Chapter 497
"My brother made fun of Xiao'er like everyone else. The most unparalleled woman in the world is none other than the Eighth Prince's daughter. No matter how hard Xiao'er tries to find a good wife, she can't be as happy as her brother!" Liu Xiaoer He said with a blushing face, he didn't know what Zijin was thinking, and he had never had contact with other women on weekdays. The only one he knew was Mo Han. It's better to let his elder brother plan something for him, but fortunately he is also his younger brother, so it's better than someone else.

After hearing Liu Xiaoer's words, Zijin was just startled, and then walked inward with Liu Xiaoer.Seeing that her brother didn't say a word, and she didn't show any displeasure on her face, Liu Xiaoer felt that her brother had listened to what she said, and he felt a little more happy in his heart.

In fact, Liu Xiaoer's thoughts are not wrong, which man would not fall in love with a gorgeous woman like Mo Han?What's more, Zijin has no children so far. If he married another side king, he would not bully the king with his children. But if their brothers serve one wife together, then one of his children will be adopted by his brother in the future, and his brother will also marry him. Even if there is a prostitute, then no one will be able to bully their brothers anymore.

A few people chatted and laughed and entered the main hall, the waiters neatly set out snacks and tea, Zijin hurriedly called everyone to sit down, and sat down to accompany them and gossiped about the family affairs.After all, they are Zijin's closest people, and there is obvious joy on his usually indifferent face at the moment.

"Zijin! Now there are no outsiders here. While your father Liu is here, you tell the truth to your father. You have been doing nothing for the past two years. The Eighth Prince...has she thought anything else?" Li Zhengjun took Zijin's hand and asked in a low voice, while Liu Fulang sat aside and listened carefully.

In the past two years, Liu Fulang has also heard many rumors about Zijin and the Eighth Prince's daughter, and he has always been worried about Zijin, but with his own identity, Li Zhengjun hasn't said anything yet, and he can't say much. Word.

Now that Li Zhengjun had spoken, Liu Fulang frowned anxiously. He knew that there were many royal rules, and Zijin's life might not be as easy as the rumors outside.

"Father, there is no need to worry. Mo Han treats the child wholeheartedly. Even if she has nothing to do, she never thinks about it. The empress father is kind, knowing that our hearts are connected, and I have never discussed this matter for Mo Han." Jin bowed his head with a slightly red face and said, if it is said that Mo Han has treated him all these years, it is really nothing to say.

"In this way, Daddy will be relieved!" Li Zhengjun let out a long breath. What he feared most was that Zijin's life would be difficult. Now that he knew that the Eighth Prince and Daughter treated him as before, why should he worry?only……

"Zijin! After all, this man will have a child by his side. It will not be long before you marry into the palace. If this continues, the eighth prince and daughter... will inevitably have to accept new people into the palace! "After hesitating for a moment, Li Zhengjun finally spoke.

"Daddy! Mo Han promised a child on her wedding day. In this life, as long as the child is alone, if you don't marry a side king or serve him, no matter what happens, there will never be a second male master in the eight princes' mansion! "Zijin looked into Li Zhengjun's eyes and said seriously.

Zijin's words undoubtedly surprised everyone, but what's more, they thought it was just the words of the eighth princess on the wedding day to coax him, and they couldn't take it seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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