The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 494 Waiting for the flowers to bloom

Chapter 494 Waiting for the flowers to bloom
"The daughter thanked the father and made it perfect!" Mo Han stood up now, with a smile on his face.

Empress Feng looked at the smiling face of the young girl, and sighed silently. His daughter valued love and righteousness, and he should be proud of her. Why did he force her to come here? He always loves her the most.

Mo Han stayed and talked to Queen Feng for a while about his son, and then he was about to say goodbye and leave.

Empress Feng called her out and said, "Take this with you before leaving!"

Mo Han turned around in puzzlement, but saw that Empress Feng took out a glass bead hanging on a red string from the box behind her and handed it to her. Mo Han asked in confusion: "Father, what is this?" for what?"

"A present for your birthday..." Queen Feng said with a funny look at Mo Han.

"Didn't you send the gift to the palace a long time ago?" Mo Han only finished half of his sentence, and he realized what he meant when he saw Queen Feng's half-smiling eyes, and hurried forward to take it and put it in his arms , "Thank you, my son, for your understanding."

"The road is slippery at night, go back quickly!" Queen Feng pursed her lips and waved her hand. After all, his daughter was still too young, and she didn't consider things comprehensively enough.

Mo Han just left Fengyi Palace and went straight to the gate of the palace.

No matter when she returns to the mansion, there is always a lamp waiting for her to return home in the Eighth Prince's Mansion. Every time she thinks of it, Mo Han's heart is warmed!

"Greetings to the Eighth Prince!" Sanyue just came out of the room, saw Mo Han coming, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Wang Jun fell asleep?" Mo Han asked.

"No, I'm still waiting for you to come back!" Sanyue replied.

Mo Han pushed the door open and walked in, and the little man was really wrapped in a quilt, with a book in his hand, waiting for her!

"Are you back?" Zijin's eyes came alive when he saw the person coming, and he hurriedly got up and wanted to pounce on him. Mo Han caught him, stuffed him back under the quilt, and kissed his nose before letting him go. open him.

"If I come back late, you can rest first, don't wait for me..." Mo Han rubbed his cold hands, then took off his coat and said.

"Why have you been gone for so long? Why is the queen looking for you now?" Zijin asked curiously while reaching out to help Mo Han change his clothes.

"Here! You said you got a new gadget, and it happened to be my birthday, so you specially called me over to pick it up, and by the way, ask about today's birthday party." Mo Han took out the pill from his arms. The glazed bead came to pass to Zijin, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart for his father's thoughtfulness. He used this glazed bead to give himself a reason to enter the palace, and it also saved Zijin from being difficult to answer when asked, and also prevented Zijin from thinking wildly. Divorced with her.

This is her empress father, no matter what she said or did, she was always thinking about her, and she was afraid that she would be a little bit unsatisfactory, so she thought of everything for her.

"Father always treats you the best. He always thinks of you when he gets something good. You are so old, and he still remembers you everywhere. How pitiful are the parents of the world!" Zijin Rubbing the glazed beads in his hand, everyone said that the colored glaze beads can drive away diseases and avoid evil, but this is because of Empress Feng's full love for Mo Han.

"Yes! My father has favored me a bit since he was a child, and it hasn't changed until now. In the future, we will just treat him more filially. Put these beads away!" Mo Han changed his clothes, got up to take a bath, I didn't forget to tell Zijin not to read any more, and be careful not to hurt my eyes.

When Mo Han came out of the clean room, Zijin was still holding the glazed beads in his hand, and looked at her with big shining eyes without blinking. Mo Han was a little hairy when he saw him, so he hurriedly got into the bed and picked him up. Hugged, and then asked softly in his ear: "What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Tell me honestly, after you entered the palace to meet your father this time, besides this gift, can the queen tell you anything else?" Zijin asked Mo Han, shaking the glazed beads in front of Mo Han's eyes.

"Then the father and the queen have said a lot to me, let me tell my husband one by one." Mo Han sighed in his heart, Zijin has been suspicious every day because of the child's affairs, always like this .

"I didn't mean that... I..." Zijin hurriedly explained, he is not an ignorant man, how could he let his wife say such things.

"Then... what do you mean?" Mo Han stuffed Zijin into his arms again, and then asked while holding his hand.

"I... the empress father told you... that I want to marry the king for you?" Zijin asked humbly, he knew he shouldn't question his wife-lord like this, but he couldn't help it.

In the past year, he has also seen many doctors, and they all said that he is in good health, but Zijin is really worried about not being pregnant all the time. Although he has always wanted a child in his heart, this is not the most important thing. What I'm afraid of is...someone will come into the mansion to take away Mo Han's favor from him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that since Zijin married into the Eight Princes' Mansion, he lived a life of a fairy. There is no evil father-in-law who makes him set the rules every day, there is no side king or servant to compete with him for favor and love, and there is no concubine or concubine below. The woman made him worry and work hard.This is the life that men all over the world want, but Zijin lives in fear.

God is always fair, and the principle of overfulfilment leads to loss. Zijin knew in his heart that accidents would always happen in such a perfect life. Sure enough, God was unwilling to give him a child...

Although Queen Feng loves him as always, Mo Han still dotes on him like a treasure, but Zijin still feels uncomfortable in his heart, the child is his heart knot, if he still can't conceive, he has no right to stop Mo Han from marrying someone else Entering the door, when time passes by, love will arise, he can't imagine that Mo Han's eyes and heart will be filled with others in the future, if that's the case, it's better to kill his life with one knife to feel at ease.

"No, my father only told me to go see the imperial physician. Since you are fine, but you have never been pregnant, it may be that something is wrong with me. I was seriously ill when I was young, and I am afraid that the root cause of the disease is left behind. Zijin, if my problem prevents you from conceiving, would you still be willing to stay by my side?" Mo Han thought of this excuse for a long time. Relax, so that she won't be overwhelmed by this matter every day, she doesn't want to let him bear too much.

"Don't talk nonsense! Is there any problem with women? Even if I am healthy, it is not time yet. How could it have anything to do with you? You can't talk nonsense!" Zi Jin hurriedly reached out to cover Mo Han's mouth, his wife It's the best thing in the world, how could there be such a problem, if he doesn't have a child, it's because his body doesn't live up to expectations, so how can he blame her?

"Mo Han, don't say such stupid things anymore. There will always be children. We can wait with peace of mind. In my heart, you are more important than children!" Zijin added, no matter what happens, he will accompany you By her side!
 Thank you book friend Ke Xinma for the monthly pass!
  Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for the flowers and monthly pass!

  Thank you book friend Lan Fengye for the monthly pass!


  Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets and red beans!

  It’s hard to write an article on female dignity, and it’s been a bumpy journey. Thank you for your support. This article is coming to an end. I hope you don’t hesitate to vote. Monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are all smashed in. The author can stand it!

  ヾ≧≦) o
  The new article "The Millennium Romance of the Female Venerable" is being serialized, and readers who like the female emperor can continue to read it!

  She is the youngest daughter of Tianzun, with a peerless beauty, both civil and military.

  He is a fairy in the cloud, cold and arrogant, handsome and extraordinary.

  He is the only son of Fengshen, charming and charming, persistent and stubborn.

  She has been obsessed with the fairy in the cloud for thousands of years, and she sticks to it every day, but she can't get what she wants, so she has to reluctantly let him go free.

  "The child voluntarily goes down to the mortal world to endure calamity, please mother to fulfill it!" This love and calamity is difficult to endure, she can only choose to go to the mortal world to taste love and hatred, so as to help herself gain a new life as soon as possible.

  "Forget it! This catastrophe is always going to be experienced. I thought that child Yunyan was your love catastrophe, but who knows, the two of you have been entangled for thousands of years and there is no result. Go! Take a walk in the world and taste all the grains." Miscellaneous grains, tasted sour, sweet, bitter, hot, experienced joys and sorrows, my son can grow up!" Tianzun sighed, although she holds the world in her hands, but she can't do anything but love.

  Unexpectedly, there was someone who was willing to accompany her to go down to the mortal world together——Weiyang, do you know that I have been standing behind you and waiting for you during the more than 1000 years you have been waiting for him?
  After a hundred years in the mortal world, they are reborn and come back, where should their love go?
(End of this chapter)

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