked.

In fact, Mo Han was afraid in his heart that this father who devoted his whole life to his daughter would leave her one day, and she would be in pain.

When she came to another world, she could only rely on the Phoenix Queen to protect her so far. This man is more gracious to her than the sky...

"You can play nonsense, how can you joke with your father like this?" Queen Feng gave Mo Han a doting look and said, although she was ashamed, the words finally made him feel good, and the sadness disappeared.

"My son is telling the truth, the queen father is the best man in the world!" Mo Han said affectionately while hooking Queen Feng's neck.

"All right, all right, if your husband hears this, it will make him sad for nothing. Your father understands your thoughts, but your father's thoughts... do you know?" Queen Feng asked Mo Han's hand gently. road.

"Now father's queen is considered a winner in life. I don't know what father's wish is?" Mo Han raised his eyes to Fenghou and asked in puzzlement. She knew that Fenghou would not be called by her son at this moment for no reason. palace.

"Now you have been married for nearly a year, but Zijin's child's stomach has never moved. It doesn't matter if you are a woman, but the reputation of a man's family is always important. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your son." Think about it, don't you?" Feng Hou finally said tactfully, as a father, he always has to take care of this kind of thing, which is related to the royal family's reputation!
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  The new article "The Millennium Romance of the Female Venerable" is being serialized, the millennium love, where to go, let's look at the love and hatred between Wei Young and Feng Hen.

(End of this chapter)

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